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JACS beta 上线啦!

已有 6233 次阅读 2008-5-22 08:21 |个人分类:精读资料

          JACS beta 网站:http://pubs.acs.org/JACSbeta/

     JACS Beta presents, encourages, and facilitates innovations and new approaches to the presentation of chemical and related research to further communication and understanding as emerging fields and disciplines blend at the interfaces of chemistry, biology, and beyond.

Current β Projects:

JACS Virtual Issues:Read thematic Web-based collections of the best recently published JACS papers.

Listen to JACS Communications:Listen to the complete text of selected JACS communications, FREE for a limited time on the JACS Beta website.

Download JACS PowerPoint™ Slide Sets:Download PowerPoint™ slide sets for JACS articles, FREE for a limited time on the JACS Beta website.

Send us your suggestion:

We want to know what new features you are interested in. Visit our Feedback page to share your ideas with us.

Upcoming β Projects:

Interview with William R. Roush

Listen live or download to your iPod™ an interview with William R. Roush, editor of the first JACS Virtual Issue on the Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Natural Products. Available June 4, 2008

 个人认为JACS beta有以下特点:

1. 虚拟期刊:收集了近期发表在JACS上的热门文章,在下一期出来之前,谁都可以看。
2. 念给你听的文章:既可以听纯正的美语,又可以学习别人的新思想,一举两得!
3. 从6月4号起,要上传一些牛人的访谈,可以练听力,可以像牛人学习。


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