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已有 4993 次阅读 2018-4-16 13:07 |个人分类:JMS信息|系统分类:论文交流| Journal, Mountain

Requirements before formal publication  (Journal of Mountain Science)


Please combine all the necessary parts into one document except the figures and make all the required revision. 

1. Title (required)

2. Author (the family names should be capitalized) (required)

3. Author affiliation (required. Countries or regions are a must. zip code is better to be added)

4. All authors’ orcid and email addresses (required)

5. Abstract (required)

6. Key words (required)

7. Main body (required).

It is generally arranged in this sequence: Introduction, Study Area and Methods or Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References. Please number each section AFTER Introduction.

1)        Check the sequence of the figures and tables mentioned in the text; 2) check whether the  figures and the words in the figures are clear enough and the words (Times New Roman is required) are correct, and whether the words and the lines are in proportion; 3) check whether the table heads are correct and can be shortened or condensed (to save space).

8. Figures should be in high quality. Words in the figures must be in Times New Roman and cannot be in BOLD. Suggested figure sizes are 7-8 cm or 14-16 cm wide with font size in the final print version at 8-9 point. Figures should be saved at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) at final size. Save all figures in Tiff format and number them sequentially. 

9. Put all the tables and figures behind References section. Figure and Table captions be placed together with the Figures or Tables. Tables should be editable. Figure caption should be editable.

10Use italics for the variables throughout the paper.

11. Acknowledgement (Funding source should be provided).

12. Reference (required. DOI should be added if that item of reference has one. Language in literature published in other languages outside English should be marked at the end of that item of reference. See the journal Reference style at Guides to Authors at http://jms.imde.ac.cn/for-authors)

13. Supplementary materials can be provided, including documents, videos, pictures, etc..   

14. Numbering each section except the Introduction. The subtitle also should be numbered. The format is like this: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1...; 2, 2.1,2.2, 2.3, …

15Use bright blue color for the cited literature, Figures, Tables and Equations mentioned in the text, and the DOI numbers or URL links in the Reference. (required). See the published sample paper at http://jms.imde.ac.cn/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=0488cf00-9465-4a41-bc23-4dda177d10c2&groupId=21915

Color for literature citation in the text.jpg

16. Read through the article after you make all the revision to make sure every word and sentence is grammatically and semantically correct, the whole paper is in a logical flow!





3.检查期刊要求的所有项目是否齐全:标题,作者(及orcid, email),通讯作者(可选项),机构,摘要,关键词, 正文,致谢,参考文献。







10.图:1)是否有必要用图?如,只在中国地图上画一个点表示研究区域,这个可以删除,可在文字中说明。2)采用何种图形更能展示文章的内容而且更美观?尽量不用饼图。 3)多个图是否可以合并为一个图?(可以将多个有共同的横坐标和纵坐标并且线条均较简单图合并成一个图。4)图的颜色选择:颜色不宜过杂过多;颜色搭配清新自然,不宜太深太重;5)检查图的图像是否清晰,线条是否平滑,大小是否得当,保证图在7-8cm(占单栏)和14-16cm(占通栏)两种规格下字号在7-9pt; 图中文字用Times New Roman, 字体不要加粗;6)地图问题:注意地图的基本要素(比例尺,方向,图例)是否齐备;要特别注意中国地图的南海诸岛表示是否正确;对涉及多个国家的地图,要注意是否存在边界纠纷问题,为了避免不必要的麻烦,涉及多国争议区的地图,建议不标示国境线,只标示河流、道路等自然要素;对涉及台湾的地图,不能将台湾与周边国家如日本、韩国等并列出现;7)图要有自明性,在不看全文的情况下能够让读者明白作者想要表达的内容。图题上的缩写要标注全称.







上一篇:Journal of Mountain Science: Manuscript Submission Process
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