任东来夫妇的好友Grinnell College Valerie老师悼任东来
黄安年受权发布 黄安年的博客/2013年5月11日发布
昨天下午收到任东来教授夫人吴耘老师发来任东来夫妇的好友Grinnell College Valerie老师悼任东来唁函,现在受权发布。吴耘老师说:“转发的这封邮件是我们在Grinnell College一位好友写来的,她是学校的舞蹈老师,教印尼爪哇舞,琬洁是她的学生,本来琬洁在期末有一场表演。2012年1月到5月,东来在此学校做访问学者,和Valerie 有很多交流。”
Wu and Wendy:
It was with great sadness that I read the news of Ren DongLai's passing.
Dan Kaiser's son, as you know is a recent graduate of Hopkins-Nanjing and
he had forwarded the email from Hopkins-Nanjing about Ren Donglai's
passing to his father, who then forwarded it to close friends of DongLai's
at Grinnell.
I will always remember his dynamism, energy, sense of humor, and keen
intellect. He was my first "language exchange partner" and I remember at
our first session, in Harry Hopkins House in my office, he said, in order
for us to have something to talk about, he had chosen a topic:
"Homosexuality" !!! :-)) It was an interesting conversation, of course.
Well, we always had plenty to talk about, and I don't remember that he
actually came with a topic after that. It's interesting that then, Wendy
became my most recent language partner, and we always seemed to have
plenty to talk about.
I remember with great fondness my short visit in Nanjing and going with
him as he lead a tour for a group of high school teachers and how
fascinating it was, not to mention the many other sights your family
showed me and the fun meals.
Your husband/father made such an indelible mark in the world, someone that
you could not forget if you had met him. He will be much missed.
Wendy, I'm so glad you went home so your father could have you by his side
his last few months. You made the right decision, however difficult it
was. They had the dance performance this past weekend and your name was
in the program as having contributed much to the production and ensemble.
Wu, I know that DongLai was thinking of you and what it would mean for you
to be alone, without him. It will be a difficult transition. I am glad
that you have a daughter like Wendy to rely on and to get through this
Will you be coming to Grinnell for Commencement? I will surely want to
see you then, if you do make it.
Again, my deepest sympathy for your loss of such a wonderful husband,
father, and teacher.
[-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: "Vetter, Valerie" <VETTERV@Grinnell.EDU>
Date: 2013-05-03 00:07:47
To: wuyunwanjie <wuyunwanjie@163.com>,"Ren, Wanjie" <renwanji@Grinnell.EDU>
Subject: With great sadness
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发件人: | wuyunwanjie 2013-5-10 17:39:07 | |
收件人: | 黄安年 |
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