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Science China Materials 2017年度优秀论文揭晓

已有 5238 次阅读 2018-6-11 16:03 |个人分类:《中国科学》论文|系统分类:论文交流


Science China Materials 评选出2017年度优秀论文,本次入选的论文有余彦、庄仲滨、郑凯波、李亚栋、江雷、童叶翔、张其春、黄云辉、刘卫敏、俞书宏、孙晓明和王立铎课题组的共12篇论文。

余彦 中国科技大学

Nanostructured electrode materials for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries viaelectrospinning

Li Weihan, Zeng Linchao, Wu Ying, Yu Yan

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(4), 287-321(2016)

庄仲滨 北京化工大学
Electrocatalysts for hydrogen oxidation and evolution reactions

Lu Siqi, Zhuang Zhongbin

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(3), 217-238 (2016)

郑凯波 Lund University
Photo-stability of CsPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots for optoelectronic application

Chen Junsheng, Liu Dongzhou, J. Al-Marri Mohammed, Nuuttila Lauri Lehtivuori Heli, Zheng Kaibo

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(9), 719-727 (2016)

李亚栋 清华大学
Understanding of the major reactions in solution synthesis of functional nanomaterials

Wu Yuen, Wang Dingsheng, Li Yadong

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(11), 938-996 (2016) 

江雷 中国科学院理化技术研究所
Dialectics of nature in materials science: binary cooperative complementary materials

Liu Mingjie, Jiang Lei

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(4), 239-246 (2016)

童叶翔  中山大学
Recent advances and challenges of stretchable supercapacitors based on carbon materials

Zhang Xiyue, Zhang Haozhe, Lin Ziqi, Yu Minghao, Lu Xihong, Tong Yexiang

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(6), 475-494 (2016)

张其春 南洋理工大学
A novel quinone-based polymer electrode for high performance lithium-ion batteries

Jian Xie, Zilong Wang, Peiyang Gu, Yi Zhao, Zhichuan Xu, Qichun Zhang

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(1), 6-11 (2016)

黄云辉 华中科技大学
Biomass-derived nanostructured porous carbons for lithium-sulfur batteries

Imtiaz Sumair, Zhang Jian, Ali Zafar Zahid, Ji Shengnan, Huang Taizhong, A. Anderson James, Zhang Zhaoliang, Huang Yunhui

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(5), 389-407 (2016)

刘卫敏 中国科学院理化技术研究所
Graphene quantum dots as efficient, metal-free, visible-light-active photocatalysts

Jiechao Ge, Minhuan Lan, Weimin Liu, Qingyan Jia, Liang Guo, Bingjiang Zhou, Xiangmin Meng,  Guangle Niu, Pengfei Wang

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(1), 12-19 (2016)

俞书宏 中国科学技术大学

A mixed-solvent route to unique PtAuCu ternary nanotubes templated from Cu nanowires as efficient dual electrocatalysts

Qi-Qi Fu, Hui-Hui Li, Si-Yue Ma, Bi-ChengHu, Shu-Hong Yu

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(2), 112-121 (2016)

孙晓明 北京化工大学
N-doped crumpled graphene: bottom-up synthesis and its superior oxygen reduction performance

Zhang Guoxin, Jin Xiuyan, Li Haoyuan, Wang Lin, Hu Cejun, Sun Xiaoming

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(5), 337-347 (2016)

王立铎 清华大学
Progress of interface engineering in perovskite solar cells

Niu Guangda, Li Wenzhe, Li Jiangwei, Wang Liduo

SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59(9), 728-742 (2016)



Science China Materials 自创刊以来取得了突破性进展,已被SCI、EI、Scopus等主要国际数据库收录,首个影响因子3.956,预计2017年影响因子为4.3左右。为了感谢对提升刊物影响力做出突出贡献的作者,Science China Materials 评选出了2017年度优秀论文奖。编委会和编辑部谨向获奖论文及作者表示祝贺,并诚挚地邀请材料科学领域科研工作者将创新性的成果发表在Science China Materials


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