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22.美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 3891 篇1.075% 28.美国巴尔的摩霍普金斯 3532 篇0.976% 31.帕拉托市(斯坦福大学) 3286 篇0.908% 37.victoria.au 2851 篇0.788% 43.美国田纳西州纳什维尔 2625 篇0.725% 44.美国北卡罗来纳州教堂山镇 2623 篇0.725% 45.美国印第安纳波利斯 2588 篇0.715% 19.Watanabe K 514 篇0.142% 32.Chiarelli F 434 篇0.120% 38.Greenough A 416 篇0.115% 44.Takahashi Y 391 篇0.108% 46.Kobayashi Y 389 篇0.107% 50.Stevenson DK 379 篇0.105% 13.密歇根大学安娜堡分校 4010 篇1.108% 14.美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 3986 篇1.101% 21.辛辛那提儿童医院医学中心 3058 篇0.845% 31.美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校 2671 篇0.738% 36.约翰霍普金斯大学医学院 2470 篇0.682% 37.美国德州大学西南医学中心 2464 篇0.681% 01.pregnancy 45558 篇12.585% 02.pediatrics 40839 篇11.282% 03.retrospective studies 37419 篇10.337% 04.treatment outcome 33894 篇9.363% 05.follow-up studies 31696 篇8.756% 06.risk factors 30938 篇8.546% 07.time factors 24487 篇6.764% 08.prospective studies 24120 篇6.663% 09.diagnosis, differential 21596 篇5.966% 10.age factors 21450 篇5.925% 11.magnetic resonance imaging 16920 篇4.674% 12.prognosis 16516 篇4.562% 13.questionnaires 13718 篇3.790% 14.gestational age 13265 篇3.664% 15.tomography, x-ray computed 13115 篇3.623% 16.incidence 12587 篇3.477% 17.cohort studies 12563 篇3.470% 18.severity of illness index 12260 篇3.387% 20.cross-sectional studies 12042 篇3.327% 21.prevalence 11916 篇3.292% 22.case-control studies 11190 篇3.091% 23.anti-bacterial agents 10868 篇3.002% 25.syndrome 10212 篇2.821% 26.mutation 10074 篇2.783% 27.acute disease 9993 篇2.761% 28.postoperative complications 9032 篇2.495% 30.sensitivity and specificity 8744 篇2.415% 31.recurrence 8641 篇2.387% 32.risk assessment 8478 篇2.342% 33.infant, premature, diseases 8432 篇2.329% 34.breast feeding 8033 篇2.219% 35.sex factors 8002 篇2.211% 36.reference values 7972 篇2.202% 37.abnormalities, multiple 7963 篇2.200% 38.child development 7951 篇2.196% 39.chronic disease 7879 篇2.177% 40.infant, newborn, diseases 7796 篇2.154% 41.body weight 7778 篇2.149% 42.heart defects, congenital 7745 篇2.140% 43.birth weight 7479 篇2.066% 45.cells, cultured 7359 篇2.033% 47.animals, newborn 6922 篇1.912% 48.reproducibility of results 6895 篇1.905% 49.disease models, animal 6831 篇1.887% 50.dose-response relationship, drug 6831 篇1.887% 01.anti-bacterial agents 10868 篇3.002% 02.rna, messenger 6115 篇1.689% 03.biological markers 5782 篇1.597% 06.blood glucose 4646 篇1.283% 07.immunoglobulin g 4121 篇1.138% 09.recombinant proteins 3714 篇1.026% 10.immunosuppressive agents 3661 篇1.011% 查看更多
01.先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形 142670 篇39.412% 04.中枢神经系统疾病 69394 篇19.170% 08.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症 65677 篇18.143% 09.营养与代谢疾病 65510 篇18.097% 10.先天性遗传性疾病 62539 篇17.276% 13.细菌感染与真菌病 60424 篇16.692% 17.血液和淋巴系统疾病 49201 篇13.592% 22.女性泌尿生殖器疾病 40478 篇11.182% 23.男性泌尿生殖器疾病 39747 篇10.980% 28.皮肤与结缔组织疾病 33119 篇9.149% 04.少儿卫生与妇幼保健学 792 篇0.219% 34.劳动卫生与环境卫生学 188 篇0.052% 45.医学生物化学与分子生物学 114 篇0.031%
儿科学国际研究前沿与热点分析报告 1965-2016年