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青蒿素耐药性 Artemisinin resistance 国际研究论文1861篇分布如下:
年份 年份趋势图
02. 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生,3区183篇 11.104% 07. 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生,2区34篇 2.063% 08. 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生,4区33篇 2.002% 查看更多
01. dong, y(dong, y)3篇 0.182% 02. du, f(du, fuying)3篇 0.182% 03. liu, j(liu, jian)3篇 0.182% 04. pan, x(pan, xichun)3篇 0.182% 05. xing, j(xing, jie)3篇 0.182% 06. 江苏省寄生虫病防治研究所.汪伟3篇 0.182% 07. 第三军医大学校本部.周红3篇 0.182% 08. 第三军医大学校本部.李斌3篇 0.182% 09. cen, y(cen, yanyan)2篇 0.121% 10. chu, yh(chu, yh)2篇 0.121% 查看更多
01. dong, y(dong, y)研究antimalarials/pharmacology3篇 0.182% 02. dong, y(dong, y)研究artemisinins3篇 0.182% 03. dong, y(dong, y)研究plasmodium falciparum/drug effects3篇 0.182% 04. pan, x(pan, xichun)研究artemisinins/pharmacology3篇 0.182% 05. 江苏省寄生虫病防治研究所.汪伟研究schistosomiasis japonica/drug therapy3篇 0.182% 06. 第三军医大学校本部.周红研究artemisinins/pharmacology3篇 0.182% 07. 第三军医大学校本部.李斌研究artemisinins/pharmacology3篇 0.182% 08. cen, y(cen, yanyan)研究artemisinins/pharmacology2篇 0.121% 09. chu, yh(chu, yh)研究antimalarials/therapeutic use2篇 0.121% 10. chu, yh(chu, yh)研究artemisinins2篇 0.121% 查看更多
01. du, f(du, fuying)与xing, j(xing, jie)合作3篇 0.182% 02. pan, x(pan, xichun)与第三军医大学校本部.周红合作3篇 0.182% 03. pan, x(pan, xichun)与第三军医大学校本部.李斌合作3篇 0.182% 04. 第三军医大学校本部.李斌与第三军医大学校本部.周红合作3篇 0.182% 05. cen, y(cen, yanyan)与pan, x(pan, xichun)合作2篇 0.121% 06. cen, y(cen, yanyan)与第三军医大学校本部.周红合作2篇 0.121% 07. cen, y(cen, yanyan)与第三军医大学校本部.李斌合作2篇 0.121% 08. cen, y(cen, yanyan)与第三军医大学校本部.郑江合作2篇 0.121% 09. dong, y(dong, y)与liu, dq(liu, dq)合作2篇 0.121% 10. dong, y(dong, y)与yang, pf(yang, pf)合作2篇 0.121% 查看更多
03. Looareesuwan S49篇 2.973% 08. Meshnick SR27篇 1.638% 查看更多
01. nickw@tropmedres.ac9篇 0.546% 02. luc2@psu.edu8篇 0.485% 03. jennifer.keiser@unibas.ch5篇 0.303% 04. kesaratmu@yahoo.com5篇 0.303% 05. peterwin@liv.ac.uk5篇 0.303% 06. rashadqb@yahoo.com5篇 0.303% 07. s.krishna@sgul.ac.uk5篇 0.303% 08. thomas.efferth@web.de5篇 0.303% 09. adjimde@icermali.org4篇 0.243% 10. arjen@tropmedres.ac4篇 0.243% 01. 中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)13篇 0.789% 07. 江苏省寄生虫病防治研究所3篇 0.182% 查看更多
01. 中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)12篇 0.728% 05. 江苏省寄生虫病防治研究所3篇 0.182% 08. 哈尔滨医科大学第一附属医院2篇 0.121% 查看更多
01. 云南省寄生虫病防治所与中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)合作2篇 0.121% 02. dalian institute of biotechnology与云南省疾病预防控制中心合作1篇 0.061% 03. dalian institute of biotechnology与昆明医科大学校本部合作1篇 0.061% 04. tengchong county center for disease control and prevention与yangjiang county center for disease control and prevention合作1篇 0.061% 05. tengchong county center for disease control and prevention与中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)合作1篇 0.061% 06. tengchong county center for disease control and prevention与云南省寄生虫病防治所合作1篇 0.061% 07. tengchong county center for disease control and prevention与云南省疾病预防控制中心合作1篇 0.061% 08. yangjiang county center for disease control and prevention与中国疾病预防控制中心(中国预防医学科学院)合作1篇 0.061% 09. yangjiang county center for disease control and prevention与云南省寄生虫病防治所合作1篇 0.061% 10. yangjiang county center for disease control and prevention与云南省疾病预防控制中心合作1篇 0.061% 查看更多
05. liverpool school of tropical medicine21篇 1.274% 08. world health organization20篇 1.214% 09. central drug research institute19篇 1.153% 查看更多
01. antimalarials1069篇 64.867% 02. artemisinins978篇 59.345% 03. drug resistance663篇 40.231% 04. plasmodium falciparum600篇 36.408% 05. malaria, falciparum596篇 36.165% 06. sesquiterpenes479篇 29.066% 08. drug therapy, combination303篇 18.386% 09. drug combinations248篇 15.049% 10. chloroquine244篇 14.806% 查看更多
01. Antimalarials/therapeutic use*434篇 26.335% 02. Malaria, Falciparum/drug therapy*408篇 24.757% 03. Antimalarials/pharmacology*343篇 20.813% 04. Plasmodium falciparum/drug effects*328篇 19.903% 05. Artemisinins*247篇 14.988% 06. Artemisinins/therapeutic use*233篇 14.138% 07. Malaria/drug therapy*204篇 12.379% 08. Plasmodium falciparum/drug effects195篇 11.833% 09. Artemisinins/pharmacology*172篇 10.437% 10. Sesquiterpenes/therapeutic use*167篇 10.134% 查看更多
01. antimalarials/therapeutic use与malaria, falciparum/drug therapy241篇 14.624% 02. antimalarials/pharmacology与plasmodium falciparum/drug effects209篇 12.682% 03. antimalarials/therapeutic use与artemisinins/therapeutic use192篇 11.650% 04. antimalarials/therapeutic use与sesquiterpenes/therapeutic use148篇 8.981% 05. artemisinins/therapeutic use与malaria, falciparum/drug therapy143篇 8.677% 06. malaria, falciparum/drug therapy与sesquiterpenes/therapeutic use121篇 7.342% 07. antimalarials/pharmacology与artemisinins/pharmacology114篇 6.917% 08. antimalarials/therapeutic use与artemisinins113篇 6.857% 09. malaria, falciparum/drug therapy与plasmodium falciparum/drug effects113篇 6.857% 10. antimalarials/therapeutic use与malaria/drug therapy110篇 6.675% 查看更多
01. antimalarials1069篇 64.867% 02. artemisinins978篇 59.345% 03. sesquiterpenes479篇 29.066% 04. artemisinine361篇 21.905% 05. artesunate303篇 18.386% 06. drug combinations248篇 15.049% 07. chloroquine244篇 14.806% 08. mefloquine183篇 11.104% 09. pyrimethamine154篇 9.345% 10. artemether136篇 8.252% 查看更多
01. antiparasitic agents1303篇 79.066% 02. antiprotozoal agents1274篇 77.306% 04. artesunate471篇 28.580% 05. aminoquinolines403篇 24.454% 06. drug combinations312篇 18.932% 07. artemether307篇 18.629% 10. lumefantrine214篇 12.985% 查看更多
01. jin ji na pi214篇 12.985% 02. hong jin ji na pi213篇 12.925% 07. chang chun hua1篇 0.061% 查看更多
01. eukaryota1426篇 86.529% 03. chordata1285篇 77.973% 05. vertebrates1277篇 77.488% 07. primates1181篇 71.663% 08. haplorhini1180篇 71.602% 09. catarrhini1179篇 71.541% 10. hominidae1177篇 71.420% 查看更多
01. phosphorus657篇 39.867% 查看更多
01. department of medicine42篇 2.549% 02. department of chemistry30篇 1.820% 03. laboratory of malaria and vector research21篇 1.274% 04. department of biochemistry19篇 1.153% 05. department of microbiology and immunology19篇 1.153% 06. department of parasitology19篇 1.153% 07. college of medicine18篇 1.092% 08. department of epidemiology18篇 1.092% 09. division of infectious diseases17篇 1.032% 10. department of microbiology15篇 0.910% 查看更多
statistics of 1,861 documents
123 ...20 |
Malar J | | 257 |
Am J Trop Med Hyg | | 103 |
Antimicrob Agents Chemother | | 101 |
T Roy Soc Trop Med H | | 67 |
Plos One | | 57 |
Lancet | | 47 |
J Infect Dis | | 43 |
Trop Med Int Health | | 42 |
Acta Trop | | 35 |
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health | | 33 |
Lancet Infect Dis | | 31 |
J Med Chem | | 26 |
Ann Trop Med Parasit | | 26 |
Med Trop (mars) | | 25 |
Antimicrob Agents Ch | | 25 |
Parasitol Res | | 22 |
Clin Infect Dis | | 22 |
Trends Parasitol | | 18 |
Science | | 18 |
Plos Med | | 15 |
123 ...20 |
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