
How to check plagiarism? 怎样检测抄袭?
热度 1 邱敦莲 2013-6-17 12:05
On Researchgate, one scholar asked how to check plagiarism?, and his presentation is as follows: I am not sure whether this question has been asked on research gate or not. If this topic is already theirs please send me link. One of the problem we are facing is to check duplication (copie ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|9569 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
最严重的著者不端行为 Worst practices for misconduct authors
热度 4 邱敦莲 2013-6-6 11:18
读到一篇总结学术不端的文章,感觉总结得非常到位! 本篇文章中所述的最恶劣学术不端行为,在祖国大地似乎遍地都是! 由于文章是老外写的,因此,我们可以假想他们要求的标准是不是比中国要高些? 便于部分中国读者阅读, 我对此文进行了翻译。 There are several ideas going around in my ...
个人分类: 科技杂谈|5480 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 4
邱敦莲 2013-6-5 12:18
Key factors when selecting a journal 投稿选期刊时考虑的主要因素 In researchgate , one topic is about the journal selection. Several scholars talked about their views about this topic. I slightly edited their views and copied them here. You are welcome to add more of your vie ...
个人分类: 科技杂谈|3292 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 邱敦莲 2013-5-20 16:33
不同的期刊对论文有不同的具体写作要求,但一篇学术期刊论文一般应包括以下一些基本的部分: 1. Title 标题 2. Authors 作者 3. Affiliations作者单位 4. Abstract 摘要 (中文期刊一般要求同时有中英文摘要) 5. Main body 正文 (包括文字和图表) 6. Reference 参考文献 ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|19777 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 邱敦莲 2013-5-20 15:56
1. ISSN: 国际标准书号 ISSN ( International Standard Serial Number ) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication. Periodicals published in both print and electronic form may have two ISSNs, a print ISSN ( p- ISSN) and an electronic ISSN ( ...
个人分类: 科技杂谈|5002 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
提醒: 《山地科学学报(英文版)》编辑部的网站是jms.imde.ac.cn
邱敦莲 2013-3-4 15:20
有不少读者不清楚《山地科学学报(英文版)》(Journal of Mountain Science)编辑部的网站地址,而且在Google和Baidu中采用“山地科学学报”进行搜索得到的前面多个结果均不是指向本刊编辑部的网站。 鉴于此,有必要给作者和读者介绍一下本刊的网站,以及如何搜索本刊网站。 ...
个人分类: JMS信息|6000 次阅读|没有评论
Suggestions on how to raise the profile of the JMS
邱敦莲 2013-2-27 18:54
Prof. Iain Taylor Associate Editor in chief of the JMS I have had several conversations with editor colleagues here in Canada and the USA since I left Chengdu. I have combined them with lessons I learned from you, your Editorial Assistants, and the brief meetin ...
个人分类: JMS信息|3830 次阅读|没有评论
A very good cover letter 展示一篇写得很好的Cover Letter
热度 4 邱敦莲 2013-1-24 11:53
Cover letter is an important part for a new submission. Today a new submssion has a very good cover letter. It briefly introduced the main contents of the paper, and declared that there was no interest conflictand unethical issues related to the research and report, and all aut ...
个人分类: JMS信息|8456 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 4
If you want to consult your manuscript status......
邱敦莲 2012-8-30 10:03
JMS has adopted Tompson Reuters' ScholarOne Manuscript system since last September. All manuscripts are processed online and authors can check their manuscript status online by themselves. In spite of that, some authors still write emails to JMS to consult their manuscript status possibly because ...
个人分类: JMS信息|5207 次阅读|没有评论

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