
Stay away from the hospital (and your doctors)
虞左俊 2013-9-21 09:28
Even in the US, medical mistakes are not uncommon. If one does not die from heart attack and cancer, he'e better watch out for his doctors. Here are some statistics: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/09/20/224507654/how-many-die-from-medical-mistakes-in-u-s-hospitals ...
个人分类: From the U.S.|3477 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 虞左俊 2013-9-14 19:06
今天有时间上网看东东,决定看 《北京人在纽约》,因为在美国不能看(有些中国网不让外国的IP address用)。 好不容易看完20分钟,感到“忍无可忍”。这东东居然还得了大奖?
个人分类: 中文博客|5719 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2
To Kill a Mockingbird (book and movie)
热度 1 虞左俊 2013-9-13 19:23
I heard of this book a while ago, but never had time to read it. I got the book on my Kindle (for free), and started to read it on the plane a few days ago. I just could not put it down. To finish the last few pages this morning, I had to shift my work hours by 30 mins. After work, I deci ...
个人分类: iBook|4049 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
yahoo email, enough is enough
虞左俊 2013-8-28 07:52
I was sick of seeing university IT warning about what I can and cannot say in my university email. So, when I had trouble logged in from China, I opened a yahoo email account. I am not sure since when, it started to show ads along the right hand side of the screen when I work on my email. Ok ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|5725 次阅读|没有评论
热度 5 虞左俊 2013-8-28 04:09
我是1992年下半年开始在美国工作的。工作后,少不了填一打表格,其中就有退休储蓄。有朋友比我先入“虎口”,忠告我不要小看退休储蓄。可是,这些“paper money,或是“纸上谈兵”,实在太渺小了。不久,我看到我的年终报告:net gain/loss being negative. 我傻呵呵问老板,这是什么意思?他一笑:“You lost mone ...
个人分类: From the U.S.|4432 次阅读|21 个评论 热度 5
热度 2 虞左俊 2013-8-26 16:02
我不喜欢等待。所以,上星期才开始看中国好声音第二季。今天看 第二期,一开始有点担心: OMG, 21-year-old young man was treated by his mom as if he were 12 years old. 可是,后来的歌手都挺感人的。尤其是 花甲大叔钟伟强。 You are great! 我在想。中国有这么多“玩”音乐的。什么时候, ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3488 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 2
American school dorm must-have: XL twin fitted sheet
热度 1 虞左俊 2013-8-17 01:52
If you are sending your child to live in a school dorm in the US, you need an XL twin fitted sheet. Otherwise, the flat sheet will NOT stay. Better, get your child an XL mattress pad. Now, if you are business minded, you can open an online store in China selling XL fitted sheets
个人分类: From the U.S.|2780 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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