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Nature Communications:拟南芥WUSCHEL作为生长素响应“变阻器”维持顶端干细胞

已有 2704 次阅读 2019-11-13 06:41 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

WUSCHEL acts as an auxin response rheostat to maintain apical stem cells in Arabidopsis

First author: Yanfei Ma; Affiliations: Heidelberg University (海德堡大学): Heidelberg, Germany

Corresponding author: Jan U. Lohmann

To maintain the balance between long-term stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, dynamic signals need to be translated into spatially precise and temporally stable gene expression states. In the apical plant stem cell system, local accumulation of the small, highly mobile phytohormone auxin triggers differentiation while at the same time, pluripotent stem cells are maintained throughout the entire life-cycle. We find that stem cells are resistant to auxin mediated differentiation, but require low levels of signaling for their maintenance. We demonstrate that the WUSCHEL transcription factor confers this behavior by rheostatically controlling the auxin signaling and response pathway. Finally, we show that WUSCHEL acts via regulation of histone acetylation at target loci, including those with functions in the auxin pathway. Our results reveal an important mechanism that allows cells to differentially translate a potent and highly dynamic developmental signal into stable cell behavior with high spatial precision and temporal robustness.


通讯:Jan U. Lohmann (https://www.cos.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/j.lohmann?l=_e)


doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-13074-9

Journal: Nature Communications

Published date: November 08, 2019



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