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已有 3129 次阅读 2013-8-7 09:04 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记| 知识, 母乳喂养, 老年性



       英国剑桥大学的一项最新研究发现,母乳喂养不仅对婴儿的健康成长有利,对母亲来说也有好处,那些在抚育孩子期间坚持母乳喂养的女性晚年罹患阿尔茨海默症(也称为老年性痴呆)的风险比那些没有进行母乳喂养的女性会更小,且坚持母乳喂养的时间越长,这种风险就越低。 这一研究成果发表在最新一期《阿尔茨海默症杂志》上,是研究人员通过对81名年龄介于70岁至100岁之间的英国妇女进行调查研究后得出。



Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
知识发现平台  http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/edit_b.cgi
A-query: Maternal Breastfeeding
C-query: Alzheimer's Disease

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 1 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 29066 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 709 terms on the current B-list (发现163母乳喂养与母亲老年性痴呆关联的生理学研究相关知识概念,这些知识概念是文献中隐含的知识点,称为非相关文献的知识概念,也称隐性知识,这些文献之间没有引证关系(引用或互引),科研人员可以去分析这些知识点,也许从中获得科研启发,对科研选题有所帮助;也许对正在进行中的科研工作有参考意义。163 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.






job id # 29066 started Tue Aug 6 20:01:58 2013
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: Maternal Breastfeeding Tue Aug 6 20:02:08 2013

A query = Maternal Breastfeeding started Tue Aug 6 20:02:08 2013
A_query_raw: Maternal Breastfeeding Tue Aug 6 20:02:09 2013

A query resulted in 14610 titles
A query = Maternal Breastfeeding started Tue Aug 6 20:02:09 2013
A query resulted in 14610 titles
C_query_raw: Maternal Breastfeeding Tue Aug 6 20:02:11 2013

C: Maternal Breastfeeding 14610

A: pubmed_query_A 14610

C_query_raw: Maternal Breastfeeding Tue Aug 6 20:02:12 2013

AC: ( Maternal Breastfeeding ) AND ( Maternal Breastfeeding ) 14610

C: Maternal Breastfeeding 14610

A: pubmed_query_A 14610

AC: ( Maternal Breastfeeding ) AND ( Maternal Breastfeeding ) 14610

C_query_raw: Alzheimer's Disease Tue Aug 6 20:02:21 2013

C: Alzheimer's Disease 92611

A: pubmed_query_A 14610

AC: ( Maternal Breastfeeding ) AND ( Alzheimer's Disease ) 1

C_query_raw: Alzheimer's Disease Tue Aug 6 20:02:22 2013

C: Alzheimer's Disease 92611

A: pubmed_query_A 14610

AC: ( Maternal Breastfeeding ) AND ( Alzheimer's Disease ) 1

C_query_raw: Alzheimer's Disease Tue Aug 6 20:02:24 2013

C: Alzheimer's Disease 92611

A: pubmed_query_A 14610

AC: ( Maternal Breastfeeding ) AND ( Alzheimer's Disease ) 1

C query = Alzheimer's Disease started Tue Aug 6 20:02:24 2013
C query resulted in 50000 titles
A AND C query resulted in 1 titles
11219 B-terms ready on Tue Aug 6 20:02:53 2013

709 B-terms left after filter executed Tue Aug 6 20:07:28 2013

B-list on Tue Aug 6 20:08:53 2013
1 gene polymorphism
2 promoter polymorphism
3 cognitive function
4 polymorphism risk
5 sleep wake
6 sleep
7 related apoptosis inducing
8 apoptosis inducing ligand
9 25-hydroxyvitamin d
10 f fdg
11 selective serotonin reuptake
12 reuptake inhibitor
13 race ethnicity
14 self efficacy
15 cyp2d6 genotype
16 mood stabilizer
17 tnf related apoptosis
18 apoptosis
19 polymorphism
20 attention deficit hyperactivity
21 racial ethnic disparity
22 transporter
23 glucose tolerance
24 long term potentiation
25 waist hip ratio
26 metal concentration
27 citation
28 verbal
29 birth cohort
30 pharmacogenetic
31 polymorphism interleukin
32 gender difference
33 visceral fat
34 blood pressure
35 susceptibility locus
36 d deficiency
37 cd4 t
38 exercise
39 circumference
40 insulin sensitivity
41 wakefulness
42 neurobehavioral cognitive
43 fear memory
44 cognitive development
45 cognitive
46 treatment strategy
47 attitude
48 cognition
49 apoptosis inducing
50 childhood cognitive
51 attention deficit
52 innate immune
53 situ hybridization
54 cognitive behavioral
55 risk cognitive
56 visual evoked potential
57 regression model
58 theta rhythm
59 disease progression
60 knowledge attitude
61 heart rate variability
62 fluorescence situ hybridization
63 rem sleep
64 racial ethnic
65 milk fat
66 memory
67 major susceptibility
68 genotype
69 genetic polymorphism
70 head circumference
71 proliferation apoptosis
72 bone mineral
73 neuropsychological function
74 non insulin dependent
75 adult intelligence
76 docosahexaenoic acid content
77 nutritional
78 gene expression
79 nutritional status
80 olfactory
81 sleep duration
82 depression sleep
83 transporter rat
84 racial
85 autoimmunity
86 cognitive performance
87 effect sleep
88 nutrition
89 insulin dependent
90 nutrition cardiovascular
91 treatment attention
92 attitude knowledge
93 hearing
94 weight loss
95 base excision repair
96 immune function
97 lack association
98 cholesterol concentration
99 independent predictor
100 initiation
101 length polymorphism
102 folic acid pregnancy
103 change sleep
104 model sleep
105 haplotype
106 lipid metabolism
107 aerobic exercise
108 signal transducer
109 brain activation
110 birth weight
111 iq
112 short sleep
113 i insulin growth
114 death hospitalization
115 care receiver
116 central nervous
117 perception
118 mercury concentration
119 mental
120 dependent diabetes mellitus
121 health initiative
122 birth
123 coping strategy
124 menopause
125 grief
126 fat cholesterol
127 composition erythrocyte
128 lived experience
129 image
130 cognitive functioning
131 weight
132 gender specific
133 weight gain
134 obsessive
135 dying
136 survey attitude
137 risk development
138 humoral immune response
139 spermatogenesis
140 appetite
141 protein fat
142 health belief
143 attention
144 association caregiver
145 care facility
146 liver function
147 olfactory function
148 attentional
149 intelligence
150 initiative
151 voice
152 humoral immune
153 visual acuity
154 composition erythrocyte membrane
155 history
156 pressure
157 energy balance
158 susceptibility
159 transport
160 body composition
161 emission
162 linkage
163 satisfaction


Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
AB literature




BC literature


Maternal Breastfeeding 母乳喂养 gene polymorphism基因多态性 Alzheimer's Disease 老年性痴呆
1: Binding of Human Milk to Pathogen Receptor DC-SIGN Varies with Bile Salt-Stimulated Lipase (BSSL) Gene Polymorphism. 2011
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2: Association of biochemical parameters and RAGE gene polymorphisms in healthy infants and their mothers. 2010
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3: IL13 gene polymorphisms modify the effect of exposure to tobacco smoke on persistent wheeze and asthma in childhood, a longitudinal study. 2008
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1: Lack of association of CR1, PICALM and CLU gene polymorphisms with Alzheimer disease in a Polish population. 2013
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2: No association of SORT1 gene polymorphism with sporadic Alzheimer's disease in the Chinese Han population. 2013
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3: Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms and Alzheimer's Disease in Brazil. 2013
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4: Preliminary investigation of the influence of CREB1 gene polymorphisms on cognitive dysfunction in Chinese patients with major depression. 2013
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5: Association between DPYSL2 gene polymorphisms and alcohol dependence in Caucasian samples. 2013
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6: Implication of IL-33 gene polymorphism in Chinese patients with Alzheimer's disease. 2012
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7: A novel ARC gene polymorphism is associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. 2012
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