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已有 6558 次阅读 2009-11-21 05:44 |个人分类:信息博览|系统分类:海外观察| 职业, 就业, career, Best

UMN, St Paul


博主按:金融危机和经济萎缩改变了原先的优势职业现状,华尔街的萧条迫使银行家们转向其它行业寻找就业机会。常言道,“机遇在危机之后来临”("Out of crisis comes opportunity,"),“当一道门关闭的时候,另一道就会打开”("When one door closes, another opens.")。机会总会有的。但往往表现得与众不同而不易被发现,稍纵即逝。新能源和保健行业孕育着巨大的就业机遇,但目前还不是时候,尚需假以时日。美国新闻与世界报道归纳总结出了2009年美国最火爆的30职业。无论你在岗或下岗,工作市场的变迁都值得大家密切关注。您的行业景气吗?是否在这30种之列?



The 30 Best Careers for 2009
U.S. News's annual list of 30 Best Careers gets updated for a rapidly changing economy.
Posted: December 11, 2008
Full list of Best Careers 2009:



The 30 Best Careers for 2009
Some Points about the scoring criteria:
So how did we select the Best Careers of 2009?
We scored hundreds of careers on five criteria:
  1. Job outlook, which took into consideration the above three factors
  2. Average job satisfaction
  3. Difficulty of the required training
  4. Prestige
  5. Pay
Check out how the 30 Best Careers scored on each criterion.
Add and Subtract
As a result of that scoring, we removed four of the careers that were on last year's list of 31:
  • Investment Banker: The financial industry collapse has decimated its job market.
  • Dentist: We have received too many reports of burnout and back problems.
  • Editor: Much as we like our jobs, we dropped that career because the publishing industry is consolidating and using more volunteer and low-pay freelance editors. Some editing work is even being offshored.
  • Professor: Although at its best, a professorship can be a wonderful career, even many highly qualified people report being unable to land a tenure-track position. And with research-productivity requirements ratcheted up, job satisfaction often isn't what it used to be. So, we have moved Professor from a "Best Career" to Overrrated Career.
Then we added three careers:
  • Health Policy Specialist.Healthcare reform is a high priority for President-elect Barack Obama and Congress. That should create many jobs in developing a plan we can all live with.
  • Physical Therapist.In previous years, this career just missed inclusion because of its difficult training requirement and a job market dampened by the increased use of physical therapy assistants. But its score rose this year because two national surveys rated physical therapy as very high in job satisfaction. In addition, the job market will likely improve as aging baby boomers are ever more likely to suffer weekend-warrior injuries and worse.
  • Veterinarian. In tough economic times, people seek comforts, and pets are among the most treasured. So, it's perhaps not surprising that income among small-animal veterinarians is up. And as the profile explains, veterinary medicine offers many advantages over being a physician.


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