
单光存 2020-4-20 21:10
中国环境科学学会2020年科学技术年会 2020年是打赢污染防治攻坚战的决胜之年,年会主要围绕打赢蓝天保卫战、打好碧水保卫战、推进净土保卫战、生态环境保护和修复、基础环境管理和科学研究等内容,积极搭建“产学研用”交流平台,促进科技创新和科技成果转化应用。 一、年会主题 聚焦科学治污、强化创 ...
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单光存 2020-2-13 17:02
智能感知技术与应用发展论坛 随着科学技术的发展,人工智能技术的应用越来越广泛,智能感知技术逐渐被我们认可和使用,如图像识别、智能搜索、语音识别、生物识别技术、生活预测、人机交互等,智能感知技术也将慢慢的由被动识别转化为自动感知。所谓智能感知,就是指机器对现实世界中信息的感知与识别,这些信息 ...
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单光存 2020-2-13 17:00
西安市与西安交大在深校友企业家座谈会 2019年5月21日下午,《西安市与西安交大在深校友企业家座谈会》在中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院召开。 力盟科技CEO、西交大校友企业家俱乐部(JEC)华南联络站成员刘湘娟女士出席了本次座谈。 本次会议参会嘉宾有西安市 ...
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单光存 2020-2-13 16:56
学会动态 通知公告 62位CSIG普通会员晋升为高级会员 2018-11-29 2018年11月29日,中国图象图形学学会(CSIG)评选出了2018年度CSIG高级会员。此次评选中,共收到符合推荐要求的高级会员候选人申请材料73份。CSIG会员发展与服务委员会对候选人的申请逐一审核后,最终决定62位普通会员晋升为CSIG高级 ...
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14 PhD positions within the Marie-Curie European Training
单光存 2018-3-5 22:46
14 PhD positions available within the Marie-Curie European Training Network COSINE (Computational Spectroscopy) Dear colleague, Within the Marie-Curie European Training Network on Computational Spectroscopy COSINE, we are seeking 14 PhD students to start on 1st September 2018. I have 2 ...
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SAMSON School 2016
单光存 2016-3-26 11:32
SAMSON School 2016 Dear all, We are happy to announce that the first SAMSON School will take place at the Aquakub hotel in Aix-les-Bains, France, from June 13 to June 17, 2016. There, you will learn how to use SAMSON, the software platform for computational nanoscience, and SAMSON Elements (module ...
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Postdoc in Antiferromagnetic Spintronics
单光存 2016-2-18 11:17
Postdoc in Antiferromagnetic Spintronics A Postdoctoral position is immediately available at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR-SPIN Chieti, under the supervision of Dr. Silvia Picozzi (duration: 12 months, possibly renewable upon funding availability, starting date: April-May 2016). The resear ...
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thin film solar cells explained using DFT
单光存 2016-2-17 10:37
PhD position: The role of defects in thin film solar cells explained using density functional theory Thin film solar cells are a competitive option for energy production with a number of companies expanding their capacity. Crucial to the optimum performance of the solar cells is the need to limit ...
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