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智胜衰老:保持思维敏捷的谜题和游戏 精选

已有 5952 次阅读 2024-9-17 13:13 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦




Engaging in stimulating activities such as word games and puzzles improves memory and attention in older adults, a study with nearly 6,000 participants suggests, highlighting the benefits of active mental lifestyles.

据美国德克萨斯农工大学Texas A&M University2024916日提供的消息,智胜衰老:保持思维敏捷的谜题和游戏(Outsmart Aging: Puzzles and Games That Keep Minds Nimble)。



认知健康与衰老(Cognitive Health and Aging

衰老过程会导致老年人的认知功能下降。此外,每年约有10%10 percent的轻度认知障碍患者会患上阿尔茨海默病或其他形式的痴呆症。尽管一些研究发现,像拼拼图这样的活动可以防止认知衰老,但这些活动在预防或延缓认知衰退方面的好处在很大程度上仍然未知。

通过积极参与增强认知功能(Enhanced Cognitive Functions Through Active Engagement

现在,美国德克萨斯农工大学公共卫生学院Texas A&M University School of Public Health的一项新研究study表明,患有轻度认知障碍的老年人,如果参与文字游戏和爱好等高水平的活动,他们的记忆力、工作记忆、注意力和处理速度都比那些不参与的人好。

德克萨斯农工大学健康行为学副教授金“保罗”俊英(Junhyoung “Paul” Kim)博士说:“如今,美国有近600万人(six million people)患有痴呆症,预计到2060年,这一数字将增长到1400万左右,少数族裔(minority populations)受影响最大。我们试图帮助填补我们对认知衰退的理解上的空白。”

202475日发表在《认知增强杂志》(Journal of Cognitive Enhancement上的研究论文——Jungjoo Lee, Junhyoung Kim, Dubravka Svetina Valdivia. A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship Between Different Levels of Cognitively Stimulating Leisure Activity and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults with MCI. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 2024; DOI: 10.1007/s41465-024-00293-2. Published: 05 July 2024. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41465-024-00293-2.是金俊英(Junhyoung Kim)与美国南密西西比大学(University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive, Hattiesburg, MS, USA)和美国印第安纳大学(Indiana University, 201 N Rose Ave, Bloomington, IN, USA)的研究人员合作完成的。他们一起分析了2012年至少50岁的5932人的数据,这些人有轻度认知障碍,是2012~2020年健康与退休研究(Health and Retirement Study简称HRS)的一部分。

重大发现和认知表现分析(Significant Findings and Cognitive Performance Analysis

HRS通过自我报告的问卷调查和深入的电话采访收集数据。在这项研究中,研究人员分析了7个问题的答案,这些问题是关于参与者参与阅读、玩游戏和爱好等认知刺激活动的频率。接下来,他们根据先前研究中使用的标准将参与水平分为低、中、高三类,并进行了重复测量的多变量协方差分析(multivariate analysis of covariance)。



对认知健康的影响和建议(Implications and Recommendations for Cognitive Health





Minorities and Women Are at Greater Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

Ethnic Differences in Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease


The aim of this study was to examine the longitudinal relationship between different levels of cognitively stimulating leisure activity (CSLA) participation and three cognitive functions (i.e., memory, working memory, attention and processing speed) among older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This study used Health and Retirement Study (HRS) data from 2012 to 2020 (n=5932) and conducted repeated-measured multivariate analysis of covariance (RM-MANCOVA). The results indicated the following: (a) the high level CSLA participation group were found to have higher levels of memory, working memory, and attention and processing speed than the mid and low-level participation groups. The mid-CSLA participation group was found to have higher levels of working memory, and attention and processing speed than the low level CSLA participation group; (b) significant differences in all three cognitive functions were found between years with a declining slope, but the differences between 2014 and the other years of the data set that were examined were not significant; (c) the high-level CSLA participation group consistently exhibited higher cognitive function levels during the study period and maintained a similar level of cognitive functions compared to the other groups. By incorporating the findings of this study into clinical guidelines, healthcare providers will be able to offer an optimal level of CSLA programming at least three to four times a week. Furthermore, efforts should be made to create strategies to overcome the barriers to CSLA participation encountered by MCI older adults including inadequate caregiver support and financial constraints by establishing public care services and community support networks.


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