

Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-51: Ernst Louis Kalkowsky

已有 2726 次阅读 2017-4-12 19:49 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| German, Umbrella, Louis, Ernst, Kalkowsky

Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-51: Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938

德国地质学家Ernst Louis Kalkowsky院士 (1851--1938

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         德国地质学家Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938)于1851年出生在今属俄罗斯的苏维埃茨克(Советск/ Sovetsk)。他在莱比锡大学(University of Leipzig)师从地质学家Ferdinand Zirkel教授(1838--1912),于1874年获得博士学位。[注:1882年,Ferdinand Zirkel当选为德国科学院矿物学、晶体学和岩石的院士(Member of the section of “Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrologie”) of the German Academy of Scciences--Leopoldina]

       1886年,Ernst Louis Kalkowsky Jena大学获得矿物学和地质学教授职位。1894年,Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 接替古生物学家Hanns Bruno Geinitz (1814--1900)在德累斯顿技术学院(Technische Hochschule Dresden) 的教授职位。1898年,Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 继任Hanns Bruno Geinitz德累斯顿矿物及地质博物馆(The Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden)的馆长职位。

      Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 对叠层石(Stromatolite)开展了先驱性研究。他于1888年当选德国科学院地质古生物学科的院士。


Brief life chronology of German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938

--1851: Born in Tilsit, east Prussia;

Tilsit, east Prussia before 1946 (Currently known as Sovetsk, a town of Russia),_Kaliningrad_Oblast

--1870: Attended the University of Leipzig;

--1874: Completed a dissertation under the guidance of German geologist Ferdinand Zirkel (1838--1912), and received a doctorate degree with the thesis entitled “Mikroskopische Untersuchungen von Felsiten und Pechsteinen Sachsensz”;

--1878: Passed the habilitation at the University of Leipzig with the paper entitled “Die gneissformation des Eulengebirges”;

--1886: Appointed as professor Mineralogy and Geology at the University of Jena (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena);

--1886: Published--

Elemente der Lithologie: Für Studirende bearbeitet

--1888:  Elected to a member of the section of “Geologie und Paläontologie” of the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina;

--1894:  Appointed as professor of mineralogy and geology at Technische Hochschule Dresden (TH Dresden—later renamed as “Technische Universität Dresden”) so as to take over German palaeontologist Hanns Bruno Geinitz’s (1814--1900) teaching position;

--1898: Took over Hanns Bruno Geinitz’s directorship position of Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden;

--1919:  Got retired;

--1938: Died in Dresden at age of 87.


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of Paleobotany Series(No.529) [The 530th issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-529

《德国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(51)

German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938

德国地质学家Ernst Louis Kalkowsky院士 (1851--1938

Feb 2017


Umbrella of German Palaeobotany--An overview & catalogue

《德国古植物学之伞》:概览 & 目录

2017-3-1 07:44

German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938

Kalkowsky, E., 1908. Oölithund Stromatolith im norddeutschen Buntsandstein. Zeitschrift der Deutschengeologischen Gesellschaft 60: 68–125, pls 4–11



Robert Riding, 2011. The Nature of Stromatolites: 3,500 Million Years ofHistory and a Century of Research. In:J. Reitner et al., Advances inStromatolite Geobiology, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 131, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10415-2_3,# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


Story of Paleobotany Series(No.498) [The 499th issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-498

《德国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (23)

German palaeontologist Hanns Bruno Geinitz(1814--1900)

杰出的德国古生物学家Hanns Bruno Geinitz院士(1814--1900)

2016-10-1 22:46


SPS-529-German Ernst Kalkowsky (1851--1938)-rev6.pdf

上一篇:German Palaeobotany Umbrella-50: Carl Otto Weber (1827-1867)
下一篇:Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-52: Friedrich A. Rothpletz
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