
华建波 2019-5-7 19:30
Equinor Bolsters South Korea Floating Wind Ties Norway’s Equinor has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with South Korea’s Ulsan City to cooperate on the development of floating wind projects in South Korea. Under the MoU, Equinor and Ulsan City will jointly explore the opportunities f ...
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华建波 2019-5-7 14:45
除了私营造船企业断断续续的倒闭和国营的巨额亏损,这几年来中国海洋工程和造船业的最大亮点是建造航母和包饱子式地建造各类军用舰艇,从而军谜们能够大肆欢呼:我们成为海洋强国了,马上可以超越美国了。不过有一点事实需要知道,美国人之所以每年耗费巨款,供养着一个超级海上武装力量,为的是控制国际石油天然气市场, ...
2043 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 华建波 2019-4-27 23:03
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Free-For-All Hits California Coast Twitter LinkedIn Facebook April 26th, 2019by Tina Casey Things sure are happening fast around the US offshore wind power scene. Up until last week it looked like wind develo ...
2978 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
华建波 2019-4-13 17:37
EnerOcean Unveils Floating Wind Turbine Prototype The Spanish EnerOcean has launched its floating wind turbine prototype W2Power at theAstican Shipyard in Gran Canaria. Source: Ghenova W2Power, built and assembled at the Astican Shipyard, will be installed at the PLOCAN offshore test site ...
2075 次阅读|没有评论
华建波 2019-4-5 14:49
Revealed: Saipem’s Floating Offshore Wind Bet The Italian contractor joins a growing list of oil and gas companies that includes Royal Dutch Shell and Equinor in moving into the floating offshore wind market. Saipem, the Italian oil and gas contractor, has unveiled a novel floating offshore ...
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华建波 2019-4-3 17:20
MHI Vestas announced on Monday that it had been awarded the contract to supply 5 of its 9.5 megawatt (MW) wind turbines to the 50 MW Kincardine Floating Offshore Wind Park in Scotland. The announcement confirms a firm order signed back in 2018 withSpanish developer and construction compan ...
2215 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 华建波 2019-3-26 17:25
据国家统计局报道,中国现在每年需要进口石油四点六亿吨,天燃气约一亿吨,煤四,五亿吨,需要外汇合人民币近二万亿元,而且在逐年增加。同时,出口劳动密集型产品(服装,纺织品,鞋,家俱等)所得外汇收入超过二万五千亿元。 我们知道,中国能够出口这么多劳动密集型产品是因为劳动力价格相对便宜。现在工资水 ...
2622 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
华建波 2019-3-6 17:56
世界上第一座海上浮动式风电场于2017年在英国北海建成,由5台6MW Hywind浮动式风电机组成。据挪威公司称,十年后它的技术将使发电成本降低至相当人民币0.3-0.5元。说实话,这类设备在今天的中国生产制造,发电成本一下子就会降下去。他们只是在等待十年后在印度越南那样的国家制造吧。其中的原因,只要想一想太阳能发电技 ...
5319 次阅读|没有评论
华建波 2019-2-23 15:09
快速的城市化发展和生活水平的不断提高,产生的生活垃圾也就越来越多。仍然依照过去靠填埋来处理就会产生垃圾围城的现象,所以现在大城市大都改为以焚烧的形式来处理生活垃圾,但有一个问题,就是焚烧产生的飞灰是有毒的,其毒性取决于那些垃圾的组成成份和焚烧技术。通常产生的飞灰经固化后填埋,处理成本据报道在每吨五 ...
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