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已有 4889 次阅读 2017-11-6 08:41 |个人分类:物理|系统分类:科研笔记

   偶然看到Chicago Undergraduate Physics Bibliography,很多书我都有过也“看过”,还有几本假装认真读过,也评论和推荐过,心有戚戚焉,于是抄来大家共享(原有推荐者对每本书的评论,从略;同学们还是自己看了书再说)——我更想特别向非物理专业的同学推荐,因为这些书代表了现代科学的成长和思维特征,我们至少应该了解一点。正如老爱在大约90年前说的,在成长的青年时代中断了智力训练,很可能留下以后难以弥补的缺失。(Interruption of intellectual training in the formative period of youth is very apt to leave a gap which can hardly be filled later.)现在大家缺失的,就是这些书里的东西。


Kleppner & Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics

Feynmann, R.P., Leighton, R.B., & Sands, M.L., TheFeynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I

Marion, J.B. &Thornton, S.T., Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems

Calkin, M.G., Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics

Landau, L.D., Lifschitz, E.M., Course of TheoreticalPhysics, V. I: Mechanics

Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics

Arnol'd, V. I., Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics


Purcells, E.M., Electricity & Magnetism

Griffiths, D.J.,Introduction to Electrodynamics

Wangsness, R.K., Electromagnetic Fields

Landau, L.D. & Lifschitz, E.M., A Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. II: The Classical Theory of Fields

Jackson, J.D., Classical Electrodynamics

Smythe, W.R., Static and Dynamic Electricity


Griffiths, D.J.,Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Dui, B., & Laloe, F., QuantumMechanics

Shankar, R., Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Townsend, J.S., A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics

Edmonds, A.R., AngularMomentum in Quantum Mechanics

Dirac, P.A.M., The Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Feynman, R.P. & Hibbs, A., Quantum Mechanics andPath Integrals

Schiff, L., Quantum Mechanics

Landau, L.D., A Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol.III: Quantum Mechanics

Sakurai, J.J, Modern QuantumMechanics

Merzbacher, E., Quantum Mechanics


Hill, T., An Introduction to StatisticalThermodynamics

Hill, T., Statistical Mechanics: Principles &Selected Applications

Reif, F., Fundamentals of Statistical & ThermalPhysics

Goodstein, D., States of Matter

Tolman, R.C., The Principles of Statistical Mechanics

Landau, L.D. & Lifschitz, E.M., StatisticalPhysics, Vol. I

Landau, L.D., Statistical Physics, Vol. II


Perkins, D.H., Introduction to High Energy Physics

Gottfried, K. & Weisskopf, V., FundamentalConcepts of Particle Physics

Halzen, F. & Martin, A.D., Quarks & Leptons: AModern Introduction to Particle Physics


Gradshteyn, I.S., Ryzhik, J.M., Ryzhik, I.M., &Jeffrey, A., Table of Integrals, Series, and Products

Arfken, G.B. & Weber, H., Mathematical Methods forPhysicists

Mathews, J. & Walker, R.L., Mathematical Methodsof Physics


Schutz, B., A First Course in Generaly Relativity

Dirac, P.A.M., General Relativity

D'Inverno, R., Introducing Einstein's Relativity

Landau, L.D. & Liftschitz, E.M., The ClassicalTheory of Fields

Misner, C., Thorne, K., & Wheeler, J.A.,Gravitation

Wald, R., General Relativity

Stewart, J., Advanced General Relativity

Weinberg, S., Gravitation and Cosmology: Principlesand Applications of the General Theory of Relativity

Peebles, J., Principles of Physical Cosmology

Kolb, E. & Turner, M., The Early Universe


von Neumann, J., Mathematical Foundations of QuantumMechanics

Baez, J., Gauge Fields, Knots, and Gravity

Geroch, R., Mathematical Physics

Jauch, J.M., Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Haag, R., Local Quantum Physics: Fields, Particles,Algebras

Glimm, J. & Jaffe, A., Quantum Physics: AFunctional Integral Point of View


Sakurai, J.J., Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Ryder, L.H., Quantum Field Theory

Peskin, M.E. & Schroeder,D.V., AnIntroduction to Quantum Field Theory

Kaku, M., Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction

Weinberg, S., The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. I:Foundations

Weinberg, S., The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. II:Modern Applications

Wald, R., Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime andBlack Hole Thermodynamics


Green, M., Schwarz, J., & Witten, E., Superstring Theory, Vol. I &II

Polchinksi, J., String Theory, vol. I & II


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