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omnis cellula e cellula

已有 4610 次阅读 2011-3-20 14:08 |个人分类:点滴收藏|系统分类:科研笔记| cell


life is information

living is game


US——the Axis of Evil!


Cellular therapy

stem cell now is on the eve of coming medical revolution

so-called medicine is niche regulator

cell-free is the final solution of stem cell therapy



niche is telling the story of stem cell...

cancer——good cells in bad niche

Inflamation is the reprogramming process of somatic cell in vivo



cancer is unicellular organisms

cancer results from reprogramming of somatic cells

cancer is intermediate of species evolution

cancer —— good nuclear in bad cytoplasm! 
cancer results from cell dedifferentiation...
cancer origins from the regenerative cells
cancer——atavistic cells
cancer——cellular atavism!
cancer——evolutionary ancestors of mammals.
cancer——Metazoa 1.0


iPS is a luxury gambol on !

iPS is the Emperor's New Suit ! 

endogenous iPS is the cancer initiating cell

teratoma is derived from endogenous iPS

iPS——the key of Pandora box!


nature——programmer of life

life is adaptive program in the selective pressure of environment

creature are beings with the ability of procedural proliferation

living is execution and reprogramming of program

evolution——reprogramming of life

disease is reprogramming of cells

gene is program module

cell is a set of basic portfolio of complete life program.

viable cell is proliferative cell

dead cell is cell with irreversiblly losing of proliferative ability

proliferation is the production of lineage generation

unicellular organisms—— Loose collaboration of programs

Multicellular organisms—— specific collaboration programs

mammals are closed cooperation system of programs

differentiation is selective openning and closing of Programs

development is space & time sequencing of program

microenviroment is God 1.0

miRNA——The manipulator of  cell fate!

《Cell Stem Cell》means “cell is stem cell” 

RNAs are cytoplasmic determinants   

cytoplasm determine cell fate!

division is differentiation is cancerous is life !

differentiation——asymmetric cell division !

Proliferation is differentiation potentiality!

microenviroment is programmer of cells

hereditary substance is library of program

cytoplasm is the workshop for program compilation

membrane is boundary of life

cancer is atavistic reappearance of unicellular organisms

cancer is genetic toolkit

(wolf fable 2011051403)


omnis cellula e cellula    Aristotle— "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."


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