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The Singularity – A special Report by IEEE Specturm (June 2008) 精选

已有 6528 次阅读 2008-6-6 04:51 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:科研笔记

The Singularity – A special Report by IEEE Specturm (June 2008)



  1. Will computers become so smart that they can produce  computers smarter than they are?
  2. Can we create superhuman intelligence in computers?
  3. Will biology and medicine create super intelligence in humans?
  4. Will the Internet attend consciousness and be considered as a human being?
  5. Will embedded computers permeate everything so that virtual and reality becomes indistinguishable?

These are questions being pondered by serious scientists and futurists. If we can answer and demonstrate YES to anyone of these questions, civilization is said to have reach a “singularity”.  If we don’t destroy ourselves first, then life after singularity may be most intriguing and unimaginable.

If you access the above URL you will be able to read a range of articles and topics such as

I myself have not had the time to read and digest all the articles in this issue. However, I have scanned several of them and find them to be enormously interesting and challenging. In particular, I recommend the article on “Economics of the Singularity” which is mostly based on historical facts rather than imaginations and speculations about the future. Happy reading!


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