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光学教学笔记之AMES教学会议 精选

已有 5229 次阅读 2019-12-11 15:20 |个人分类:大众物理学|系统分类:科普集锦




2012年,我翻译的两卷《激光光谱学》 出版了。2014年,中国科学院大学成立,强调科教融合,当时物理学院的副院长倪明玖老师邀请我给研究生上《激光光谱学》这门课。我说我也没经验啊,他说你翻译了书怎么能说没经验呢。我说那我只能想怎么讲就怎么讲,他说没问题的。这算是我第一次讲条件吧。从2014-2015学年的春季学期开始,我给一年级的研究生讲《激光光谱学》。我并没有充分利用这个“想怎么讲就怎么讲”的特权,因为毕竟自己只是翻译了书,不能确定自己完全掌握了这门课的内容,只能是从头到尾地把这两本书过了一遍,添加少许自己的经验,并让每个学生都结合自己的研究兴趣和这门课的教学内容,写一篇两三千字的文章具体介绍某篇他自己挑选学术论文。







Teaching physics at the age of materials: A personal experience


The age of physics revolution has long passed away, and we are now in the age of materials. However, the teaching practice of physics courses has not yet changed accordingly, especially in China. Many professors are good at publishing papers in high-impact journals but weak at inspiring students in freshman classrooms, and many undergraduates are good at getting high-scores in examinations but weak at applying their knowledge in daily life. Here I report my own experience of teaching general physics at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS),where undergraduate education started only 5 years ago.

I encourage the students to build up physical picture, not to remember equations and formulas. They should focus on main issues instead of trivialities.

I teach them to develop skills of qualitative and semi quantitative analysis, instead of too much numerical calculations. A simple answer on an A4 paper may not be as accurate as a sophisticated solution from a high-performance computer, but it can help you see much deeper,  and much further.

I ask them not to believe too much in textbooks, professors or big-names. Nowadays, there are so much false news and everyone should make decisions based on his/her own analysis of related materials.

I keep on writing blogs, introducing this or that science advance to students. There is no discrimination between physics, chemistry, materials, biology, and etc., there is only a one  and a whole nature in front of you. When you meet a problem in real life, just solve it with whatever you get, do not mind whether you learned it form mathematics courses or physics.

However, there are still many difficulties in physics classroom at this age of materials. The most difficult one seems to be that many professors and undergraduates do not know why they come into a classroom and what they can get from there. Knowledge is power, however, only knowledge is not enough.

Physics is easy, but life is hard.



AMES2019 Yang JI.pdf


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