20 physicists who revolutionized our understanding of the world
20 physicists who revolutionized our understanding of the world
You probably know what physics is. It's the study of the physical world, from falling apples to the motion of planets and stars to the behavior of the tiny subatomic particles that make up the world around us. Physics is everywhere. It's in the most distant reaches of the cosmos. It's in the supermassive black holes raging in the center of galaxies and in the tiny fundamental building blocks that make up life on Earth. It's even in the seemingly empty space around us. And every now and then a physicist comes along who forever changes our perception of the universe and everything in it. Here are 20 physicists whose theories, ideas, and discoveries revolutionized the way we see the world.
Business Insider
Ask Ethan: How Can We See All The Way Back To The Big Bang?
Once time moves forward, you can never go back to the past again. From a human perspective, we call this the arrow of time: the past is just a memory, the future has not yet come to be, and the present is all we can ever experience. Presumably, everything in the Universe obeys that same property, as interactions either occurred in the past, are occurring now, or will occur in the future. But shouldn’t that render the past, as it is for humans, only a memory for the Universe? Bruce Fulford is troubled by the consideration that this might not be the case: How do we see CMB photons today when the Earth didn’t exist at the time the photons were emitted? Shouldn’t those photons have [sped] away from
Here’s how the Space Station avoids hitting the thousands of pieces of junk in space
There are thousands of pieces of used rockets, retired spacecrafts, and fragments from reentry floating around near Earth. Each one poses a hazard to the International Space Station - here's how they avoid hitting each one. Video courtesy of NASA. Follow TI: On Facebook
Business Insider
How Do We Know The Shape Of Our Galaxy?
How do we know the shape of our galaxy? Well, we don’t know it particularly well, that’s for sure. Because we’re sitting within the Galaxy, we don’t have a particularly helpful vantage point to see the rest of the Galaxy. We can take great images of other galaxies. Because we’re at quite a distance from them, we can get a good look at the whole galaxy. Trying to observe the shape of our own Galaxy is like staring at the edge of a cake, trying to figure out if the entire cake is square, round, or dinosaur-shaped. Even though the shape of our Galaxy is still pretty fuzzily mapped, we’ve made great strides in determining its appearance. The first attempts to map out our Galaxy were done by William
Most of the stars and planets in the universe are outside solar systems and in between galaxies
Giant galaxies like the Milky Way are thought to form after smaller galaxies smash together. That suggests that hundreds of satellite galaxies would orbit our own, leftovers of the ones that formed our galaxy. But, so far, astronomers have found only about 50. The new galaxy, named Virgo I, is the latest satellite to be discovered. It appeared as a team led by Daisuke Homma and Masashi Chiba of Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, searched the sky with a new camera on the giant 8.2-meter Subaru Telescope in Hawaii. “Virgo I might be the faintest galaxy,” Chiba says. It emits about half as much light as Segue 1, another satellite of the Milky Way and the previous faint-galaxy champ. A single bright
How Two Astronomers Accidentally Discovered the Big Bang
Nowadays, it's a universally accepted theory that the universe began 13.8 billion years ago with the Big Bang. But did you know that two radio astronomers unintentionally stumbled upon its discovery? In the 1960s, Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias were measuring the brightness of the sky with their radio telescope. No matter where they pointed it, they picked up an inexplicable droning sound. What initially sounded like a mistake ended up being the discovery of a lifetime.
Great Big Story
Are The Beginning And End Of The Universe Connected?
The very earliest stages of the Universe as-we-know-it began with the hot Big Bang, where the expanding Universe was filled with high energy particles, antiparticles and radiation. But in order to set that up, we needed a time where the Universe was dominated by energy inherent to space itself, expanded at an exponential rate and eventually decayed, giving rise to a matter, antimatter and radiation-filled Universe. Today, 13.8 billion years after the end of inflation, the matter and radiation in the Universe has become so sparse, so low in density, that it’s revealed a new component: dark energy. Dark energy appears to be energy inherent to space itself, and is causing the Universe to expand
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