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2020-3-13 08:05
Mass-spectrometry-based draft of the Arabidopsis proteome First author: Julia Mergner ; Affiliations: Technical University of Munich(慕尼黑理工大学) : Freising, Germany Corresponding author: Bernhard Kuster Plants are essential for life ...
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Communications Biology:具潜在镇痛功能的化合物C-糖基黄酮的丰富植物来源
2020-3-12 08:50
Pathway-specific enzymes from bamboo and crop leaves biosynthesize anti-nociceptive C-glycosylated flavones First author: Yuwei Sun ; Affiliations: CASInstitute of Plant Physiology and Ecology(中科院植物生理生态研究所) : Shanghai, China Correspond ...
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Plant Cell:拟南芥FHY3整合年龄和光信号负调控叶片衰老
2020-3-11 10:05
Arabidopsis FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL3 Integrates Age and Light Signals to Negatively Regulate Leaf Senescence First author: Tian Tian ; Affiliations: Shandong Agricultural University(山东农业大学) : Taian, China Corresponding author: Gang Li ...
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Nature Communications:拟南芥茎尖分生组织顶-基轴向模式建成调控机制
2020-3-10 07:39
A signal cascade originated from epidermis defines apical-basal patterning of Arabidopsis shoot apical meristems First author: Han Han ; Affiliations: Purdue University(普渡大学):West Lafayette, USA Corresponding author: Yun Zhou I ...
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PLOS Genetics:君迁子基因组揭示柿属植物支系特异性别决定系统的演化
2020-3-9 10:22
The persimmon genome reveals clues to the evolution of a lineage-specific sex determination system in plants First author: Takashi Akagi ; Affiliations: Okayama University(冈山大学):Saitama, Japan Corresponding author: Takashi Akagi Most a ...
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Nature Plants:植物保守胞内共生信号通路
2020-3-8 09:59
An ancestral signalling pathway is conserved in intracellular symbioses-forming plant lineages First author: Guru V. Radhakrishnan ; Affiliations: John Innes Centre(约翰英纳斯中心):Norwich, UK Corresponding author: Pierre-Marc Delaux ...
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2020-3-7 11:45
Transcriptional repression specifies the central cell for double fertilization First author: Meng-Xia Zhang ; Affiliations: CASInstitute of Genetics and Developmental Biology(中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所):Beijing, China Corresponding author: ...
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实验室介绍:Dolf Weijers Lab (荷兰瓦赫宁根大学)
2020-3-6 08:08
一直准备开一个新的、系统性介绍各个实验室的栏目,之前一直踌躇不前因为害怕自己邀请不到大牛来介绍自己实验室近些年的研究概况以及未来的研究方向。我的初步设计是先介绍一下 实验室的整体方向以及近五年、十年左右的研究成果 ,然后引出 目前正在开展的项目以及未来 ...
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Current Biology:植物整合环境信号与BR信号根据实际环境条件塑造植株的生长
2020-3-5 13:43
SUMO Conjugation to BZR1 Enables Brassinosteroid Signaling to Integrate Environmental Cues to Shape Plant Growth First author: Moumita Srivastava ; Affiliations: Durham University(杜伦大学):Durham, UK Corresponding author: Ari Sadanandom ...
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Current Biology:金鱼草多细胞毛状体模式演化的遗传基础
2020-3-4 18:01
Shared Mutations in a Novel Glutaredoxin Repressor of Multicellular Trichome Fate Underlie Parallel Evolution of Antirrhinum Species First author: Ying Tan ; Affiliations: University of Edinburgh(爱丁堡大学):Edinburgh, UK Corresponding ...
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