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特朗普时代的环境问题可能引申的深远影响 (from AGU's EOS)

已有 3513 次阅读 2016-12-3 04:56 |个人分类:From the U.S.|系统分类:海外观察| 环境, 未来

说明: 这是我的“作业”。借助Google翻译🐶。希望机器翻译🐶再成熟些,免得麻烦人。

This is based on AGU’s EOS on US future

Take the Long Viewon Environmental Issues in the Age of Trump

Google translator: 长期看待特朗普时代的环境问题

Mine: 特朗普时代的环境问题可能引申的深远影响

Although climate andenvironmental regulations are at risk in the short term, Trump's disruption oftraditional party positions could help to break decades of stalled efforts toaddress climate change.

Gg: 尽管气候和环境法规在短期内处于风险之中,但特朗普对传统党派立场的干扰可能有助于打破数十年来为应对气候变化而停滞的努力。

Mine: 尽管气候和环境法规在特朗普时代将处于风险中, 但这种对传统党派立场的短期干扰可能会有助于打破数十年来(美国)为应对气候变化而做出的那些停滞不前的努力。

By RichardB. Rood 1 December 2016

Donald Trump will bethe next president. What will this mean for the environment?

Normally, we rely ona politician’s past behavior to frame the future. However, we do not have anyrecord of environmental policy or practice on which to base an analysis of whatto expect. Our best information relies on the appointments to his transitionteam and interpretation of statements he made in the latter part of hiscampaign.

Judging by theseappointments and statements, I see a strong chance that President Obama’sclimate policy will be rapidly disassembled. How do we face this head-on?

Gg: 唐纳德·特朗普将是下一任总统。这对环境意味着什么?



Mine: 唐纳德·特朗普将是下一任(美国)总统。这对(美国的)环境(科学和政策)意味着什么?(译者的即时反应:OMG!)



The answer is a simple statement. To developan effective U.S. response to climate change, we must break the politicizationof science-based knowledge.

Gg: 答案是一个简单的语句。为了制定有效的美国应对气候变化,我们必须打破科学知识的政治化。


To accomplish this, however, we must embracethe complexities of science and politics and think beyond any matrix orformulaic solution. We know that effective and sustaining climate policy mustbe bipartisan. Taking a long view, Trump’s disruption of traditional partypositions potentially provides entryways to break decades of stalled efforts toaddress climate change in the United States.

Gg: 然而,为了实现这一点,我们必须拥抱科学和政治的复杂性,并超越任何矩阵或公式解决方案。我们知道有效和持续的气候政策必须是两党共识。从长远看,特朗普对传统党派阵地的破坏可能提供入口通道,以打破美国为应对气候变化而停滞的几十年努力。

Mine: 然而,为了实现这一目标,我们必须接受科学和政治的复杂性,摆脱任何现有的(循规蹈矩的解决方案。我们知道有效和持续的气候政策必须基于两党共识。从长远看,特朗普对传统党派政策的破坏可能正好提供了一个机会,我们可以借此机会打破数十年来(美国)为应对气候变化而做出的那些停滞不前的努力。

Focusing on this potential long-termopportunity may be the key to preserving the environment beyond the age of Trump. First, we need to recognize thatforces in the new administration will seek to undo not only recent gains inclimate policy but also decades of environmental regulations. But with climatechange so directly tied to economic and nationalsecurity, our future societal success will compel us to tackle climate changeas part of our political and cultural behavior.

Gg: 关注这个潜在的长期机会可能是保护超越特朗普时代的环境的关键。首先,我们需要认识到,新政府的力量将不仅试图消除最近在气候政策方面取得的进展,而且还要消除几十年的环境法规。但随着气候变化与经济和国家安全直接相关,我们未来的社会成功将迫使我们应对气候变化,作为我们政治和文化行为的一部分。

Mine: 关注这个潜在的远期机会,可能是保护未来环境的关键。首先,我们需要认识到,(美国)新政府下的各种势力,不仅将试图消除最近几年(美国)在气候政策方面取得的进展,而且将试图消除几十年来的环境法规。但是,气候变化与经济和国家安全有着直接的相关关系,我们未来社会的成功与否将迫使我们应对气候变化,因为这是我们政治和文化生活的不可缺少的一部分。

To be continued.

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