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已有 2645 次阅读 2014-12-14 09:27 |个人分类:科学计量|系统分类:科研笔记



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Mass-spectrometry-based draft of the human proteome.
So far Altmetric has seen 18 stories from 17 outlets.

Wie viele verschiedene Proteine werden im menschlichen Krper gebildet? Zwei Forscherteams haben nun erstmals umfassende Protein- ..

Los Angeles Times

More than a decade has passed since scientists completed the Human Genome Project, a worldwide effort to decode our DNA. That DN ..

Le Scienze

Pubblicata un'estesa bozza del proteoma umano, ovvero dell'insieme di proteine espresse dal nostro genoma, grazie a due studi ba ..

Innovations Report

Die Entschlsselung des menschlichen Proteoms kommt voran: Unter Federfhrung der Technischen Universitt Mnchen (TUM) haben Wissen ..


Forscher prsentieren erste Kartierung des gesamten Proteoms ..

Chemical & Engineering News

Draft Catalogs: New databases of human proteins will be made publicly available ..

The Scientist Magazine

Compiling mass spectrometry profiles of human tissues and cell lines, two separate groups publish near-complete drafts of the hu ..


Substantial progress has been made in decoding the human proteome. Researchers have now mapped more than 18,000 human proteins - ..


Substantial progress has been made in decoding the human proteome. Under the leadership of the Technische Universitt Mnchen rese ..


Ohne Proteine luft im Krper nichts. Sie verleihen Organen ihr Aussehen und ihre Funktion. Jetzt haben Forscher den ersten umfass ..


( Technische Universitaet Muenchen ) Substantial progress has been made in decoding the human proteome. Under the leadership of ..


Ohne Eiweie kein Leben. Organe, Stoffwechsel, Gedanken Proteine steuern alles, angeleitet von Genen. Jetzt kennt man sie fast k ..

Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ)

Unser Erbgut ist nicht statisch. Neue Proteine entstehen, nicht bentigte Gene werden stillgelegt. Das zeigt die nun prsentierte ..

Science Daily

Striving for the protein equivalent of the Human Genome Project, an international team of researchers has created an initial cat ..

BBC News

The first two attempts at a complete catalogue of human proteins, called the proteome, are published by independent teams of res ..

Popular Science

Human Proteins The blue patterning on the right shows the results of experiments separating and identifying proteins inside tiss ..


Die Analyse der in einer Zelle versammelten Proteine ist zu einem zentralen Forschungsgegenstand geworden. Unser SPEZIAL liefert ..

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Automatic large-scale classification of bird sounds is strongly improved by unsupervised feature learning
So far Altmetric has seen 13 stories from 13 outlets.
Science Daily

Scientists have found a successful way of identifying bird sounds from large audio collections, which could be useful for expert ..

Christian Science Monitor

Researchers have developed a technology to identify a species of bird by its song, even among many other birdsongs. ..

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Article is amongst the highest ever scored in this journal (ranked #23 of 685)
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Why Big Data Won't Cure Us.
So far Altmetric has seen 2 posts from 2 blogs.

. Un accélérateur de startups veut développer les géants de l’Internet des objets – L’Atelier Cisco et l’incub ..

LESLIE KERNISAN, MD I’ve always been a little skeptical of the push to get doctors to prescribe apps. To begin with, ..


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Trends in access of plant biodiversity data revealed by Google Analytics
So far Altmetric has seen 3 stories from 3 outlets.

( Pensoft Publishers ) Today's herbaria, as well as all other collections-based environments, are now transitioning their collec ..


Today's herbaria, as well as all other collections-based environments, are now transitioning their collections data onto the web ..

Science Daily

Today's herbaria, as well as all other collections-based environments, are now transitioning their collections data onto the web ..

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Challenges of Big Data analysis
So far Altmetric has seen 2 stories from 2 outlets.

Big Data presents scientists with unfolding opportunities, including, for instance, the possibility of discovering heterogeneous ..


( Science China Press ) Big Data presents information-bombarded society with the potential for new levels of scientific discover ..

Economics in the age of big data
So far Altmetric has seen 1 blog post.

On the CGD blog, Lant Pritchett offers his 4-part smell test for whether your impact evaluation is asking a question that matter ..

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Focus on big data
So far Altmetric has seen 1 blog post.

The November issue of Nature Neuroscience is focused on discussions of “big data” initiatives for mapping the brain, ..

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Structured Open Urban Data: Understanding the Landscape.
So far Altmetric has seen 4 stories from 4 outlets.

( Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News ) Cities around the world are increasingly making urban data freely available ..

Science Newsline

New Rochelle, October 29, 2014 Cities around the world are increasingly making urban data freely available to the public. But is ..


Cities around the world are increasingly making urban data freely available to the public. But is the content or structure of th ..

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openPDS: Protecting the Privacy of Metadata through SafeAnswers
So far Altmetric has seen 4 stories from 4 outlets.

Cellphone metadata has been in the news quite a bit lately, but the National Security Agency isn't the only organization that co ..

Science Daily

Cellphone metadata has been in the news quite a bit lately, but the National Security Agency isn't the only organization that co ..


Brett Smith for redOrbit.com - Your Universe Online While issues of personal data security have mostly revolved around actions o ..

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