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     中国科学技术信息研究所(中信所)虽然从事论文统计工作,但是长期以来,中信所在员工考核时并不重视SCI论文,直到2005年之后才开始制定对发表SCI(或SSCI)论文的奖励措施。像我的第一篇SCI论文,即下面清单中的最后一篇,是应印度朋友约稿而写的,我自己也不知道这个Current Science居然是SCI收录期刊。当然,我们以科学计量学为主业的人,无疑要向Scientometrics投稿,该刊恰好又是SCI源期刊,仅此而已。



1. Jian Du,Yishan WU,A parameter-free index for identifying under-cited sleeping beauties in science, Scientometrics, 2018年5月28日在线发表


2. Zewen Hu,Yishan WU,Jianjun Sun,A Quantitative Analysis of Determinants of Non-Citation Using a Panel Data Model,Scientometrics,2018年6月号


3. A probe into causes of non-citation based on survey dataZewen HuYishan WuSocial Science Information,自科基金71373252资助,https://doi.org/10.1177/0539018417742537 | First Published December 5, 2017

Social Science Information


4.Jian Du, Xiaoli Tang, Yishan Wu:
The Effects of Research Level and Article Type on the Differences between Citation Metrics and F1000 Recommendations. JASIST
,2016(12)CoRR abs/1501.01076

5.Zewen Hu, Yishan Wu:
Regularity in the time-dependent distribution of the percentage of never-cited papers: An empirical pilot study based on the six journals.
J. of Informetrics, 8(1): 136-146 (2014)


6.Weichao Wang, Yishan Wu, Yuntao Pan:
An investigation of collaborations between top Chinese universities: a new quantitative approach.
Scientometrics, 98(2): 1535-1545 (2014)

7.Zheng Ma, Yuntao Pan, ZhengLu Yu, Jingting Wang, Jia Jia, Yishan Wu:
A quantitative study on the effectiveness of peer review for academic journals.
Scientometrics, 95(1): 1-13 (2013)


8. Zewen Hu,Yishan Wu, An empirical analysis on number and monetary value of ghostwritten papers in ChinaNov 2013 · Current Science

9. Liming Liang, Lixin Chen, Yishan Wu, JunPeng Yuan:
The role of Chinese universities in enterprise-university research collaboration.
Scientometrics, 90(1): 253-269 (2012)


10.CaiFeng Ma, Cheng Su, JunPeng Yuan, Yishan Wu:
Papers written by Nobel Prize winners in physics before they won the prize: an analysis of their language and journal of publication.
Scientometrics, 93(3): 1151-1163 (2012)

11.Cheng Su, Yuntao Pan, YanNing Zhen, Zheng Ma, JunPeng Yuan, Hong Guo, ZhengLu Yu, CaiFeng Ma, Yishan Wu:
PrestigeRank: A new evaluation method for papers and journals.
J. ofInformetrics, 5(1): 1-13 (2011)

12.Liping Yu, Yuqing Chen, Yuntao Pan, Yishan Wu:
Research on the evaluation of academic journals based on structural equation modeling.
J. of Informetrics, 3(4): 304-311 (2009)


13.Liping Yu, Xiaoming Shen, Yuntao Pan, Yishan Wu:
Scholarly journal evaluation based on panel data analysis.
J. of Informetrics 3(4): 312-320 (2009)

14.Yan Wang, Yishan Wu, Yuntao Pan, Zheng Ma, Ronald Rousseau:
Scientific collaboration in China as reflected in co-authorship.
Scientometrics, 62(2): 183-198 (2005)

15. Yishan Wu, Yuntao Pan, Yuhua Zhang, Zheng Ma, Jingan Pang, Hong Guo, Bo Xu, Zhiqing Yang:
China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations (CSTPC): History, impact and outlook.
Scientometrics, 60(3): 385-397 (2004)

16. Ningyan Huang, Yishan Wu, Comparative study of scientific and technical output indicators of Mainland China and Taiwan regionCurrent Science,2003,84(5)


17. Selection of databases, indicators and models for evaluating research performance of Chinese universities (coauthored), Research Evaluation, 2001, 10 (2): 105-113

18.Shifts in the world science center(coauthored), Interdisciplinary Science Review, 2000, 25(3),227-232

19. Distribution of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in Terms of Age Group-Weibull Distribution(coauthored), Scientometrics, 1996, 36(1)

20. Yishan Wu, China: Also a Power in Science and Technology, Current Science,1993, 65(11)




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