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fmjzjn 2020-6-17 08:21
kiwaho 2020-5-2 10:25
Do it home to save life from drowning of coronavirus
kiwaho 2020-4-30 10:11
My free invention of space sterilizer to kill coronavirus

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A recent study ranks Massachusetts as the best state to live in the US as measured b y education, helath care and low crime rate. Having live here fo ...
My view of the future of our world 2024-09-05
This is my view of the future of our world and American society even though I won’t be around to see it happens or not – a bifurcation of our hum ...
Infrastruicture Buildiing 2024-08-29
I arrive in the US on September 2nd 1950. I remember the first car ride I had from NYC to Boston took ten hours going through every town along the no ...
Report of the 2024 control workshop and birthday celebration 2024-08-24
As accounted in my previous blog article here is the official report of the conference.celebration. It consist of : 1. Event report :. It is made b ...
Good things to come 2024-08-19
I have reported in the past of my good fortunes of having my 50 Ph.D students and my life time employer, Harvard University, helping celebrating my ...
Scams and Fraud Targeting Senior citizens 2024-08-13
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A NEVER list if you are taking care of someone in dementia 2024-07-25
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On behalf of my wife and myself in thanking CAAL 2024-07-11
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The Revolution in illegal drugs 2024-06-10
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Another giant of control leaves us 2024-06-06
I just learned that Bristish control theorist, David Mayne, unexpectedly passed away on May 27 after spending a festive week with friends and family. ...
To young scholars wishing to learn (II) 2024-06-03
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