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Johns Hopkins China 中心前美方主任William F. Rope悼任东来唁

已有 4928 次阅读 2013-5-10 15:47 |个人分类:教育改革思考(07-11)|系统分类:人物纪事| China, Johns, Hopkins, Rope悼, 任东来唁函

Johns Hopkins  China 中心前美方主任William F. Rope悼任东来唁函


黄安年受权发布  黄安年的博客/2013510发布


刚刚收到任东来教授夫人吴耘老师发来Johns Hopkins  China 中心前美方主任William F. Rope悼任东来唁函现在受权发布。

William F. Rope



3815    Woodley Road • Washington, D.C.  • 20016-3701

Phone: (202) 966-1251; Cell: (202) 213-6024


May 2, 2013




Madame Wu Yun

Miss Ren Wanjie

c/o The Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University

Center for Chinese and American Studies

Nanjing, China


Dear Madame Wu and Ren Wanjie,


   Mywife Priscilla and I were greatly distressed to learn today of the passing ofyour husband and father, Professor Ren Dong Lai. Our grief is great, and I knowhow immense his loss must be for the two of you. His death is also a great lossto the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, to Johns Hopkinsand Nanjing University, and to the world ofSino-U.S. relations. Personally, I mourn the passing of a vibrant, warm,outgoing, and wonderful friend. Please accept our sincere condolences.


Ren Donglaiwas as fine a scholar of Chinese-American relations as I have known. His enthusiasmfor the subject was contagious, and his knowledge was deep. His eye forimportant details essential to a true understanding of the interactions of theChinese and American governments and peoples was keen. As one who participatedin some of those interactions as a State Department official in the 1970’s and 1980’s, I loved our many opportunities to exchangeviews during my year at Hopkins-Nanjing. I loved seeing his bright eyes andsmiling face and hearing the ideas that flowed from his lively, inquisitivemind. He was a serious and conscientious scholar; and as a teacher and lecturerhe was superb. So many students benefited from his wisdom and teaching! So manymore would have done so had he been able to live a longer and even fuller life!


No doubt youwill hear similar sentiments from many who attend his memorial service and willhear more from his former students and colleagues as the days go by. I hopethis, and the knowledge that he served his country well by contributing so muchto the Sino-U.S. relationship, will be of some comfort as you undergo thedifficult adjustment to his passing. I wish we could join you Saturday to hearall that will be said. I am at least happy that my wife and I were able to seeRen Donglai again – in very fine form – when we attended the Hopkins-Nanjing 25thAnniversary Celebration last June.





Many of us inAmerica who were luckyenough to know your husband and father will think of him often and carry him inour hearts, as will you and so many others in China. Should either of you plan tovisit Washingtonin the future, please contact us. We would love to extend hospitality to youand have you stay as guests in our home. In the meantime, please accept, again,our deepest sympathies.






William F. Rope

American Co-Director



Dear Jipei,


I was so sad to get the news today about RenDonglai. He was too alive and vibrant -- and too young -- to passaway so soon. It's a great loss, and I feel very deeply for his wife and daughter.I wish we could attend the service on Saturday and hear the many finethings that will be said about a truly lovely man.


Please pass the attached letter to Wu Yun andRen Yanjie. I've sent it in Word, with an electronic signature symbol, Ihope that is okay. Please let me know if I should send a signed original bymail.  


I hope you are well, notwithstanding thesadness all must be feeling at Hopkins-Nanjing right now. I've beenin touch with Jason, but please pass on my regards to Mme. Huang and to Milo.


And the very best to you.






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发送日期:2013-05-08 15:49:14
主题:转发: Letter from Bill Rope to Wu Yun and Ren Wanjie



发送时间: 2013年5月3日 12:26
主题:Letter from Bill Rope to Wu Yun and Ren Wanjie





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