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已有 2796 次阅读 2019-2-17 07:44 |个人分类:宏基因组|系统分类:科研笔记



Ultrafast search of all deposited bacterial and viral genomic data

Nature Biotechnology, [35.724]


原文链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-018-0010-1

第一作者:Phelim Bradley

通讯作者:Zamin Iqbal

其它作者:Henk C den Bakker, Eduardo P C Rocha, Gil McVean

主要单位:牛津大学威康人类遗传学信托中心(Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford)


Nature Biotechnology (NBT,自然生物技术,IF 35.7)在2019年2月刊(https://www.nature.com/nbt/volumes/37/issues/2


本文是来自牛津大学威康人类遗传学信托中心(Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford)的Zamin Iqbal教授团队在宏基因组数据超高速搜索算法中取得突破进展,可实现全球细菌、病毒基因组的整合、更新和高速索引,新的数据索引方法存储空间较传统方法降低了4个数量级。该研究作为自然生物技术本期封面论文,推荐给读者。


① 全球细菌和病毒基因组数据呈指数增长,对宏基因组分析、流行病学监测非常重要,但检索十分困难;

② 本文提出一种结合种群基因组学和网络搜索的计算方法,可生成方便快速检索的位片式基因组签名索引(BIGSI)的数据结构;

③ 该方法对目前全球存储的全部44万个细菌和病毒基因组索引的存储空间较之前方法减少4个数量集,并支持基因快速检索、定量等应用;

④ 此索引方法扩展性强,支持数据规模可达百万个数据集的级别。

生物大数据的产生给我们带来了存储、检索等方面的挑战。Nature Biotechnology上介绍的一种新型基因组存储方案,仅用低于四个数量级的空间就可检索目前所有的约44万个细菌、病毒基因组信息。


在全球的生物数据中心,存储的未经处理的细菌和病毒基因组序列数据呈指数级增长。拥有对这些数据进行序列搜索的能力将有助于基础研究和应用研究,如实时基因组流行病学和监测。然而,目前的技术手段仍无法实现。为了解决这一问题,我们将微生物种群基因组学的知识与网络搜索的计算方法相结合,生成一个可搜索的数据结构,即位片基因组签名索引(BItsliced Genomic Signature Index, BIGSI)。我们对来自全球数据库的447,833个细菌和病毒全基因组序列数据集的进行了索引,使用的存储空间比以前的方法减少四个数量级。我们应用BIGSI搜索功能快速寻找耐药基因MCR-1、MCR-2和 MCR-3,确定2827个质粒的宿主范围,并在存档数据集中量化抗生素耐药性。我们的索引可以随着新的(包括未处理或组装的)序列数据集的存储而递增,并且可以扩展至数百万个数据集的级别。

Exponentially increasing amounts of unprocessed bacterial and viral genomic sequence data are stored in the global archives. The ability to query these data for sequence search terms would facilitate both basic research and applications such as realtime genomic epidemiology and surveillance. However, this is not possible with current methods. To solve this problem, we combine knowledge of microbial population genomics with computational methods devised for web search to produce a searchable data structure named BItsliced Genomic Signature Index (BIGSI). We indexed the entire global corpus of 447,833 bacterial and viral whole-genome sequence datasets using four orders of magnitude less storage than previous methods. We applied our BIGSI search function to rapidly find resistance genes MCR-1, MCR-2, and MCR-3, determine the host-range of 2,827 plasmids, and quantify antibiotic resistance in archived datasets. Our index can grow incrementally as new (unprocessed or assembled) sequence datasets are deposited and can scale to millions of datasets.

图1. 序列搜索方法



B,BLAST将一个查询字符串与一个包含大量系统发育范围的参考基因组数据库(图中我们在虚线框中显示RefSeq基因组)进行比较。BLAST 从查询中获取k-mer,对于每个k-mer,它在一个固定的编辑距离内创建一个k-mer的“邻域(neighborhood)”(编辑显示为红色,b(iii)),并在参考基因组数据库中搜索这些。比对只能通过从这些候选位点扩展来完成。BLAST可用于核苷酸和蛋白质的搜索,并能找到近距离同源匹配。


D,序列开花树(Sequence Bloom Tree)是一种通过索引数据中的k-mers,然后压缩索引来搜索原始未组装的序列集(未组装的序列集显示为“堆(piles)”的序列(短线),所有这些序列的颜色都相同,表示相同的种类)。设计用于人类数据,SBT可以用来寻找哪些RNA测序数据集包含指定的转录本。


Fig. 1 | Sequence matching methods.

a, Mapping of sequence reads to a reference genome from the same species, assuming relatively low divergence; requirement to map millions of reads in acceptable time and return an alignment and mapping score. Common tools: bwa and bowtie.

b, BLAST compares a query string with a database of reference genomes (in the figure we show RefSeq genomes in a dotted box) covering a massive phylogenetic range. BLAST takes k-mers from the query, and for each k-mer it creates a ‘neighborhood’ of k-mers within a fixed edit distance (edits are shown in red, b(iii)), and searches for these in the reference genome database. Alignment is only done by extending from these hits. Blast can be applied to nucleotide and protein searches and can find close and remote homology matches.

c, MASH stores a tiny fingerprint of each reference in the database (in this case RefSeq). Querying with an assembly, the fingerprint of the assembly is compared with that of RefSeq to find the closest reference.

d, Sequence Bloom Tree13 was the first scalable method to search through raw unassembled readsets (unassembled readsets are shown as ‘piles’ of reads (short lines), all in same color to signify same species), by indexing the k-mers in the data and then compressing the index. Designed for human data, SBT can be applied to find which RNA-seq datasets contain a given transcript.

e, BIGSI can search the complete set of raw sequence data for bacteria and viruses. RefSeq is shown in a dotted box amongst unassembled readsets; different colors to signify the massive range of species and phyla. The different input data for SBT and BIGSI mean that these methods have different speed and compression trade-offs.

图2. 编码原理


A,第一步,每个输入数据集(原序列数据格式fastq或组装结果)被转为非冗余的k-mers列表(有可选的去噪步骤去除错误序列,详见方法)。一个固定的η散列函数(h1,h2…)应用于每个k-mer(在本图中 n = 3),给定元组向量位置设为1(Bloom Filter)。

B,第二步,可存储每个数据集作为一个固定长度的Bloom Filter,作为一个长方形矩阵的列。在BIGSI中查询k-mer AAT,η散列函数应用于查询k-mer,返回η行检查(这里是3,7,5)。全列(datasets)只有1/N行包含查询k-mer;这些被检验的行被称为“bitslices”。当访问需要的行,一个哈希从行的相应位置映射至存储更快的点数组,即O(1)。增加一个新的数据集只需要增加一个新列。


Fig. 2 | BIGSI encoding.

a, In step 1, each input dataset (raw sequence data in FASTQ format or assembly) is converted to a non-redundant list of k-mers (with an optional de-noising step to remove sequencing errors, detailed in Methods). A fixed set of η hash functions (h1, h2,…) is applied to each k-mer (η = 3 in this figure), giving a tuple of positions which are all set to 1 in a bit-vector (a Bloom filter).

b, In step 2, each dataset is stored as a fixed-length Bloom filter, as a column in a rectangular matrix. To query the BIGSI for k-mer AAT, the η hash functions are applied to the query k-mer, returning η rows to be checked (namely 3,7,5 here). All columns (datasets) that have 1 in all of those η rows contain the query k-mer; these rows that are checked are called “bitslices.” A hash, mapping from row index to corresponding bit-array is stored to allow fast, i.e., O(1), access to each row when needed. Adding a new dataset requires adding a new column.

c, Naïve encoding is shown to contrast with the BIGSI approach. A complete list of all k-mers in all datasets form the rows of a large matrix, and columns are datasets. For any given k-mer, entries are set to one for datasets containing that k-mer. When a new dataset is added, the matrix grows vertically (new k-mers added) and horizontally (new column for new dataset).

图3. 权衡速度和空间下与索引大小关系



Fig. 3 | Speed and space trade-offs as index grows.

Benchmarking of BIGSI against fast and small versions of each of SBT and SSBT, using a set of 2,157 antimicrobial resistance genes as a query dataset. We performed an inexact search (T = 40%) and show query speed versus peak disk size when searching databases of sizes from 10–10,000 microbial datasets. Both axes are on a log scale; the diameter of a dot represents the number of datasets indexed. To compare two methods, it is necessary to compare dots of the same size. The ideal method would produce dots toward the bottom left. For database sizes greater than 2,000, we were unable to build the SBT-fast or SSBT-fast, as their uncompressed disk usage exceeded available space; triangles signify estimated values based a calculated lower bound for disk use (as k-mer content is known) and extrapolated query times (Methods).

图4. 质粒序列的系统发育分布



Fig. 4 | Phylogenetic distribution of plasmid sequences.

Plasmid sequences (37) that are found at least five times in more than one genus in the all microbial index are shown. The heat map shows the frequency of each plasmid in each genus. The plasmids and genera were hierarchically clustered using the UPGMA algorithm and Euclidean distance metric. The plasmid on the left (AF012911) with extremely wide phylogenetic distribution is a known cloning vector. The large amount of sharing between Escherichia, Salmonella and Shigella is consistent with known promiscuity within Enterobacteriaceae.

图5. 质粒分布与抗生素抗性基因



Fig. 5 | Plasmid spread and antibiotic resistance genes.

A comparison of phylogenetic spread (median of pairwise distances between all pairs of genera in which a plasmid is seen) of plasmids containing at least three antibiotic resistance genes (n = 98, purple) with those bearing none (n = 665, peach) is shown. Histograms are normalized to allow comparison (probability densities). The 95% quantiles of the distributions are 1.11 (no resistance genes) and 1.99 (≥ 3 genes). Distance measured on the large-subunit rRNA tree from SILVA. Units of phylogenetic spread are substitutions per site; it is possible to have a distance > 1 because it is measured up to the common ancestor and back down again.

图6. 在ENA数据集中抗生素基因随时间变化



b,葡萄球菌(以金黄色葡萄球菌为主)编码的所有mecA, tet和aac基因(分别编码对甲氧西林、四环素和氨基糖苷类的抗性)的逐年频率(定义为数据公开的日期)。



Fig. 6 | Antibiotic resistance gene prevalence in ENA over time.

a, Counts of samples in the all-microbial index containing a range of antibiotic resistance genes; each gene was treated independently, so a single dataset containing both CTX-M and OXA, for example, is counted twice.

b, Year-by-year frequency (defined by date of public availability) in Staphylococcus (dominated by S. aureus) of mecA, and all tet and aac genes, which encode resistance to methicillin, tetracycline and aminoglycosides, respectively.

c, Year-by-year frequency in Klebsiella of various antibiotic resistance genes; increase in prevalence since 2014 may be due to increased extended spectrum β -lactamase surveillance and sampling of KPC-resistant Klebsiella globally.

d, Yearby- year breakdown of M. tuberculosis datasets, classified by genotypes as resistant (R), pan-susceptible (S), multiple-drug resistant (MDR) or extensively drug resistant (XDR), as follows: all datasets were genotyped for variants from the resistance catalog from ref. 27, then classified as resistant or susceptible to 12 antibiotics based on their genotype. Datasets were classed as MDR (multi-drug resistant) if resistant to isoniazid and rifampicin; as XDR (extensively drug-resistant) if MDR and also resistant to a fluoroquinolone and any of capreomycin, kanamycin and amikacin; as resistant if resistant to any antibiotic but not MDR or XDR; and susceptible otherwise. Error bars around the estimated frequency (mean) in b–d show the 95% confidence interval calculated using the Wilson binomial confidence test.


  1. Bradley Phelim,den Bakker Henk C,Rocha Eduardo P C et al. Ultrafast search of all deposited bacterial and viral genomic data.[J] .Nat. Biotechnol., 2019, 37: 152-159.



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