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已有 6081 次阅读 2009-11-8 20:52 |个人分类:论文撰写与发表|系统分类:科研笔记| 撰写, 科技论文, 要诀

UMN, St Paul


博主按:本人最近在明尼苏达大学图书馆借阅学习了一本关于科技论文写作的书籍——由Meriwether W. Nell编著的12 Easy Steps to Successful Research Papers。当时去图书馆借书时我还与图书馆员调侃,说这个书名有些不妥。作者声称写作成功研究论文只需要12个容易的步骤。我看并不简单和容易。既然容易,为何还写了这么一大本书(大16133页)?图书馆员笑称我说的有道理。读完该书,仍然坚持认为,写好研究论文并非易事。为简便起见,将其中的12个步骤精简融合为十个,摘录和总结归纳出十个步骤,即写好研究论文的十步法,主要内容包括:选题、搜集素材、文献准备、做笔记、写提纲、写初稿、修改论文、著录文献、准备标题页和内容表以及最后的检查。转贴于此,希望有助于作者如何进行有效的科技论文写作。


内容出处:Meriwether W. Nell. 12 Easy Steps to Successful Research Papers. NTC Publishing Group, a division of NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group, Inc. Lincolnwood(Chicago), Illinois, USA, 1996. P170.


12 Easy Steps to Successful Research Papers

1 Choose a subject
2 Narrow the subject into a manageable topic
3 Research your material
4 Get information for your bibliography
5 Take notes on note cards
6 Form a thesis
7 Make an outline
8 Write the first draft
9 Add the references to your paper
10 Compile the “Works Cited” page
11 Revise your paper
12 Write the final copy
Ten Steps to Good Research Paper



To write a good research paper, you must be specific about your topic, know what you want to say, and say it effectively. Following these ten steps will help you write a good research paper.


Step 1. Choose Your Topic.

When choosing a topic, choose one in which you are interested, and for which there is enough information. If your topic is too broad, you will have difficulty completing your paper. “The Effects of Pollution” is too broad because there are so many effects of pollution. “The Effects of Pollution on Geese in the Northeast Section of Duluth, Minnesota” is too narrow. You are not likely to find much information that is this specific. “The Effects of Pollution in Yosemite National Park” is just about right as a topic.


Step 2. Locate Information.

Use information from a variety of reference sources. These sources include encyclopedias, almanacs, scholarly journals, books, magazines, and newspapers. Find these sources in print form, on CD-ROMS, and on the Internet.


Step 3. Prepare Bibliography Cards.

Prepare bibliography cards to document the sources of information you use when writing your paper. Your library will have style manuals to illustrate how to prepare bibliography cards for various sources of information.


Step 4. Prepare Note Cards.

Use note cards to record notes from each source you use when writing your paper. Number your note cards to keep track of them.


Step 5. Prepare an Outline.

Write an outline for your paper by organizing your notes from the note cards into topics, subtopics, details, and subdetails. Use an organization such as:

I. (topic)

A. (subtopic)

1. (detail)

a. (sub-detail)


Step 6. Write A Rough Draft.

Use your note cards and outline to write a rough draft of your paper. As you write your draft, use numbered footnotes to credit sources from which you take quotations or major ideas.


Step 7. Revise Your Rough Draft.

Make any changes needed to be sure your ideas are clearly expressed and your writing has accurate spelling and grammar.


Step 8. Prepare Your Bibliography.

At the end of your paper, provide a list of all the sources you used to gather information for the paper. Your bibliography cards will provide this information. List your sources in alphabetical order by the first word on each of your bibliography cards.


Step 9. Prepare a Title Page and Table of Contents.


The title page is the first page of the paper. It should include the title of your paper, your name, and the date on which the paper is due. The table of contents is the second page. It should list the main topics, important subtopics, and the page on which each is introduced in your paper.


Step 10. Final Checklist.

Before handing in or submitting your paper, be sure you can answer “Yes” to each of the following questions.


Did I include a title page?
Did I include a table of contents?
Did I number all pages correctly?
Did I provide footnotes for quotations and major sources of information?
Did I include a bibliography?
Did I keep a second copy for my files
Following these ten steps will help you write a good research paper.


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