
The Art and Skill of Public Speaking
热度 15 何毓琦 2011-12-16 01:17
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Very few of us are natural born speakers in the sensethat we can speak extemporaneously and spontaneously without preparation andyet deliver eloquent, poli ...
20238 次阅读|20 个评论 热度 15
Parent-Child Relationship
热度 5 何毓琦 2011-12-8 21:17
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Those of us who went to middle school duringthe 40s in China will all remember studying the essay 朱自清 in ourChinese literature class. In that famous ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|14200 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 5
A Talk by Stephen Chu
热度 7 何毓琦 2011-12-3 16:20
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Stephen Chu, the Nobel Prizewinning physicist and current U.S. Secretary of Energy, gave a talk at Harvardon “ The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation ...
15570 次阅读|13 个评论 热度 7
A Medical Experience (II) – My recovery
热度 6 何毓琦 2011-11-28 23:08
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. In my earlier article “ A Medical Experience http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=1565do=blogid=498254”I described my recent major surgery. It ha ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|12983 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 6
Remembering my best friend, Frank Tung
热度 7 何毓琦 2011-11-25 22:26
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. My best friend, Frank Tung passed away five years ago on 11/15/06. I haveknown Frank longer than even his own immediate family – a total of 55 yearssince 1951 whe ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|13027 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 7
Chinglish - A New Broadway Comedy by David Henry Hwang
热度 3 何毓琦 2011-11-19 07:24
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Chinglish - a New Broadway show by the award winningplaywright David Henry Hwang Henry Hwang of M.Butterfly fame just had hisnew comedy play ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|13974 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 3
Two Great American Pop Singers and Their Signature Songs
热度 5 何毓琦 2011-11-14 01:02
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. From 1950 to date, in my opinion there are two greatAmerican singers of popular songs – Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett – each with their signature songs ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|14021 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 5
ATTENTION - readers of my article "D&C in Everyday Lives"
何毓琦 2011-11-7 22:29
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. My blog article http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=1565do=blogquickforward=1id=495058 posted 10/10/2011 contained a calculation error on slide ...
15616 次阅读|没有评论
The Dark Side of Meritocracy
热度 4 何毓琦 2011-11-7 06:10
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Meritocracy is often heraldedas the most fair and democratic trait of America. Everyone has a chance to bethe President or rise to the top of their profession rega ...
12914 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 4
Record Setting Early Snow Storm in the Northeast of the US
热度 3 何毓琦 2011-11-2 21:35
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. 70+ hours ofno electricity, no heat, no hot water, no phone, and no wi-fi internet service. I am wellaware of the fact that a significant percentage of the po ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|13019 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 3

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