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My view of the future of our world

已有 3999 次阅读 2024-9-5 23:09 |个人分类:S&T|系统分类:海外观察

This is my view of the future of our world and American society even though I won’t be around to see it happens or not – a bifurcation of our human population and the resulting chaos. I am worried for our children and grandchildren.

As it is already becoming apparent, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking over more and more of the tasks and functions of our civilization. Many tasks routinely performed by human beings are being replaced by AI. Jobs that remain are tasks such as hair dressing, house cleaning, and serving meals that while requiring low skill but must be personalized and currently beyond AI. Even demands for some skilled employment on large scale are slacking since many of the routine parts of such job can be replaced by AI. For example, teaching and grading in schools. The results will be more persons competing for lesser number of job openings. On the other hand, highly skilled jobs such as those in computer sciences and creating more advanced AI in science and engineering will be increasingly valued. It is well known that the US favors skilled immigration and finds the preference highly lucrative. After all, countries such as China and India invest in over a period two decades selecting and nurturing their best and brightest. Then these people come over to the US , even with full support by US institutions for four or five years of graduate study , devote the rest of their productive lives contributing to the development of the welfare of the United States. What a good deal! Why such phenomena create anti-immigration hate and demands for Universal Basic Income (UBI) – both are natural reactions to the future shock of technology. As the saying goes “The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer”. Government actions such as UBI are but patches to ameliorate the situation. Can we survive for the long term this fundamental bifurcation of the human species is still an open question in my mind. 


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