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何毓琦 2008-6-22 05:04
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) A series of family obligations and professional meetings took me traveling since June13 from Boston to Connecticut to New York City back to Boston and to Beijing. I am currently in Beijing but fulltime wor ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|5888 次阅读|5 个评论
Why Is Science Conservative? - 科学为何是保守的(一)(原文及译文)
热度 3 何毓琦 2008-6-14 01:07
(NOTES added 6/18/08) I thank all the readers for their comments and remarks. I am traveling and have no access to Chinese writing hardware. Consequently, I cannot answer in Chinese or correct some minor inaccuracies in the Chinese translation of my article below for now. I ...
20068 次阅读|34 个评论 热度 3
What you need to know about energy – 老百姓对能源应有的知识
何毓琦 2008-6-10 22:19
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) . The US National Academy of Engineering released just the other day a 31 page report to the nation on “What you need to know about energy” http://www7.nationalacademies.org/ener ...
5675 次阅读|4 个评论
看山跑死馬- Never mistake a clear view for short distance
何毓琦 2008-6-8 21:13
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) . 看山跑死馬- Never mistake a clear view for short distance Today’s New York time has an interesting article about “How come a good idea takes so long to become commercially viable?” http://www ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|7467 次阅读|5 个评论
The Singularity – A special Report by IEEE Specturm (June 2008)
何毓琦 2008-6-6 04:51
The Singularity A special Report by IEEE Specturm (June 2008) http://spectrum.ieee.org/singularity Questions: Will computers become so smart that they can produce computers smarter than they are? Can we create superhuman intelligence ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|6528 次阅读|2 个评论
High Oil Cost Killing China Labor Advantage? (转贴)
何毓琦 2008-6-3 06:32
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) . Breaking News from MoneyNews.com (转贴) High Oil Killing China Labor Advantage What goes around, comes around. Chinese labor is cheap, but high oil — perversely, the direct result of q ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|6697 次阅读|6 个评论
“科学普及” 的重要 (转贴)
何毓琦 2008-6-1 19:15
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) . “ 科学普及 ” 的重要 ( 转贴 ) 我相信很多人都写过这一类的文章 . 下面一篇是最新的也是对我極有同感的. Put a Little Science in Your Life By BRIAN GREENE Published: Ju ...
9966 次阅读|5 个评论
Some Dirty Secrets of Applied Mathematics – 应用数学的几个”家醜”
何毓琦 2008-5-28 02:47
There is an English saying about always put your best foot forward which roughly translates into 永遠只表揚你的長处. This is human nature and carries over to science and technology. However, sometimes this spirit is, in my opinion, carried a bit too far. Deficiencies in re ...
14048 次阅读|5 个评论
The Love boat – Marriages for Chinese American families
何毓琦 2008-5-25 21:36
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) . For immigrant families, the desire to have your offspring marrying within your native race and population is very natural. The ideal situation is to have your children marry children of otherimmig ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|5339 次阅读|1 个评论
何毓琦 2008-5-23 16:50
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) . 加诖:今天美国NPR电台報告:" May 28, 2008 · Since the devastating earthquake in southwestern China, hundreds of Chinese have volunteered to oversee the distribution of disaster relief funds and sup ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|8763 次阅读|8 个评论

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