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已有 4337 次阅读 2013-7-16 10:18 |个人分类:研究生培养|系统分类:论文交流| 新生儿窒息


匈牙利塞格德大学生理系Oláh O等最近在新生儿学Neonatology杂志发表一篇论文,证明氢气对新生猪窒息引起的神经血管功能异常具有保护作用。

新生儿窒息(asphyxia of newborn),为胎儿娩出后一分钟,仅有心跳而无呼吸或未建立规律呼吸的缺氧状态。为新生儿死亡的主要原因之一,是出生后最常见的紧急情况,必须积极抢救和正确处理,以降低新生儿死亡率及预防远期后遗症。



Delayed Neurovascular Dysfunction Is Alleviated by Hydrogen in Asphyxiated Newborn Pigs

Oláh O.a · Tóth-Szűki V.a · Temesvári P.c · Bari F.b · Domoki F.a

Departments ofaPhysiology andbMedical Physics and Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Szeged, andcDepartment of Pediatrics, University Teaching Hospital Orosháza, Orosháza, Hungary
Neonatology 2013;104:79-86 (DOI:10.1159/000348445)



Background: The neurovascular unit encompasses the functional interactions of cerebrovascular and brain parenchymal cells necessary for the metabolic homeostasis of neurons. Previous studies indicated marked but only transient (1-4 h) reactive oxygen species-dependent neurovascular dysfunction in newborn pigs after severe hypoxic/ischemic (H/I) stress contributing to the neuronal injury after birth asphyxia. Objectives: Our major purpose was to determine if neurovascular dysfunction would also occur later, at 24 h after a milder H/I stress. We also tested if the putative hydroxyl radical scavenger hydrogen (H2) exerted neurovascular protection. Methods: Anesthetized, ventilated piglets were assigned to three groups of 9 animals: time control, asphyxia/reventilation with air, and asphyxia/reventilation with air +2.1% H2 for 4 h. Asphyxia was induced by suspending ventilation for 8 min. Cerebrovascular reactivity (CR) of pial arterioles was determined using closed cranial window/intravital microscopy 24 h after asphyxia to the endothelium-dependent cerebrovascular stimulus hypercapnia, the neuronal function-dependent stimulus N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), norepinephrine, and sodium nitroprusside. The brains were subjected to histopathology. Results: Hemodynamic parameters, blood gases, and core temperature did not differ significantly among the experimental groups. In the early reventilation period, the recovery of electroencephalographic activity was significantly better in H2-treated animals. Asphyxia/reventilation severely attenuated CR to hypercapnia and NMDA; however, reactivity to norepinephrine and sodium nitroprusside were unaltered. H2 fully or partially preserved CR to hypercapnia or NMDA, respectively. Histopathology revealed modest neuroprotection afforded by H2. Conclusions: Severe stimulus-selective delayed neurovascular dysfunction develops and persists even after mild H/I stress. H2 alleviates this delayed neurovascular dysfunction that can contribute to its neuroprotective effect.


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