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error avoidance

已有 3080 次阅读 2015-5-8 09:56 |个人分类:eloquence speaking|系统分类:科研笔记

1, I am hoping that the hotel owner (frees) up the funds to renovate the (frieze) in the lobby

2, in her written (dissent), the judge disagreed with the majority belief that the victim was pushed down the steep, brushy (descent)

dissent英 [dɪˈsent] 美 [dɪˈsɛnt]

n. 意见的分歧,异议;〈英〉反对国教;〈集合词〉不信奉国教者 vi. 不同意,持异议;不信奉国教


descent英 [dɪˈsent] 美 [dɪˈsɛnt]

n. 下降;血统;倾斜


3, Reinhold Messner was able to pique the interest of the public with his journey to the peak of Mount Everest


英 [pi:k] 美 [pi:k] 动词激起,引起(兴趣或好奇心)

v. 使愤恨;使恼怒 n. 怨恨;愤恨;恼怒;凸纹坚挺布料

过去式:piqued 过去分词:piqued 现在分词:piquing 第三人称单数:piques

3, sleeping on (pallettes) while wearing a suit of armor complete with (pallets) made for an uncomfortable experience



英 [ˈpælət] 美 [ˈpælɪt] . 托盘;平台;运货板;草垫子

4, the medical student received a (compliment) from his supervisor for suggesting an atternative therapy to (complement) the traditional treatment approach

5,the shoplifter's (gate) quickened when she realized the store's front (gait) was closing

n. 步态,步法;[印,纺]花纹循环;(走,跑等的)速度


英 ['ʃɒplɪftə(r)] 美 ['ʃɒplɪftə(r)]

n. (貌似在商店购物实则行窃的)商店窃贼

网 络

商店扒手; 商店强盗; 冒充顾客在商店行窃者; 扒手

6, digging for (mussels) on the beach has built up my arm (muscles)

7, I was (wrapped) by the fact that each flower's petal (rapt) neatly around the next

英 [ræpt] 美 [ræpt]

adj. 全神贯注的,入迷的

网 络

全神贯注; 心移神驰; 全神贯注的; 狂喜的

8, she (beat) the eggs after she prepared the (beet) salad

9, before she had a chance to waiver in her decision, she hurriedly signed the insurance waver


英 [ˈweɪvə(r)] 美 [ˈwevɚ]

vi. 摇摆;踌躇;动摇 n. 动摇;犹豫;挥动者

网 络

波段开关; 动摇不定; 动摇; 波形转换器


英 [ˈweɪvə(r)] 美 [ˈwevɚ]

n. 弃权;放弃;弃权声明书

网 络

免除; 弃权; 豁免; 免去

she considers the (prerequisite) of a generous benefits package a (perquisite) for considering any new job.



英 [ˈpɜ:kwɪzɪt] 美 [ˈpɜ:rkwɪzɪt]

n. (工资以外的)财务补贴;额外收入;(随职位而得到的)好处;利益

网 络

额外补贴; 额外赏赐; 定期的临时津贴; 永久

The NASA team disassembled its concern while astronauts on the Apollo 13 mission dissembled key pieces of their spacecraft in orbit.

the network (aired) when it (erred) the program at the wrong time

aired [eə(r)]

v. 晾晒( air的过去式和过去分词 );烘干;播送;广播

just like a field of (rye), her (wry) wit took time and effort to cultivate


rye生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 [raɪ] 美 [raɪ]

n. 吉卜赛绅士;黑麦;裸麦威士忌酒


英 [raɪ] 美 [raɪ]

adj. 扭曲的,歪斜的;嘲弄的;错误的,处置不当的;牵强附会的

she didn't raise proper (seed) money, so she was forced to (cede) her position

when (poled) about the safari, the tourists agreed they especially enjoyed being (polled) in a canoe through the Okavango Delta

while waiting for an arrival at the airport hanger, I tossed my coal over a chair since I had no hangar

hangar生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 [ˈhæŋə(r)] 美 [ˈhæŋɚ, ˈhæŋɡɚ]

n. 飞机库,飞机棚

网 络

飞机库; 机库; 飞机修理库 复数:hangars


hanger生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 [ˈhæŋə(r)] 美 [ˈhæŋɚ]

n. 衣架;挂钩;挂东西的人;绞刑执行者

the event is supposed to be secular, though it feels nonsecular because prayers are offered

if we publicly evoke the reasons for our discontent, it could invoke a riot

evoke生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 [ɪˈvəʊk] 美 [ɪˈvoʊk]

vt. 产生,引起;唤起

网 络

唤起; 唤醒; 引发; 召唤 过去式:evoked 过去分词:evoked 现在分词:evoking 第三人称单数:evokes

invoke生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 [ɪnˈvəʊk] 美 [ɪnˈvoʊk]

vt. 乞灵,祈求;提出或授引…以支持或证明;召鬼;借助

网 络

调用; 唤起; 呼叫; 恳求

the firefighters were fetid for rescuing so many citizens from the feted floodwaters

Not as abstruse as the students expected, all but the most obtuse students understood the theory



英 [əbˈstru:s] 美 [æbˈstrus, əb-]

adj. 难解的; 深奥的;<古>秘密的;隐藏的

网 络

深奥; 神妙难捉摸; 深奥的; 奥妙的



英 [əbˈtju:s] 美 [əbˈtu:s]

adj. 迟钝的;(疼痛)不剧烈的;(印象)不鲜明的;钝角的

网 络

钝的; 圆头的; 反应慢; 钝

the (asset) piece of furniture was excellent (accent) to the room's decor


上一篇:be more forceful
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