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已有 13120 次阅读 2019-9-6 16:46 |个人分类:大学教育|系统分类:人物纪事| 科学突破奖, 陈谐, 理论物理学

北京时间昨天(2019年9月5日)晚上,科学突破奖(Breakthrough Prize)委员会宣布,将2020年物理学新视野奖(New Horizons in Physics Prize)授予陈谐为首的九位青年物理学家,他们分别来自凝聚体物理学、天体物理学和量子场论这三个领域。凝聚体物理学为三个邻域之首,共同获奖人是Lukasz Fidkowski、Michael Levin Max A. Metlitski,表彰他们对于理解拓扑物质状态及其关系的深刻贡献。新视野奖授予有潜力的年轻科研人员,获奖者将获得10万美元奖金。



有一次,玻尔如此评价狄拉克:“在所有的物理学家中,狄拉克具有最纯粹的心灵 (Niels Bohr said: "Of all physicists, Dirac has the purest soul.") 其实,只有具有纯粹的心灵者,才能发现同类。陈谐妹子就是这种纯粹精神世界在人世间的使者。







1.        Symmetry protected topological phases from decorated domain walls”

Xie Chen, Yuan-Ming Lu, Ashvin Vishwanath

Nature Communications 5, Article number 3507, (2014)

A physically intuitive picture for constructing a large class of symmetry protected topological phases.

2.        “Symmetry Enforced Non-Abelian Topological Order at the Surface of a Topological Insulator”

Xie Chen, Lukasz Fidkowski, Ashvin Vishwanath

Phys. Rev. B 89, 165132 (2014)

A proposal that the 2D surface of 3D topological insulators can be gapped without breaking symmetry due to strong interaction and results in exotic topological properties on the surface.

3.        “Symmetry Protected Topological Orders in Interacting Bosonic Systems”

Xie Chen, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Zheng-Xin Liu, Xiao-Gang Wen

Science 338, 1604 (2012)

A systematic construction of bosonic SPT phases with any internal symmetry and in any dimension.

4.        “Symmetry protected topological orders and the group cohomology of their symmetry group”

Xie Chen, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Zheng-Xin Liu, Xiao-Gang Wen

Phys. Rev. B 87, 155114 (2011)

A systematic construction of bosonic SPT phases with any internal symmetry and in any dimension.

5.        “Two-dimensional symmetry protected topological orders and their protected gapless edge excitations”

Xie Chen, Zheng-Xin Liu, Xiao-Gang Wen

Phys. Rev. B 84, 235141 (2011)

Construction of nontrivial 2D SPT model with Z_2 symmetry. The non trivialness of the boundary is proven using the matrix product operator formalism.

6.        “Classification of Gapped Symmetric Phases in One-dimensional Spin Systems”

Xie Chen, Zheng-Cheng Gu, and Xiao-Gang Wen

Phys. Rev. B 83, 035107 (2011)

Classification of 1D SPT phases using the matrix product state formalism.

7.        “Bosonic topological crystalline insulators and anomalous symmetry fractionalization via the flux-fusion anomaly test”

Michael Hermele , Xie Chen

arXiv:1508.00573, (2015)

The flux fusion anomaly test and its application to 2D topological phases with spatial symmetry.

8.        “Anomalous Symmetry Fractionalization and Surface Topological Order”

Xie Chen, Fiona J. Burnell, Ashvin Vishwanath, Lukasz Fidkowski

arXiv:1403.6491, (accepted by Phys. Rev. X)

A general method for detecting anomalies in 2D symmetry fractionalization patterns with discrete unitary internal symmetries. The procedure is demonstrated explicitly using the projective semion model.

9.        “'Gauging' time reversal symmetry in tensor network states”

Xie Chen, Ashvin Vishwanath

arXiv:1401.3736, (2014)

Introduce the notion of ‘gauging’ time reversal symmetry in the tensor network formalism and demonstrate how it can be used to detect topological order.

10.    “Tensor Product Representation of Topological Ordered Phase: Necessary Symmetry Conditions”

Xie Chen, Bei Zeng, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Isaac L. Chuang, Xiao-Gang Wen

Phys. Rev. B 82, 165119 (2010)

Study the stability in the tensor network representation of Z_2 topological order and find a necessary symmetry condition.

11.    “Classification of Gapped Symmetric Phases in One-dimensional Spin Systems”

Xie Chen, Zheng-Cheng Gu, and Xiao-Gang Wen

Phys. Rev. B 83, 035107 (2011)

Classification of 1D SPT phases using the matrix product state formalism.

12.    “Local Unitary Transformation, Long-Range Quantum Entanglement, Wave Function Renormalization, and Topological Order”

Xie Chen, Zheng-Cheng Gu, and Xiao-Gang Wen

Phys. Rev. B 82, 155138 (2010)

Define long / short range entanglement and propose their detection from wave function renormalization.

13.    “Quantum circuit complexity of one-dimensional topological phases”

Yi-Chen Huang, Xie Chen

Physical Review B 91, 195143 (2015)

Proving that one dimensional (symmetric) topological phases require a (symmetric) quantum circuit of at least linear depth to be generated.

14.    “Gapped Two-body Hamiltonian whose Unique Ground State is Universal for One-way Quantum Computation”

Xie Chen, Bei Zeng, Zhengcheng Gu, Beni Yoshida, Isaac L. Chuang

Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 220501 (2009)

A two-body Hamiltonian resource state for measurement based quantum computation.



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