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已有 2924 次阅读 2015-3-16 10:21 |系统分类:论文交流| 北极科考, 英文版, 海洋学报






中、英文3期发表文章的目录如下, 主要为物理海洋、海洋气象、海洋物理、海洋地质、海洋工程方向论文。英文版部分论文为第五次北极科考专题论文。


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2015年 第37卷 第3期



易侃,龚文平.伶仃洋河口横向环流[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):1-14,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.001

赵昌,乔方利,王关锁,舒启,夏长水.历次核试验进入海洋的137Cs对中国近海影响的模拟研究[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):15-24,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.002

沈菲菲,闵锦忠,陈鹏,李超.多普勒雷达资料同化在台风桑美预报中的应用研究[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):25-36,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.003

毛献忠,祝倩,Wei Yong.浙江沿海潜在区域地震海啸风险分析[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):37-45,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.004

王进,张杰,王晶.基于Argo浮标数据的星载微波辐射计Aquarius 数据产品质量评估[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):46-53,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.005


孙伟富,张杰,马毅,夏东兴.1979-2010年我国大陆海岸潟湖变迁的多时相遥感分析[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):54-69, doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.006

刘涛,黎广钊.北部湾广西沿岸全新世海侵过程的区域差异[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):70-76, doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.007

夏鹏,孟宪伟,平爱平,李珍.广西钦州湾百年来红树林演变的有机碳同位素和孢粉示踪及其影响因素[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):77-85, doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.008

郑杰文,贾永刚,刘晓磊,刘保华,付腾飞,张丽萍.现代黄河三角洲沉积物临界剪切应力研究[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):86-98,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.009

刘小丽,窦锦钟,英姿,霍沿东,张旭.波致海底缓倾角无限坡滑动稳定性计算分析探讨[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):99-105,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.010


蒋昌波,伍志元,陈杰,刘静,肖桂振,杨武.波浪动力因素变化对沙质岸滩演变的影响[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):106-113, doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.011

林益帆,戴志军,李为华,谢华亮,李九发.长江口南北槽分流口洪季水沙变化过程研究[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):114-125,  doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.012

宁德志,苏晓杰,滕斌.波浪与带窄缝多箱体作用共振现象的模拟研究[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):126-133, doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.013



张晓鹤,李九发,朱文武,程和琴.近期长江河口冲淤演变过程研究[J].海洋学报,2015,37(3):134-143, doi10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.03.014


Acta Oceanologica Sinica

2015 Vol.34 No.3


Physical Oceanography, Marine Meteorology and Marine Physics

ZHAO Jinping, LI Tao, EHN Jens and BARBER David. 2015. An analytical validation for the attenuation of lateral propagating light in sea ice.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):18, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0628-5


HE Yan, ZHAO Jinping, LIU Na, WEI Zexun, LIU Yahao and LI Xiang. 2015.Deep water distribution and transport in the Nordic seas from climatological hydrological data.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):917, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0629-4


WANG Xiaoyu, ZHAO Jinping, LI Tao, ZHONG Wenli and JIAO Yutian. 2015. Deep waters warming in the Nordic seas from 1972 to 2013.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):1824, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0613-z


XIA Ruibin, LIU Qinyu, XU Lixiao and LU Yiqun. 2015. North Pacific Eastern Subtropical Mode Water simulation and future projection.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):2530, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0630-y


HUANG Chuanjiang and QIAO Fangli. 2015. Sea level rise projection in the South China Sea from CMIP5 models.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):3141, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0631-x


SHI Lijiang, LU Peng, CHENG Bin, KARVONEN Juha, WANG Qimao, LI Zhijun and HAN Hongwei. 2015. An assessment of arctic sea ice concentration retrieval based on “HY-2” scanning radiometer data using field observations during CHINARE-2012 and other satellite instruments.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):4250, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0632-9


FU Dongyang, HUANG Zhaojun, ZHANG Yuanzhi, PAN Delu, DING Youzhua, LIU Dazhao, ZHANG Ying, MAO Zhihua and CHEN Jianfang. 2015. Factors affecting spring bloom in the South of Cheju Island in the East China Sea.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):5158, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0633-8


LIU Meijie, DAI Yongshou, ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Xi, MENG Junmin and XIE Qinchuan. 2015. PCA-based sea-ice image fusion of optical data by HIS transform and SAR data by wavelet transform.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):5967, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0634-7

Marine Geology

ZHANG Taoliang, WANG Rujian, XIAO Wenshen, CHEN Zhihua, CHEN Jianfang, CHENG Zhenbo and SUN Yechen. 2015. Ice rafting history and paleoceanographic reconstructions of Core 08P23 from southern Chukchi Plateau, western Arctic Ocean since Marine Isotope Stage 3.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):6875, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0609-8


ZHANG Song, WANG Wei, HUANG Rihui and XU Liubing. 2015. The sedimentary source, planform stability and shore normal morphological change of the Xichong beach on the southern coast of the Dapeng Peninsula of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):7689, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0635-6

Ocean Engineering

ZHANG Yi and CAO Yingyi. 2015. A fuzzy quantification approach of uncertainties in an extreme wave height modeling.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):9098, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0636-5


XU Zhuo, ZHANG Wei, LU Peidong and CHEN Kefeng. 2015. The study on the bottom friction and the breaking coefficient for typhoon waves in radial sand ridges—the Lanshayang Channel as an example.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):99107, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0637-4


WANG Li, WU Xiongbin, PI Xiaoshan, MA Ketao, LIU Jianfei and TIAN Yun. 2015. Numerical simulation and inversion of offshore area depth based on x-band microwave radar.

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):108114, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0627-7


WAN Yong, ZHANG Jie, MENG Junmin and WANG Jing. 2015. A wave energy resource assessment in the China's seas based on multi-satellite merged radar altimeter data. 

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3):115124, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0627-6


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