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2016年诺贝尔化学奖得主Sauvage JP的科学贡献

已有 3603 次阅读 2016-10-6 04:33 |个人分类:诺贝尔奖|系统分类:观点评述



       2016年诺贝尔化学奖宣布,三位科学家法国的Jean-Pierre Sauvage,美国的Sir J. Fraser Stoddart(苏格兰人,因为有授予爵位)和荷兰的Bernard L. Feringa由于“分子机器的合成与设计”而均享(各1/3)本年度诺贝尔化学奖。

01.2014     6 5.825%
02.2013     5 4.854%
03.2012     11 10.680%
04.2011     7 6.796%
05.2010     7 6.796%
06.2009     10 9.709%
07.2008     8 7.767%
08.2007     13 12.621%
09.2006     8 7.767%
10.2005     9 8.738%
11.2015     1 0.971%
12.2014     6 5.825%
13.2013     5 4.854%
14.2002     5 4.854%
15.1999     1 0.971%
16.1997     1 0.971%
17.1996     2 1.942%
01.chemistry     21 20.388%
02.inorg chem     17 16.505%
03.j am chem soc     15 14.563%
04.chem commun (camb)     13 12.621%
05.angew chem int ed engl     12 11.650%
06.chem soc rev     3 2.913%
07.dalton trans     3 2.913%
08.acc chem res     2 1.942%
10.org lett     2 1.942%
11.top curr chem     2 1.942%
12.ann pathol     1 0.971%
13.autoimmunity     1 0.971%
14.chem rev     1 0.971%
15.chemphyschem     1 0.971%
16.j org chem     1 0.971%
17.j phys chem a     1 0.971%
18.j phys chem b     1 0.971%
19.orbit     1 0.971%
20.photochem photobiol     1 0.971%
21.phys chem chem phys     1 0.971%
22.rev prat     1 0.971%
01.法国     72 69.903%
02.意大利     11 10.680%
03.美国     8 7.767%
04.瑞士     4 3.883%
05.德国     2 1.942%
06.比利时     2 1.942%
07.瑞典     2 1.942%
08.西班牙     2 1.942%
09.捷克共和国     1 0.971%
10.日本     1 0.971%
01.法国斯特拉斯堡     65 63.107%
02.blaise     53 51.456%
03.意大利博洛尼亚     9 8.738%
04.美国埃文斯顿     6 5.825%
05.limoges     4 3.883%
06.allee     3 2.913%
07.瑞士日内瓦     3 2.913%
08.比利时列日     2 1.942%
09.瑞典乌普萨拉市     2 1.942%
10.california.arnold     1 0.971%
11.clichy     1 0.971%
12.ferrara     1 0.971%
13.fribourg     1 0.971%
14.hongo     1 0.971%
15.italy.centro     1 0.971%
16.karlsruhe     1 0.971%
17.la terrasse     1 0.971%
18.pierre     1 0.971%
19.prague     1 0.971%
20.yvette     1 0.971%
21.德国斯图加特     1 0.971%
22.意大利的里雅斯特     1 0.971%
23.日本东京     1 0.971%
24.法国吉夫伊维特     1 0.971%
25.美国帕萨迪纳     1 0.971%
01.法国斯特拉斯堡大学     23 22.330%
02.美国西北大学     6 5.825%
03.universidad politecnica de valencia     2 1.942%
04.university of li ge     2 1.942%
05.乌普萨拉大学     2 1.942%
06.列日大学     2 1.942%
07.日内瓦大学     2 1.942%
08.forschungszentrum karlsruhe     1 0.971%
09.institut de chimie des substances naturelles     1 0.971%
10.universita di bologna     1 0.971%
11.universita di ferrara     1 0.971%
12.universita di trieste     1 0.971%
13.universite de geneve     1 0.971%
14.东京大学     1 0.971%
15.加州理工学院     1 0.971%
16.意大利国家研究理事会(cnr)     1 0.971%
17.捷克科学院     1 0.971%
18.阿贡国家实验室     1 0.971%
01.models, molecular     8 7.767%
02.copper     7 6.796%
03.molecular structure     7 6.796%
04.organometallic compounds     7 6.796%
05.zinc     6 5.825%
06.crystallography, x-ray     5 4.854%
07.rotaxanes     5 4.854%
08.ligands     4 3.883%
09.molecular conformation     4 3.883%
10.photochemistry     4 3.883%
11.blinking     3 2.913%
12.macrocyclic compounds     3 2.913%
13.metalloporphyrins     3 2.913%
14.phenanthrolines     3 2.913%
15.porphyrins     3 2.913%
16.ruthenium     3 2.913%
17.stereoisomerism     3 2.913%
18.video recording     3 2.913%
19.blepharospasm     2 1.942%
20.botulinum toxins, type a     2 1.942%
21.chelating agents     2 1.942%
22.coordination complexes     2 1.942%
23.cyclization     2 1.942%
24.diagnostic techniques, ophthalmological     2 1.942%
25.electron transport     2 1.942%
26.electrons     2 1.942%
27.eyelids     2 1.942%
28.gold     2 1.942%
29.iron     2 1.942%
30.light     2 1.942%
31.macromolecular substances     2 1.942%
32.magnetic resonance spectroscopy     2 1.942%
33.molecular mimicry     2 1.942%
34.molecular motor proteins     2 1.942%
35.neuromuscular agents     2 1.942%
36.prospective studies     2 1.942%
37.adsorption     1 0.971%
38.anthracenes     1 0.971%
39.antineoplastic agents     1 0.971%
40.autoantibodies     1 0.971%
41.autoimmune diseases of the nervous system     1 0.971%
42.automatic data processing     1 0.971%
43.biological markers     1 0.971%
44.biomechanics     1 0.971%
45.biomimetic materials     1 0.971%
46.biotechnology     1 0.971%
47.breast neoplasms     1 0.971%
48.catalysis     1 0.971%
49.catenanes     1 0.971%
50.cations     1 0.971%
01.copper     7 6.796%
02.organometallic compounds     7 6.796%
03.zinc     6 5.825%
04.rotaxanes     5 4.854%
05.ligands     4 3.883%
06.macrocyclic compounds     3 2.913%
07.metalloporphyrins     3 2.913%
08.phenanthrolines     3 2.913%
09.porphyrins     3 2.913%
10.ruthenium     3 2.913%
11.1,10-phenanthroline     2 1.942%
12.botulinum toxins, type a     2 1.942%
13.chelating agents     2 1.942%
14.coordination complexes     2 1.942%
15.gold     2 1.942%
16.iron     2 1.942%
17.macromolecular substances     2 1.942%
18.molecular motor proteins     2 1.942%
19.neuromuscular agents     2 1.942%
20.4,7-phenanthroline     1 0.971%
21.anthracenes     1 0.971%
22.antineoplastic agents     1 0.971%
23.autoantibodies     1 0.971%
24.benzonitrile     1 0.971%
25.biological markers     1 0.971%
26.catenane     1 0.971%
27.catenanes     1 0.971%
28.cations     1 0.971%
29.dna     1 0.971%
30.iridium     1 0.971%
31.isoquinolines     1 0.971%
32.myelin p0 protein     1 0.971%
33.nitrates     1 0.971%
34.nitriles     1 0.971%
35.paclitaxel     1 0.971%
36.photosynthetic reaction center complex proteins     1 0.971%
37.polycyclic compounds     1 0.971%
38.pyridines     1 0.971%
39.quinolines     1 0.971%
40.ruthenium dipyridophenazine     1 0.971%
41.silicon dioxide     1 0.971%
42.sulfoxides     1 0.971%
43.tetraporphyrin(2)catenane     1 0.971%
44.zinc compounds     1 0.971%
45.zinc nitrate     1 0.971%
01.神经系统疾病     3 2.913%
02.眼睑疾病     2 1.942%
03.眼睑痉挛     2 1.942%
04.眼科疾病     2 1.942%
05.瞳孔失调     2 1.942%
06.神经学显示     2 1.942%
07.耳鼻咽喉疾病     2 1.942%
08.肿瘤     2 1.942%
09.乳腺疾病     1 0.971%
10.乳腺癌     1 0.971%
11.先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形     1 0.971%
12.先天性遗传性疾病     1 0.971%
13.免疫系统疾病     1 0.971%
14.内分泌系统疾病     1 0.971%
15.内分泌腺癌     1 0.971%
16.创伤和损伤     1 0.971%
17.原发性多发性癌     1 0.971%
18.口腔疾病     1 0.971%
19.口腔肿瘤     1 0.971%
20.口颌疾病     1 0.971%
21.听觉丧失     1 0.971%
22.多发性内分泌瘤病     1 0.971%
23.多发性内分泌瘤病2a型     1 0.971%
24.头颈部肿瘤     1 0.971%
25.感觉障碍     1 0.971%
26.感音神经性听觉丧失     1 0.971%
27.扭伤与劳损     1 0.971%
28.皮肤与结缔组织疾病     1 0.971%
29.皮肤疾病     1 0.971%
30.眩晕     1 0.971%
31.神经系统自身免疫疾病     1 0.971%
32.美尼尔氏病     1 0.971%
33.耳疾病     1 0.971%
34.自身免疫疾病     1 0.971%
35.舌疾病     1 0.971%
36.舌癌     1 0.971%
37.虫咬和虫螫     1 0.971%
38.迷路疾病     1 0.971%
39.遗传性癌综合征     1 0.971%
01.department of chemistry     4 3.883%
02.center for the chemistry of integrated systems and department of chemistry     1 0.971%
03.center for the chemistry of integrated systems and the department of chemistry     1 0.971%
04.department of chemistry and biotechnology     1 0.971%
05.department of ophthalmology     1 0.971%
06.department of organic chemistry     1 0.971%
07.department of photochemistry and molecular science     1 0.971%
08.department of physical chemistry     1 0.971%
09.division of chemistry and chemical engineering     1 0.971%
10.institute of organic chemistry and biochemistry     1 0.971%


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