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已有 3126 次阅读 2015-10-14 06:05 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记



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A-query: Gene and aging
C-query: human life-span

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 951 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 30306 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 1618 terms on the current B-list (601 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.




job id # 30306 started Tue Oct 13 17:00:09 2015
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: Gene and aging Tue Oct 13 17:00:17 2015

A query = Gene and aging started Tue Oct 13 17:00:18 2015
A query resulted in 36429 titles
C_query_raw: human life-span Tue Oct 13 17:01:59 2015

C: human life-span 11120

A: Gene and aging 36429

AC: ( Gene and aging ) AND ( human life-span ) 951

C_query_raw: human life-span Tue Oct 13 17:02:03 2015

C: human life-span 11120

A: Gene and aging 36429

AC: ( Gene and aging ) AND ( human life-span ) 951

C query = human life-span started Tue Oct 13 17:02:03 2015
C query resulted in 11120 titles
A AND C query resulted in 951 titles
22152 B-terms ready on Tue Oct 13 17:02:34 2015

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
1618 B-terms left after filter executed Tue Oct 13 17:05:49 2015

B-list on Tue Oct 13 17:06:52 2015
1 adiponectin
2 brca1
3 toll receptor
4 jnk
5 wnt
6 mecp2
7 akt
8 vegf
9 ku70
10 mtor
11 huntingtin
12 frataxin
13 daf-16
14 sirtuin
15 caspase-3
16 microsatellite
17 serotonin transporter gene
18 p27kip1
19 signal regulated kinase
20 p66shc
21 helix loop helix
22 sirt3
23 caspase
24 sir2
25 cd28
26 cyclin dependent kinase
27 nestin
28 dystrophin
29 cdk2
30 mdx
31 rankl
32 pi3k
33 sp1
34 tdp-43
35 sirt1
36 cyclin e
37 htert gene
38 pten
39 jak stat
40 ucp2
41 sod1
42 prohibitin
43 mdm2
44 e2f1
45 cacna1a
46 grp78
47 anti mullerian hormone
48 parkin
49 leptin
50 k ras
51 map kinase
52 p53 tumor suppressor
53 mcl-1
54 gata-4
55 bdnf
56 microrna
57 p53 gene
58 id1
59 transporter gene
60 ts65dn
61 foxo
62 uncoupling protein
63 cip1
64 cd38
65 stat3
66 fat mass
67 prnp
68 swi
69 e polymorphism
70 brca2
71 swi snf
72 telomerase reverse transcriptase
73 klotho
74 cdna
75 cyclin d1
76 globin gene
77 adenovirus mediated gene
78 lrrk2
79 ampk
80 sgs1
81 heat shock factor
82 p16ink4a
83 lkb1
84 shc
85 bmi-1
86 bax
87 nanog
88 nod scid
89 matrix metalloproteinase
90 foxp3
91 foxo3a
92 serial analysis gene
93 peroxiredoxin
94 prion protein
95 caspase-8
96 lpr gene
97 waf1
98 apoe
99 c myc
100 mthfr



请见  AB文献与BC文献


AB literature




BC literature


Gene and aging brca1human life-span
1:BRCA1 deficiency in skin epidermis leads to selective loss of hair follicle stem cells and their progeny. 2013
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2: BRG1 is required for formation of senescence-associated heterochromatin foci (SAHF) induced by oncogenic RAS or BRCA1 loss. 2013
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3: Chromatin remodeling, BRCA1, SAHF and cellular senescence. 2013
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4: The BRCA1/BARD1-Interacting Protein OLA1 Functions in Centrosome Regulation. 2013
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5: RAS, cellular senescence and transformation: The BRCA1 DNA repair pathway at the crossroads. 2012
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6: Oncogenic Ras Regulates BRIP1 Expression to Induce Dissociation of BRCA1 from Chromatin, Inhibit DNA Repair, and Promote Senescence. 2011
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7: The interplay between BRCA1 and 53BP1 influences death, aging, senescence and cancer. 2010
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8: Resveratrol induces senescence-like growth inhibition of U-2 OS cells associated with the instability of telomeric DNA and upregulation of BRCA1. 2009
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9: Absence of full-length Brca1 sensitizes mice to oxidative stress and carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis in the esophagus and forestomach. 2007
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10: High prevalence of BRCA1 deletions in BRCAPRO-positive patients with high carrier probability. 2007
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11: Negative selection on BRCA1 susceptibility alleles sheds light on the population genetics of late-onset diseases and aging theory. 2007
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12: ATM-Chk2-p53 activation prevents tumorigenesis at an expense of organ homeostasis upon Brca1 deficiency. 2006
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13: FANCL replaces BRCA1 as the likely ubiquitin ligase responsible for FANCD2 monoubiquitination. 2004
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14: Identification and evaluation of 55 genetic variations in the BRCA1 and the BRCA2 genes of patients from 50 Japanese breast cancer families. 2004
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15: Uterus hyperplasia and increased carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis in mice carrying a targeted mutation of the Chk2 phosphorylation site in Brca1. 2004
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16: Senescence, aging, and malignant transformation mediated by p53 in mice lacking the Brca1 full-length isoform. 2003
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17: Average age-specific cumulative risk of breast cancer according to type and site of germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 estimated from multiple-case breast cancer families attending Australian family cancer clinics. 2003
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18: Loss of nuclear BRCA1 localization in breast carcinoma is age dependent. 2002
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19:BRCA1 gene sequence variation in centenarians. 2001
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20: Estrogens, BRCA1, and breast cancer. 2000
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21: Modeling the probability that Ashkenazi Jewish women carry a founder mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2. 1999
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22: Detection of heterozygous truncating mutations in the BRCA1 and APC genes by using a rapid screening assay in yeast. 1997
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1: When parents disclose BRCA1/2 test results: Their communication and perceptions of offspring response. 2012
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2: CASP8 D302H polymorphism delays the age of onset of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers. 2010
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3:BRCA1 involvement in toxicological responses and human cancer etiology. 2009
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4:Brca1 heterozygous mice have shortened life span and are prone to ovarian tumorigenesis with haploinsufficiency upon ionizing irradiation. 2007
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分子生物学数据库 Molecular Biology Databases



breast cancer 1, early onset  早期乳腺癌基因1
Feature Type
protein coding gene
Genetic Map
Chromosome 11
65.18 cM, cytoband D
Detailed Genetic Map ± 1 cM

Mapping data(25)
Sequence Map
Chr11:101488764-101551955bp, - strand
From VEGA annotation of GRCm38

<!-- handle end   63192 bp  ±  kb flank

VEGA Genome Browser | Ensembl Genome Browser | UCSC Browser | NCBI Map Viewer



Mouse Genome Browser
HomoloGene:5276  Vertebrate Homology Class
1 human; 1 mouse; 1 rat; 1 chimpanzee; 1 rhesus macaque; 1 cattle; 1 dog; 1 chicken

HCOP human homology predictions:BRCA1
Protein SuperFamily: transcriptional regulator, BRCA1 type
Gene Tree: Brca1

BRCA1, breast cancer 1, early onset
Orthology source: HGNC, HomoloGene

NCBI Gene ID: 672
neXtProt AC:NX_P38398


Human Chr (Location):17q21; chr17:43044295-43125483(-)  GRCh38.p2

Disease Associations: (3)Diseases Associated with Human BRCA1

alleles, and
All mutations/alleles(89) :Gene trapped(66)Targeted(23)
Genomic Mutations involving Brca1 (1)
Incidental mutations (data fromMutagenetix, APF, CvDC)

Homozygous null mutants are embryonic lethal with abnormalities including growth retardation, neural tube defects, and mesoderm abnormalities; conditional mutations cause genetic instability and enhanced tumor formation; mutants with truncated BRCA1 protein survive, have a kinky tail, pigmentation anomalies, male infertility and increased tumor incidence.

Human Diseases Modeled in Mice Using Brca1 (1)   Mutations Annotated to Human Diseases (8)   Phenotype Images(2)
Brca1 interacts with 236 markers (Mir1a-1, Mir1a-2, Mir1b, ...)
Gene Ontology
Literature Summary: (38 records)
Data Summary:Results (418)   Tissues (216)   Images (41)   Tissue x Stage Matrix (view)
Assay TypeResults
RNA in situ287
Northern blot28
Western blot3
cDNA source data(136)
Other mouse links: Allen InstituteGEOExpression Atlas
Other vertebrate links: GEISHA BRCA1; Xenbasebrca1NEW
All nucleic(159)Genomic(16)cDNA(137)Primer pair(5)Other(1)
Microarray probesets(6)
Other database
VEGA Gene Model OTTMUSG00000002870 (Evidence)
Ensembl Gene Model ENSMUSG00000017146 (Evidence)
Entrez Gene 12189 (Evidence)
UniGene 244975
DFCI TC1577432, TC1625383, TC1693006
DoTS DT.101407283, DT.529940, DT.97414487
NIA Mouse Gene Index U033456
EC 6.3.2.-
Consensus CDS Project CCDS25474.1
International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium Status Brca1
Representative SequencesLengthStrain/SpeciesFlank
genomicOTTMUSG00000002870VEGA Gene Model | MGI Sequence Detail63192C57BL/6J±  kb
transcriptOTTMUST00000005869VEGA | MGI Sequence Detail6572Not Applicable
polypeptideOTTMUSP00000002773VEGA | MGI Sequence Detail1812Not Applicable

For the selected sequences download in FASTA format forward to MouseBLASTAll sequences(61)RefSeq(7)UniProt(8)

All PCR and RFLP(4): PCR(1)RFLP(3)SNPs within 2kb(280 from dbSNP Build 137)
InterProIPR025994BRCA1, serine-rich domain
InterProIPR001357BRCT domain
InterProIPR011364Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein (BRCA1)
InterProIPR018957Zinc finger, C3HC4 RING-type
InterProIPR013083Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type
InterProIPR001841Zinc finger, RING-type
InterProIPR017907Zinc finger, RING-type, conserved site
(Earliest) J:31493Hall JM, et al., Linkage of early-onset familial breast cancer to chromosome 17q21. Science. 1990 Dec 21;250(4988):1684-9
(Latest) J:224588Kato Y, et al., FANCB is essential in the male germline and regulates H3K9 methylation on the sex chromosomes during meiosis. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Sep 15;24(18):5234-49
All references(249)
Disease annotation references (5)
accession IDs
Contributing Projects:










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