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科学家发现阿尔茨海默病的潜在病因 精选

已有 5934 次阅读 2021-11-30 21:27 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯



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Researchers have potentially discovered a way to identify those at risk for Alzheimer's. Credit: University of California – Riverside

据美国加州大学河滨分校(University of California - Riverside,简称UCR20211129日提供的消息,目前流行的理论认为,阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease)是由大脑中的斑块引起的。相反,加州大学河滨分校的一项新研究指出,细胞自我清洁能力变慢可能是导致不健康大脑发育的原因(Scientists discover potential cause of Alzheimer's disease)。

除了痴呆症的迹象(signs of dementia),如果医生在大脑中发现两种物质的结合:淀粉样斑块(amyloid plaques)和神经原纤维缠结(neurofibrillary tangles),他们就会做出明确的阿尔茨海默病诊断。斑块是淀粉样肽(amyloid peptides)的堆积,而缠结主要是由一种叫做tau的蛋白质构成。

UCR的化学教授瑞安·朱利安(Ryan Julian)说:“大约20%的人有斑块,但没有痴呆的迹象。这使得斑块本身似乎不是导致痴呆的原因。”

出于这个原因,瑞安·朱利安和他的同事们调查了tau蛋白(tau protein)未被充分研究的方面。他们想知道对tau蛋白的仔细检查是否能揭示更多关于斑块和缠结背后的机制。一个关键但难以检测的tau蛋白形式的差异,使科学家能够区分那些没有表现出痴呆症状的人和那些表现出痴呆症状的人。这些结果于20211124日已经在《蛋白质组学研究杂志》(Journal of Proteome Research)网站发表——Evan E. Hubbard, Lilian R. Heil, Gennifer E. Merrihew, Jasmeer P. Chhatwal, Martin R. Farlow, Catriona A. McLean, Bernardino Ghetti, Kathy L. Newell, Matthew P. Frosch, Randall J. Bateman, Eric B. Larson, C. Dirk Keene, Richard J. Perrin, Thomas J. Montine, Michael J. MacCoss, Ryan R. Julian. Does Data-Independent Acquisition Data Contain Hidden Gems? A Case Study Related to Alzheimer's DiseaseJournal of Proteome Research (2021). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00558. Publication Date: November 24, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00558










An alternate theory for what causes Alzheimer's disease



One of the potential benefits of using data-independent acquisition (DIA) proteomics protocols is that information not originally targeted by the study may be present and discovered by subsequent analysis. Herein, we reanalyzed DIA data originally recorded for global proteomic analysis to look for isomerized peptides, which occur as a result of spontaneous chemical modifications to long-lived proteins. Examination of a large set of human brain samples revealed a striking relationship between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) status and isomerization of aspartic acid in a peptide from tau. Relative to controls, a surprising increase in isomer abundance was found in both autosomal dominant and sporadic AD samples. To explore potential mechanisms that might account for these observations, quantitative analysis of proteins related to isomerization repair and autophagy was performed. Differences consistent with reduced autophagic flux in AD-related samples relative to controls were found for numerous proteins, including most notably p62, a recognized indicator of autophagic inhibition. These results suggest, but do not conclusively demonstrate, that lower autophagic flux may be strongly associated with loss of function in AD brains. This study illustrates that DIA data may contain unforeseen results of interest and may be particularly useful for pilot studies investigating new research directions. In this case, a promising target for future investigations into the therapy and prevention of AD has been identified.


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