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数学对科学的危害? 精选

已有 9915 次阅读 2015-2-9 01:14 |个人分类:数学|系统分类:科研笔记



数学家Jacob T. Schwartz(纽约大学Courant数学研究所数学与计算机教授)写过一篇很刺眼的文章:“The Pernicious Influence of Mathematics on Science”(文章重印见Discrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science, and Philosophy, edited by Mark Kac, Gian-Carlo Rota and Jacob T. Schwartz, 1992),大概说数学只能玩儿简单游戏,复杂的就不行了:

Mathematics is able to deal successfully only with the simplest of situations, more precisely, with a complex situation only to the extent that rare good fortune makes this complex situation hinge upon a few dominant simple factors. Beyond the well-traversed path, mathematics loses its bearings in a jungle of unnamed special functions and impenetrable combinatorial particularities. Thus, the mathematical technique can only reach far if it starts from a point close to the simple essentials of a problem which has simple essentials. That form of wisdom which is the opposite of single-mindedness, the ability to keep many threads in hand, to draw for an argument from many disparate sources, is quite foreign to mathematics. 

那天说的Gregory Chaitin“证明达尔文”在正文前引用过这段话。我过了一眼Jacob的文章,现在向大家传达精神:

1)计算机死心眼儿,没想象力,头脑简单(single-mindedness, literal-mindedness, simple-mindedness),这些毛病全是数学感染的。



4)因为数学无聊,没想象力(literal-mindedness,只会照本本做事,没创意),假如要适当用于科学,那么它需要证明的假定还得从更大的视野去寻找,而它自己是看不见的。(The literal-mindedness of mathematics thus makes it essential, if mathematics is to be appropriately used in science, that the assumptions upon which mathematics is to elaborate be correctly chosen from a larger point of view, invisible to mathematics itself.)(接下来就是前面引的那段话。)


5)数学没想象力,自然头脑简单(simple-mindedness),想证明一切——不管是辉煌还是荒谬,都给披上一套夺目的公式和定理的外衣(to dress scientific brilliancies and scientific absurdities alike in the impressive uniform of formulae and theorems)。穿了衣服的荒谬比赤裸裸的荒谬更有诱惑


6)数学是骗人的戏法儿。如在统计力学中起着基本作用的Birkhoff各态历经定理,恰好证明了它只不过是各态历经假定上的一个无关紧要的超结构(a questionably relevant superstructure upon this hypothesis)。











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