外滩Bund One Art Museum的“日出·光明—莫奈《日出·印象》”特展,除展出了九幅《莫奈的油画》原作外,还有热拉尔·弗朗格(Gérard Fromanger)的14幅作品。除最后一幅创作于2019年外,其余均属于创作于1966-1967年左右的“破碎的风景画系列(Cut-up Landscapes Series)”
《地球上的云特写风景画(Landscape, Close-up on the Cloud on the Earth)》
《意式缩放风景画(Landscape Zoom and Focus in the Italian Style)》
《天空与太阳特写风景画(Landscape, Close-up on the Sky and the Sun)》
《破碎的风景画(Cut-up Landscape)》
《太阳每天升起(The Sun Rises Every Day)》
《波浪形风景画(Wavy Landscape)》
《浮雕风景画(Relief Landscape)》
《凹雕风景画(Hollow Landscape)》
《阳光下的风景画。阳光穿过窗户照耀在画上(Light on Landscape. The Sun Goes through the Window and Ends up on the Painting)》
《一个动作改变的画(Painting Transformed by a Gesture)》
《一分为十的画(Painting Cut into Ten)》
《四重风景画凸面。略微错位的四重凹雕画(Landscape in Four, Concave, Painting in Four, Hollowed and Slightly Displaced)》
《四重风景画凹面。略微错位的四重凸雕画(Landscape in Four, Conves, Painting in Four, in Relief and Slightly Displaced)》
《日出·印象2019(Impression, Sunrise 2019)》
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