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人参抗癌研究国际文献检索结果 182篇

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2016-6-28 09:27

许老师   您好!


博主回复(2016-6-28 09:37)


数据来源  http://www.pubmedplus.cn/

01.2016     19 10.440%
02.2015     22 12.088%
03.2014     24 13.187%
04.2013     23 12.637%
05.2012     15 8.242%
06.2011     18 9.890%
07.2010     7 3.846%
08.2009     14 7.692%
09.2008     8 4.396%
10.2007     6 3.297%
01.j ginseng res     17 9.341%
02.am j chin med     7 3.846%
03.anticancer res     7 3.846%
04.oncol rep     7 3.846%
05.phytother res     7 3.846%
07.j agric food chem     5 2.747%
08.int j oncol     4 2.198%
09.j med food     4 2.198%
10.j nat med     4 2.198%
11.zhongguo zhong yao za zhi     4 2.198%
12.asian pac j cancer prev     3 1.648%
13.biol pharm bull     3 1.648%
14.integr cancer ther     3 1.648%
15.planta med     3 1.648%
17.ai zheng     2 1.099%
18.anticancer drugs     2 1.099%
19.biochem pharmacol     2 1.099%
20.bioorg med chem lett     2 1.099%
21.chin j integr med     2 1.099%
22.chin j nat med     2 1.099%
23.curr oncol     2 1.099%
24.drug metab dispos     2 1.099%
25.food chem     2 1.099%
27.j ethnopharmacol     2 1.099%
28.j pharm pharmacol     2 1.099%
29.j proteome res     2 1.099%
30.nutrients     2 1.099%
31.plant foods hum nutr     2 1.099%
32.plos one     2 1.099%
33.rapid commun mass spectrom     2 1.099%
34.yao xue xue bao     2 1.099%
35.acta biochim pol     1 0.549%
36.acta pharmacol sin     1 0.549%
37.am fam physician     1 0.549%
38.am j cancer res     1 0.549%
39.antonie van leeuwenhoek     1 0.549%
40.appl microbiol biotechnol     1 0.549%
41.arch dermatol res     1 0.549%
42.autophagy     1 0.549%
43.basic clin pharmacol toxicol     1 0.549%
44.bmb rep     1 0.549%
45.bmc complement altern med     1 0.549%
46.cancer chemother pharmacol     1 0.549%
47.cancer lett     1 0.549%
48.cancer res treat     1 0.549%
49.cancer treat rev     1 0.549%
50.carcinogenesis     1 0.549%
01.中国大陆     58 31.868%
02.韩国     49 26.923%
03.美国     36 19.780%
04.中国台湾     4 2.198%
05.荷兰     4 2.198%
06.加拿大     3 1.648%
07.印度     2 1.099%
08.日本     2 1.099%
09.中国香港     1 0.549%
10.丹麦     1 0.549%
01.韩国首尔     25 13.736%
02.美国芝加哥     20 10.989%
03.韩国水原     9 4.945%
04.韩国大田     5 2.747%
05.荷兰乌得勒支     4 2.198%
06.kangnung     3 1.648%
07.朝鲜釜山     3 1.648%
08.bronx     2 1.099%
09.canada.stephen     2 1.099%
10.chonju     2 1.099%
11.daejeon     2 1.099%
12.pomona     2 1.099%
13.section     2 1.099%
14.taichung     2 1.099%
15.ulsan     2 1.099%
16.台湾台中     2 1.099%
17.alle     1 0.549%
18.amarillo     1 0.549%
19.austin.minnesota     1 0.549%
20.cheongju     1 0.549%
21.chungbuk     1 0.549%
22.fisciano     1 0.549%
23.gwangju     1 0.549%
24.hutchinson     1 0.549%
25.iksan     1 0.549%
26.incheon     1 0.549%
27.jaipur     1 0.549%
28.ponte     1 0.549%
29.salerno     1 0.549%
30.songnam     1 0.549%
31.szeged     1 0.549%
32.tallahassee     1 0.549%
33.wonju     1 0.549%
34.中国台北     1 0.549%
35.中国香港     1 0.549%
36.丹麦奥胡斯     1 0.549%
37.伊朗大不里士     1 0.549%
38.印度勒克瑙     1 0.549%
39.印度纳加尔     1 0.549%
40.埃及开罗     1 0.549%
41.新加坡市     1 0.549%
42.日本东京     1 0.549%
43.日本名古屋     1 0.549%
44.朝鲜光州     1 0.549%
45.朝鲜大丘     1 0.549%
46.波兰罗兹     1 0.549%
47.瑞典隆德     1 0.549%
48.瑞典马尔默     1 0.549%
49.美国休斯敦     1 0.549%
50.美国北卡罗来纳州教堂山镇     1 0.549%
01.Wang CZ     28 15.385%
02.Yuan CS     27 14.835%
03.He TC     14 7.692%
04.Du W     10 5.495%
05.Du GJ     8 4.396%
06.Kim YJ     8 4.396%
07.Kang KS     7 3.846%
08.Calway T     6 3.297%
09.Ham J     6 3.297%
10.Kim SH     6 3.297%
01.芝加哥大学     24 13.187%
02.美国芝加哥大学     18 9.890%
03.庆熙大学     10 5.495%
04.汉城国立大学     7 3.846%
05.乌得勒支大学     4 2.198%
06.成均馆大学     4 2.198%
07.chonbuk national university     3 1.648%
08.utrecht institute for pharmaceutical sciences     3 1.648%
09.大田大学     3 1.648%
10.釜山国立大学     3 1.648%
11.korea cancer center hospital     2 1.099%
12.korea food research institute     2 1.099%
13.korea institute of science and technology     2 1.099%
14.university of ulsan     2 1.099%
15.university of ulsan college of medicine     2 1.099%
16.仁荷大学     2 1.099%
17.卫生科学西部大学     2 1.099%
18.德克萨斯理工大学     2 1.099%
19.忠南国立大学     2 1.099%
20.美国艾伯特爱因斯坦医学院     2 1.099%
21.麦克马斯特大学     2 1.099%
22.albert szent-gyorgyi medical university     1 0.549%
23.better being hosp     1 0.549%
24.center for stem cell biology and tissue engineering     1 0.549%
25.central drug research institute     1 0.549%
26.central research institute     1 0.549%
27.chung hwa university of     1 0.549%
28.college of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences     1 0.549%
29.columbia university medical center new york     1 0.549%
30.daejeon university     1 0.549%
31.eulji university     1 0.549%
32.fred hutchinson癌症研究中心     1 0.549%
33.guro hospital     1 0.549%
34.hankyong national university     1 0.549%
35.hungkuang university     1 0.549%
36.hutchison medipharma ltd     1 0.549%
37.institute of biomedical sciences     1 0.549%
38.kaohsiung medical university; ; department of biological science,    1 0.549%
39.korea basic science institute     1 0.549%
40.korea research institute of bioscience and biotechnology     1 0.549%
41.kyungpook national university     1 0.549%
42.liverpool john moores univ     1 0.549%
43.mackay memorial hospital;     1 0.549%
44.memorial sloan-kettering cancer centernew york     1 0.549%
45.miami children's hospital     1 0.549%
46.national institute of pharmaceutical education and research     1 0.549%
47.national institute of pharmaceutical education and research (niper)     1 0.549%
48.national research centre     1 0.549%
49.natl inst drug abuse     1 0.549%
50.pusan national university hospital     1 0.549%
01.panax     69 37.912%
02.ginsenosides     55 30.220%
03.cell line, tumor     46 25.275%
04.plant extracts     38 20.879%
05.apoptosis     37 20.330%
06.antineoplastic agents, phytogenic     34 18.681%
07.cell proliferation     34 18.681%
08.antineoplastic agents     29 15.934%
09.drugs, chinese herbal     18 9.890%
10.phytotherapy     18 9.890%
11.dose-response relationship, drug     17 9.341%
12.neoplasms     12 6.593%
13.plants, medicinal     12 6.593%
14.signal transduction     12 6.593%
15.gene expression regulation, neoplastic     11 6.044%
16.tumor cells, cultured     10 5.495%
17.cell cycle     9 4.945%
18.drug synergism     9 4.945%
19.mice, nude     8 4.396%
20.saponins     8 4.396%
21.xenograft model antitumor assays     8 4.396%
22.chromatography, high pressure liquid     7 3.846%
23.colorectal neoplasms     7 3.846%
24.phosphorylation     7 3.846%
25.plant roots     7 3.846%
26.triterpenes     7 3.846%
27.antioxidants     6 3.297%
28.blotting, western     6 3.297%
29.caspase 3     6 3.297%
30.cell survival     6 3.297%
31.colonic neoplasms     6 3.297%
32.down-regulation     6 3.297%
33.plant preparations     6 3.297%
34.sapogenins     6 3.297%
35.structure-activity relationship     6 3.297%
36.breast neoplasms     5 2.747%
37.carcinoma, hepatocellular     5 2.747%
38.caspase 9     5 2.747%
39.flow cytometry     5 2.747%
40.hct116 cells     5 2.747%
41.hep g2 cells     5 2.747%
42.herb-drug interactions     5 2.747%
43.hot temperature     5 2.747%
44.intestines     5 2.747%
45.liver neoplasms     5 2.747%
46.lung neoplasms     5 2.747%
47.mice, inbred balb c     5 2.747%
48.molecular structure     5 2.747%
49.neoplasm invasiveness     5 2.747%
50.panax notoginseng     5 2.747%
01.ginsenosides     55 30.220%
02.plant extracts     38 20.879%
03.antineoplastic agents, phytogenic     34 18.681%
04.antineoplastic agents     29 15.934%
05.drugs, chinese herbal     18 9.890%
06.ginsenoside rg3     12 6.593%
07.ginsenoside rg1     8 4.396%
08.saponins     8 4.396%
09.triterpenes     7 3.846%
10.antioxidants     6 3.297%
11.caspase 3     6 3.297%
12.ginsenoside m1     6 3.297%
13.ginsenoside rh2     6 3.297%
14.plant preparations     6 3.297%
15.sapogenins     6 3.297%
16.caspase 9     5 2.747%
17.polysaccharides     5 2.747%
18.protopanaxadiol     5 2.747%
19.anticarcinogenic agents     4 2.198%
20.fluorouracil     4 2.198%
21.proto-oncogene proteins c-myc     4 2.198%
22.rna, small interfering     4 2.198%
23.tumor suppressor protein p53     4 2.198%
24.amp-activated protein kinases     3 1.648%
25.angiogenesis inhibitors     3 1.648%
26.biological agents     3 1.648%
27.caspase 8     3 1.648%
28.catechin     3 1.648%
29.drug combinations     3 1.648%
30.enzyme inhibitors     3 1.648%
31.immunologic factors     3 1.648%
32.jnk mitogen-activated protein kinases     3 1.648%
33.mtor protein, human     3 1.648%
34.neuroprotective agents     3 1.648%
35.nf-kappa b     3 1.648%
36.p-glycoprotein     3 1.648%
37.p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases     3 1.648%
38.panaxadiol     3 1.648%
39.poly(adp-ribose) polymerases     3 1.648%
40.proto-oncogene proteins c-akt     3 1.648%
41.tor serine-threonine kinases     3 1.648%
42.adaptor proteins, signal transducing     2 1.099%
43.amino acid chloromethyl ketones     2 1.099%
44.azoxymethane     2 1.099%
45.bcl-2-associated x protein     2 1.099%
46.benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone     2 1.099%
47.beta catenin     2 1.099%
48.caspases     2 1.099%
49.cinnamates     2 1.099%
50.cinnamic acid     2 1.099%
01.肿瘤     133 73.077%
02.消化系统疾病     24 13.187%
03.结直肠癌     23 12.637%
04.消化系统肿瘤     22 12.088%
05.结肠癌     16 8.791%
06.胃肠疾病     15 8.242%
07.结肠疾病     14 7.692%
08.肠道疾病     14 7.692%
09.肺癌     14 7.692%
10.胃肠癌     14 7.692%
11.白血病     13 7.143%
12.肠癌     13 7.143%
13.肿瘤转移     13 7.143%
14.腺癌     13 7.143%
15.癌,肿瘤     12 6.593%
16.肝细胞癌     12 6.593%
17.腺和上皮癌     9 4.945%
18.直肠疾病     8 4.396%
19.肝癌     8 4.396%
20.乳腺癌     7 3.846%
21.动物疾病模型     7 3.846%
22.呼吸道疾病     7 3.846%
23.实验性癌     7 3.846%
24.呼吸道癌     6 3.297%
25.糖尿病     6 3.297%
26.肝疾病     6 3.297%
27.肺疾病     6 3.297%
28.胸部癌     6 3.297%
29.血液和淋巴系统疾病     6 3.297%
30.皮肤与结缔组织疾病     5 2.747%
31.胃癌     5 2.747%
32.胰腺癌     5 2.747%
33.乳腺疾病     4 2.198%
34.实验性白血病     4 2.198%
35.淋巴瘤     4 2.198%
36.癌形成过程     4 2.198%
37.皮肤疾病     4 2.198%
38.非小细胞肺癌     4 2.198%
39.髓样白血病     4 2.198%
40.b细胞淋巴瘤     3 1.648%
41.免疫增生性疾病     3 1.648%
42.免疫系统疾病     3 1.648%
43.内分泌系统疾病     3 1.648%
44.内分泌腺癌     3 1.648%
45.创伤和损伤     3 1.648%
46.动物疾病     3 1.648%
47.小细胞肺癌     3 1.648%
48.急性髓细胞白血病     3 1.648%
49.淋巴系统疾病     3 1.648%
50.淋巴组织增生性疾病     3 1.648%
01.肿瘤学     27 14.835%
02.药学     16 8.791%
03.中医学     9 4.945%
04.生物学     9 4.945%
05.化学     5 2.747%
06.中药学     3 1.648%
07.中西医结合     3 1.648%
08.内分泌学     3 1.648%
09.消化病学     3 1.648%
10.临床检验诊断学     2 1.099%
11.人体解剖与组织胚胎学     2 1.099%
12.医学组织工程学     2 1.099%
13.医学遗传学     2 1.099%
14.普通外科学     2 1.099%
15.精神病与精神卫生学     2 1.099%
16.营养与食品卫生学     2 1.099%
17.儿科学     1 0.549%
18.妇产科学     1 0.549%
19.病理学与病理生理学     1 0.549%
20.真菌学     1 0.549%
21.老年医学     1 0.549%
22.麻醉学     1 0.549%


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