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已有 3704 次阅读 2013-4-2 13:50 |个人分类:科研信息库|系统分类:科研笔记| 英语词典

1.Tetrazolium chloride staining    TTC染色

2.superfluous[sjuː'pɜːflʊəs] adj. 多余的;不必要的;奢侈的

3.Unsaturated fatty acids  不饱和脂肪酸

4.mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids   单或多不饱和脂肪酸

5.oleic acid   油酸

6.linoleic acids  亚麻油酸

7.sacrifice  处死

8.cervical dislocation  颈脱位法

9.visible light photometer   可见光光度计

Enzyme activity levels were expressed as units/liter (U/l)

MDA content was expressed as nmol/mg protein

10. be commensurate with相称

The characteristics of the cells are commensurate with what would be required.

11. coax [kəʊks]vt. 哄;哄诱;慢慢将…弄好 vi. 哄骗;劝诱

 be coaxed into eliciting  诱导引起......

Yoshiki Sasaiwas best known for coaxing embryonic stem cells to differentiate into various types of mature cells.   (originated from Stem-cell suicide)

12. poor oversight   监管不力

13. therapeutic maneuver 治疗策略

14. strategy  策略

15. tactic    策略

16. speculate ['spekjʊleɪt]vi. 推测;投机;思索 vt. 推断

17.impair  [ɪm'peə] vt. 损害;削弱;减少

  severely impairing ventricular performance

18. habor 含有   n. 海港( harbor的名词复数 );海湾;避难所;躲藏

The adult myocardium harbors endogenous c-kit+ cardiac stem cells.

19. Epidemiological studies ...   流行病学研究......

20.   Left ventricle systolicpressure (LVSP),

21. Left ventricle end diastolic pressure (LVEDP)

22. The maximum velocity of ascending or descending of left ventricle pressure (LV ±dp/dtmax)

23. Endurance exercise 耐力性练习,耐力性训练

24. mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) 哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白

25. amply ['æmplɪ]adv. 充足地;广大地

26. be fraught with   充满;充满……的

27. peristaltic pump [,pɛrɪ'stɔltɪk]adj. 蠕动的

28. cannula['kænjʊlə]n. [医] 套管,[临床] 插管

29. annulate ['kænjʊleɪt]adj. 筒状的(等于cannular)vt. 插管

30. ambient  ['æmbɪənt] temperature  [环境] 环境温度;室温;周围温度

30. intercalated discs  闰盘 [ɪn'tɜːkəleɪt; ,ɪntəkə'leɪt]

31.Longitudinal section 纵切面;纵切片

32. Owing to this,...  由于这个原因,......

33. mitigation[mɪtɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n]n. 减轻;缓和;平静

34. collagen volume fraction   胶原容积百分比

35. unequivocal evidence  [ʌnɪ'kwɪvək(ə)l]adj. 明确的;不含糊的

36. to adress this question, 为了解决这个问题,...

37. 6.02*10^23     six point zero two times ten to the power of twenty-three

38.  1X10^-3 mol/l          ten to the power negative three mole per litre

39.over time    随着时间的过去;超时     progressing to   向…方面发展

MI causes severe damage and adverse remodeling in the left ventricle (LV) myocardium, leading

over time to LV wall thinning and dilation and ultimately progressing to contractile dysfunction and heart failure.


下一篇:Masson 染色实验方案
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