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已有 5856 次阅读 2012-12-20 07:59 |个人分类:纪念沉默道钉(07-11)|系统分类:人文社科| 黄安年, 合作研究, 致信, 斯坦福大学张少书, 费雪金教授



黄安年文 黄安年的博客/20121220发布


(按:我国学者与斯坦福大学合作开展华工修筑中央太平洋铁路史料的收集和研究工作,已经开始计划启动,下面是2012-12-20 3:28:44(美西时间)斯坦福大学张少书、费雪金教授合作研究华工修筑中央太平洋铁路课题致信黄安年、潮龙起、陈奕平教授信。我们期望有更多学者和志愿者加盟我们的计划或者独立进行相关调查研究工作。)


关于华工研究项目的计划 / Plans for Chinese Railroad Workers Project





高伟浓 暨南大学华侨华人研究院教授
李爱慧 暨南大学华侨华人研究院 副研究员
刘进 五邑大学广东侨乡研究中心 教授
石坚平 五邑大学广东侨乡研究中心 副教授
王传武 五邑大学广东侨乡研究中心 讲师
邓玉柱 广东中山市博物馆,初级馆员








张少书, Olive H. Palmer 人文讲座教授, 斯坦福大学历史系教授,东亚研究中心主任, 斯坦福大学华工研究项目主任

费雪金,Joseph S. Atha 人文讲座教授, 斯坦福大学英语系教授,美国研究计划主任,斯坦福大学华工研究项目主任

又及:回电请寄以下电子信箱, 多谢。
xyd_2000@yahoo.com, ChineseRailroadWorkers@Stanford.edu, sfishkin@stanford.edu, hiltonobenzinger@gmail.com, gchang@stanford.edu

Subject heading: Plans for Chinese Railroad Workers Project

Dear Professors Annian Huang, Chao Longqi and Chen Yiping,

We are truly delighted that you have agreed to lead a nine-staff research group focusing on our Chinese Railroad Workers Project. Thank you for gathering such an impressive group of researchers!

This email should serve as an introduction to Xiaoya Du, who will be acting as translator of our correspondence, and who will be helping to coordinate communication between your research group in China and our researchers in the United States. (She has advanced degrees from U.S. universities, and an undergraduate degree from China).

We understand that the members of the group, in addition to yourselves are

Gao, Weinong, Professor of Overseas Chinese Research Institute, Jinan University

Li, Ai’hui, Associate Researcher of Overseas Chinese Research Institute, Jinan University

Liu, Jin, Professor of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Village Research Center, Wuyi University

Shi, Jianping, Associate Professor of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Village Research Center, Wuyi University

Wang, Chuanwu, Lecture of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Village Research Center, Wuyi University

Deng, Yuzhu, Junior Librarian of Zhongshan Museum, Guangdong Province

Your proposed “Program on Material Collection and Study Pertaining to Chinese Workers Building Central Pacific Railroad – in Cooperation with Stanford University” for work to be conducted through June 2013 is very exciting. We understand that the group members from the Overseas Chinese Research Institute of Jinan University will be responsible for collecting materials in Guangdong provincial archives, Zhongshan library (provincial library), Zhongshan overseas museum, and other organizations in Hong Kong, and that the group members from Guangdong Overseas Chinese Village Research Center of Wuyi University will be responsible for collecting materials in Jiangmen city and its subordinate districts. As you noted, the material types include archives, letters, community official documents, etc. The group members will start to collect materials from nearby areas and then to locations farther away, and from written documents to oral records.

Professor Annian Huang indicated that you would be grateful if for some financial support from Stanford for this difficult research work.

What sort of support did you have in mind? Our resources are limited, but we are actively soliciting additional funds.

We have received a strong letter of support from the China's chief archivist, Mr. Yang Dongquan, Director General (minister level) of State Archives Administration of China (SAAC). We are forwarding to you in a separate email. It should help you get the assistance that you need from various archives and museums. You also indicated that based on the principle of being-nearby, you will seek support from local organizations. This letter of support may be helpful to you in that process.

It is excellent that you have initiated an online activity to solicit related information in the hope of obtaining anything useful that may help us to launch the investigate in the right direction.

Please let us know what kind of support you had in mind, and we will get back to you promptly. We would also like to explore in more detail the research schedule you had in mind and ways of keeping us informed about what you find. One of the leaders of our project who speaks Chinese--Evelyn Hu-Dehart (Brown University) or Dongfang Shao (Stanford University Libraries Advisory Board)--may try to schedule a telephone conversation with you after we hear from you.

We look forward to collaborating with you on this important research.


Gordon H. Chang, Olive H. Palmer Professor of Humanities, Professor of History, Director, Center for East Asian Studies,       Stanford, Co-Director, Chinese Railroad Workers Project, Stanford University

Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Joseph S. Atha Professor of Humanities, Professor of English, Director, American Studies Program, Stanford, Co-Director, Chinese Railroad Workers Project, Stanford University

PS: Please direct emails to the following:

xyd_2000@yahoo.com, ChineseRailroadWorkers@Stanford.edu, sfishkin@stanford.edu, hiltonobenzinger@gmail.com, gchang@stanford.edu

Thank you



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