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科技写作(102):使用主动语态 精选

已有 9491 次阅读 2013-1-18 22:05 |个人分类:科技写作|系统分类:论文交流| office, style, xml, exactly

        过多运用被动语态会使文章变得乏味且笨拙,如:No change in activity was observed. 如果改用主动语态句子会生动、有趣得多:We observed no change in activity.

        但是也不能完全拒绝被动语态。在不需要读者了解行为的执行者为何许人时,可使用被动语态。在被强调的是某个特定论题,或者需要考虑单词的位置时,也可使用被动语态。如:Viral DNA was isolated 24 hours after inoculation.


D 1

Volcanic pipes are subterranean geological structures formed by the violent, supersonic eruption of deep-origin volcanoes. Volcanic pipes are composed of a deep, narrow cone (described as “carrot-shaped”). Solidified magma usually fills the cone. Volcanic pipes are made up of kimberlite or lamproite rock and are well known as the primary source of diamonds.

C 修改后的例1

Volcanic pipes are subterranean geological structures formed by the violent, supersonic eruption of deep-origin volcanoes. Volcanic pipes are composed of a deep, narrow cone (described as “carrot-shaped”). The cone is usually filled with solidified magma. Volcanic pipes are made up of kimberlite or lamproite rock and are well known as the primary source of diamonds.





1.       The following results were obtained:....

2.       Isolated tissues were examined for parasites.

3.       The collected specimens and videotape recorded during 25 dives were analyzed by the team.

4.       Recovery of several cytosine deaminases occurred after 2 days.

5.       Insight into the dynamics of the excitation process can be obtained from two–pulse correlation measurements.

6.       Phosphorylation is stimulated by the addition of KA-1 to the reaction.

7.       Preliminary findings were unveiled by expedition members.

8.       The same dosage of antitumor drugs was administered to patients for 60 days.

9.       The emerging field of spintronics was launched by the advent of giant magnetoresistance (GMR).

10.   Another way of treating the translational cooling is provided by the principle of detailed balance.

11.   Computational studies and searches in the CSD (Fig.S1) and the PDB were carried out to investigate the conformational preferences of the aromatic OCH3, OCH2F, OCHF2, and OCF3 groups.



1. We obtained the following results: ...

2. We examined the isolated tissues for parasites.

3. The team analyzed the collected specimens and videotape recorded during 25 dives.

4. We recovered several cytosine deaminases after 2 days.

5. Two-pulse correlation measurements provide insight into the dynamics of the excitation process.

6. The addition of KA-1 to the reaction stimulated phosphorylation.

7. Expedition members unveiled their preliminary findings.

8. We administered the same dosage of antitumor drugs to patients for 60 days. OR Patients received the same dosage...

9. The advent of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) helped launch the emerging field of spintronics.

10. The principle of detailed balance provides another way of treating the translational cooling.

11. We carried out computational studies and searches in the CSD (Fig. S1) and the PDB to investigate the conformational preferences of the aromatic OCH3, OCH2F, OCHF2, and OCF3 groups.


摘编自《科技写作与交流》(任胜利 . 科学出版社, 2012年出版)


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12 戎可 陈小润 虞左俊 赵斌 崔小云 张鹏 许有瑞 王守业 林涛 王桂颖 蒋永华 高建国

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IP: 112.25.185.*   | 赞 +1 [9]肖杨   2013-2-24 22:14
IP: 113.247.8.*   | 赞 +1 [8]吴淼   2013-1-23 01:30
回复  Best wishes.
2013-1-23 07:471 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 211.64.140.*   | 赞 +1 [7]汪小龙   2013-1-22 11:14
回复  有道理。
2013-1-23 07:461 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 114.252.136.*   | 赞 +1 [6]曹相生   2013-1-20 23:02
回复  可留意一下拟投稿期刊的习惯。
2013-1-21 07:451 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 123.126.50.*   | 赞 +1 [5]展婷变   2013-1-20 20:24
回复  就分享博文形式的电子版吧。
2013-1-21 07:431 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 58.155.211.*   | 赞 +1 [4]陈绍云   2013-1-20 12:11
回复  两可的时候应当是主动优先。
2013-1-21 07:421 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 218.71.156.*   | 赞 +1 [3]陈智罡   2013-1-19 20:07
回复  谢谢。请多多指正。
2013-1-21 07:391 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 68.60.124.*   | 赞 +1 [2]王守业   2013-1-19 19:16
回复  王老师好。
2013-1-21 07:381 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 14.150.97.*   | 赞 +1 [1]崔小云   2013-1-19 13:50
回复  Good luck.
2013-1-21 07:311 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |

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