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德国心脏病专家Strauer 48篇干细胞论文造假

已有 3801 次阅读 2013-7-9 08:45 |个人分类:学术不端|系统分类:观点评述| 论文, 德国, 干细胞, 心脏病



多产而又高调的德国心脏病专家 Bodo-Eckehard Strauer 又一次受到了攻击——他一直宣称:基于骨髓细胞的干细胞可以修复病变导致的心脏损伤。

Strauer 于 2009 年从德国杜塞尔多夫大学退休,在德国科学界,自从他 2001 年第一次声称临床干细胞治疗心脏损伤获得成功以来,一直是一个饱受争议的人物。许多干细胞科学家都公开表示自己对这一言论的怀疑,媒体对于这些怀疑的呼声也给予了报道。

近日,一篇发表在《国际心脏病学杂志》上的文章详细分析了他的研究团队所发表的 48 篇论文,并提出了一系列问题,包括在统计学表述上的算术错误以及在论文中描述不同数量的患者却得出相同答案的问题。作者还系统地搜查了所有的论文中自相矛盾的信息——在一组组的矛盾对立中,总有一方是不真实的。


Nature News Blog

German cardiologist’s stem-cell papers attacked

The copious publications of high-profile German cardiologist Bodo-Eckehard Strauer — who has long claimed that stem cells derived from bone-marrow cells can repair damage in diseased hearts — have come under new attack.

Strauer, who retired from the University of Düsseldorf in 2009, has been a controversial figure in Germany since he first claimed clinical success with the approach in 2001. Many stem-cell scientists have been openly sceptical of his claims, which have been reported enthusiastically in the media.

An article published this week in the International Journal of Cardiology dissects 48 of the papers from his group and exposes a series of problems, including arithmetic errors in the presentation of statistics and identical results in papers presenting different numbers of patients. The authors also searched systematically in all of the papers for discrepant information — pairs of statements that could not both be true.



Bodo Eckehard Strauer 的学术影响
Publications: 353|Citations: 3689
Fields: Cardiology, Pharmacology, Pathology
Collaborated with 360 co-authors from 1990 to 2011| Cited by 10034 authors



收藏 IP: 222.35.21.*| 热度|

1 曾新林

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