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已有 4833 次阅读 2012-12-3 12:04 |个人分类:学术|系统分类:论文交流| 生态学, 道路, 景观, 堤坝沟渠, 水地景观

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本文旨在介绍三类线形人工设施所造成的景观破碎化和生态效应。这三类线形人工设施包括道路、沟渠和堤坝, 属于大型土木工程建设。它们都是景观破碎化的重要因子。道路、堤坝、沟渠这三类人工线形设施对生态系统影响的共同之处很多, 主要包括以下方面:a. 阻碍动物自然迁移和活动、b. 设施地带形成人为的栖息地、c.  作为廊道提供迁移路径,d. 边缘效应、e. 改变连接度、f.  增加人类活动的影响。三类线形设施及其带来的人为景观破碎化改变种群、群落和生态系统在景观中的空间配置和动态变化,导致种群灭绝、生物多样性下降、生态系统功能丧失,其生态负作用很大,远远超过正面作用。


在三类线性设施的对环境的各种影响之中,对水文动态和水文过程的影响是最显著的。这三类设施使地表水体系统减流增滞,大大地降低水体连接度, 减了少正常洪水,进而从景观的尺度上发生影响,导致水地景观田屯化。水地景观是指这样一种景观: 1) 在比较长的时间在比较多的斑块或者比较大的面积上存在地表水,2) 水的存在、深度、流动具有空间及时间上的异质性, 3) 由于水体的时空格局和水文过程决定着不同植被类型的空间镶嵌格局和动物复合种群和复合群落的空间配置,景观的格局与过程的主要特征,包括斑块、廊道、基质和过渡区的配置以及能量、物质和生物个体的流动都受到影响和约束。水的季节性空间格局动态和脉冲型水体连接度,是许多自然水地景观的重要特征。水地景观田屯化改变水体分布与水位、水流、水体理化特征,以及水体含带物的分布与动态,隔断水体的自然连接,降低一些生物物种的栖息适合度,导致种群灭绝,破坏食物网链的关键环节,使外来物种得以定居并且取代本地种, 影响洪泛平原和湿地的物种生存,减少河口湾和三角洲的淡水、泥沙和营养物来源,降低那里的生态系统生产力,从而减低整个景观为社会提供的生态功益。道路、堤坝、沟渠这三类人工线形设施和水地景观田屯化的最大影响在于为土地改造提供了条件,大大地提高人类活动的种类、规模和强度,包括农业、工业和城市化,进一步带来巨大的间接影响。




Linear Manmade Structures, Landscape Fragmentation, and Ecological Consequences




This paper reviews the ecological effects of three types of linear structures and the consequent landscape fragmentation.  These linear structures are manmade and include roads, canals, and levees (dykes).  These manmade structures influences the ecological landscape, because a) they are barriers blocking the movement and dispersal of organisms, b) they create new habitats, c) they provide corridors as travel lanes, particularly for exotic species, d) they generate edge effects, e) they alter ecological and hydrologic connectivity, and f) they increase human impacts via landscape domestication.  These influences alter spatial compositions, temporal patterns, and spatial processes of meta-populations, meta-communities, and ecosystems.  They lead to extinctions of populations, decreases in biodiversity, degradation of ecosystem functions, and losses of ecosystem services.  Although these influences can be both negative and positive, overall, the ecological effects are overwhelmingly negative.  


All three types of linear structures generate significant impacts on hydrology and hydroscape.  Hydroscape refers to a type of landscape, where water plays a defining role in the formation of spatial patterns and the configuration of spatial processes.  First, water covers a large numbers of patches or large areas for long time periods in this landscape.  Secondly, the coverage, depth, and flow of water are heterogeneous spatially or temporally or both.  Thirdly, populations, communities, and ecosystem fluxes vary spatially and temporally as consequences of the spatial and temporal dynamics of hydrology, and thus the features of patches, boundaries, ecotones, substrates and connectivity, are determined or influenced by the spatial and temporal patterns of surface and subsurface water.  A hydroscape is often a mosaic of wetlands, streams, sloughs, pools, lakes, coastal zones, and drylands.  The seasonally shifting mosaic and pulsing connectivity are important features of many natural hydroscapes.  The linear structures increase water stasis, decrease hydrologic connectivity, and lead to hydroscape domestication. 


Hydroscape domestication creates fragmentation, alters the natural distribution and timing of presence, depth and flow of water, and thus changes the states of physical conditions, chemistry, dissolved matters, sediment, and the configuration of biological components of the aquatic systems.  It reduces the hydrologic connectivity and annual flooding, blocks movements and dispersal of migratory species,  degrades the habitats for wildlife and fishes, leads to population extinction, destroys critical links of natural food webs, provides disturbance regimes that favor invasive species, reduce natural productivity of floodplains and deltas, deteriorates floodplain, and reduce ecosystem services of many ecosystems and the whole hydroscape.  The most significant impacts of hydroscape domestication are probably the indirect effects of increased human social-economic activities, including alternation of land cover, agriculture, industrialization, pollution, and urbanization. 


In last century, the construction of roads, canals and levees, the consequent landscape fragmentation, and hydroscape domestication had been accelerated, and their negative impacts had been intensified dramatically at both the watershed level and the global level.  In order to reverse this trend, we need to understand and quantify the key processes and mechanisms of landscape fragmentation and domestication, and their effects on the ecosystem services at each landscape.  Prevention of ecological disasters is much less costly then the restoration afterwards.  Hydroscpae ecology and hydroscape domestication deserve much more attention and should be one of the new frontiers in landscape ecology.     


董全2009 线形人工设施、景观破碎化及其生态效应。邬建国、杨劼主编,《 现代生态学讲座(IV):理论与实践》,第十二章。 高等教育出版社978-7-04-025476-1。北京,中国。




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5 高建国 廖晓琳 赵斌 陈楷翰 赵建民

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