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科技写作(101):采用第一人称 精选

已有 11711 次阅读 2013-1-12 19:59 |个人分类:科技写作|系统分类:论文交流| style, black, exactly, Yellow

    在科技论文中曾经流行避免使用“I”“we”,因为这样表述显得主观,而科学应该是客观的。然而,科学并非完全客观,可适当使用第一人称(“I” or “we”)进行科技写作,如果期刊禁止这种用法,或者句子的焦点为研究对象或其他主题时,请不要使用。

D 1  

a  To determine the mechanism for the direct effect of contrast media on heart muscle mechanics, the study on heart muscles isolated from cats was carried out .

b  The authors show here that two separate parameters are important to describe the physical effects of an earthquake: seismic moment and radiated energy.

上面两个句子分别取自两篇文章的引言。如果以第一人称“we”分别取代4-la中的 “the study” 4-1b中的 “the authors” ,句子会更准确更有说服力。使用第一人称的好处是会迫使作者使用与之对应的生动的主动语态。

C 修改后的例1

a  To determine the mechanism for the direct effect of contrast media on heart muscle mechanics, we carried out the study on heart muscles isolated from cats .

b  We show here that two separate parameters are important to describe the physical effects of an earthquake: seismic moment and radiated energy.



练习  改写句子,以第一人称取代第三人称。

1.       It is one of the aims of the present paper to study the performance of different functionals with the size of clusters.

2.       The authors thank Dr. T. J. Guiermo for useful discussions.

3.       It is recommended by the authors of the present study that a triple regimen of antibiotics is given to infants with HIV.

4.       Based on our results, it is concluded that the measurements on translational cooling in desorption contain information about the dynamics of vibrational energy transfer.

5.       No delay in replication was observed.

6.       To remove PAH, transgenic E. coli were constructed.

7.       we also studied the effect of Mg2+ and K+ concentrations on14CATP-pmRNA, complex formation. It was found that binding is dependent on magnesium concentration with an optimum at 6 mM and an apparent linear decrease at higher concentrations (Figure 2D).

8.       Genetic drive mechanisms are being investigated in the laboratory and field, including the incompatibility mediated by Wolbachia symbionts, which will allow us to apply this technology for disease control.

9.       The twisted conformation is predicted to have only one C-Y bond in an anomeric position.

10.   The authors propose a mechanism of electrocyclic rearrangements initiated by N-silylation.

11.   J. D. Beckerle and colleagues studied vibrational energy relaxation on metals; but in this report, the authors establish a new class of non-equilibrium surface reactions.



1. We studied the performance of different functionals with the size of clusters.

2. We thank Dr T. J. Guiermo for useful discussions.

3. We/l recommend that a triple regimen of antibiotics is given to infants with HIV.

4. Based on our results, we conclude that the measurements on translational cooling in desorption contain information about the dynamics of vibrational energy transfer.

5. We observed no delay in replication. (In a Materials and Methods section, authors may prefer third person or passive voice for this example.)

6. To remove PAH, we constructed transgenic E. coli. (In a Materials and Methods section, authors may prefer third person or passive voice for this example.)

7. We also studied the effect ofMg2+ and K+ concentrations on [14C] ATP-pmRNA complex formation: We found that binding is dependent on magnesium concentration showing an optimum at 6 mM and an apparent linear decrease at higher concentrations (Figure 2D).

8. We are investigating genetic drive mechanisms in the laboratory and in the field, including the incompatibility mediated by Wolbachia symbionts, which will allow us to apply this technology for disease control.

9. We predict that the twisted conformation has only one C-F bond in an anomeric position.

10. We propose a mechanism of electrocyclic rearrangements initiated by N-silylation.

11. J. D. Beckerle and colleagues studied vibrational energy relaxation on metals; but in this report, we establish a new class of nonequilibrium surface reactions.


摘编自《科技写作与交流》(任胜利 . 科学出版社, 2012年出版)



上一篇:国家基础科学人才培养基金申请与资助情况及相关思考(刘权, 等)
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16 陈桂华 陈小润 许培扬 陈绍云 蒋新正 王浩 徐双悦 苏力宏 傅蕴德 虞左俊 王府民 许有瑞 王桂颖 蒋永华 高建国 cooooldog

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IP: 112.25.185.*   | 赞 +1 [4]肖杨   2013-2-24 22:21
IP: 61.153.150.*   | 赞 +1 [3]陈智罡   2013-1-19 12:39
学习了。确实使用' we'等第一人称会增加行文的流畅度和亲和力。任老师,那么在摘要里,使用“we”好,还是使用“this paper”好?例如:We propose a new scheme 或 This paper propose a new scheme.谢谢!
IP: 61.140.154.*   | 赞 +1 [2]朱志敏   2013-1-15 15:39
IP: 175.159.16.*   | 赞 +1 [1]davos   2013-1-13 12:19
we demonstrated that
回复  we confirmed that...
2013-1-14 07:391 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |

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