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美国加州理工学院生物学家David Baltimore 教授

已有 3920 次阅读 2016-8-8 07:46 |个人分类:信息分析|系统分类:观点评述

David Baltimore 教授



David Baltimore 教授发表论文126篇分布如下:

数据来源 http://www.pubmedplus.cn/

01.2016     4 3.175%
02.2015     6 4.762%
03.2014     10 7.937%
04.2013     9 7.143%
05.2012     16 12.698%
06.2011     10 7.937%
07.2010     12 9.524%
08.2009     8 6.349%
09.2008     11 8.730%
10.2006     6 4.762%
11.2007     3 2.381%
12.2006     6 4.762%
13.2005     4 3.175%
14.2004     5 3.968%
15.1997     1 0.794%
16.1980     1 0.794%
17.1978     1 0.794%
01.proc natl acad sci u s a     23 18.254%
02.science     12 9.524%
03.immunity     7 5.556%
04.blood     5 3.968%
05.cell     5 3.968%
06.j exp med     5 3.968%
07.j immunol     5 3.968%
08.nature     5 3.968%
09.nat immunol     4 3.175%
10.immunol rev     3 2.381%
11.mol ther     3 2.381%
12.plos one     3 2.381%
13.cell rep     2 1.587%
14.embo j     2 1.587%
15.genes dev     2 1.587%
16.mol cell     2 1.587%
17.nat biotechnol     2 1.587%
18.nat rev immunol     2 1.587%
19.plos pathog     2 1.587%
20.annu rev immunol     1 0.794%
21.appl phys lett     1 0.794%
22.biochemistry     1 0.794%
23.cancer discov     1 0.794%
24.cancer lett     1 0.794%
25.cell host microbe     1 0.794%
26.cell stem cell     1 0.794%
27.clin cancer res     1 0.794%
29.curr opin hematol     1 0.794%
30.curr top dev biol     1 0.794%
31.daedalus     1 0.794%
32.diabetes     1 0.794%
33.elife     1 0.794%
34.embo mol med     1 0.794%
35.gene ther     1 0.794%
36.hastings cent rep     1 0.794%
37.health aff (millwood)     1 0.794%
38.hum gene ther     1 0.794%
39.j biol chem     1 0.794%
40.j virol     1 0.794%
41.mbio     1 0.794%
42.mol cell biol     1 0.794%
43.nat med     1 0.794%
44.nat neurosci     1 0.794%
45.nat rev mol cell biol     1 0.794%
46.pigment cell melanoma res     1 0.794%
47.sci signal     1 0.794%
48.sci transl med     1 0.794%
49.trends neurosci     1 0.794%
50.vaccine     1 0.794%
01.美国     101 80.159%
02.加拿大     1 0.794%
03.德国     1 0.794%
04.日本     1 0.794%
05.澳大利亚     1 0.794%
06.瑞士     1 0.794%
07.英国     1 0.794%
08.葡萄牙     1 0.794%
09.马来西亚     1 0.794%
01.美国帕萨迪纳     73 57.937%
02.美国洛杉矶     16 12.698%
03.boulevard     8 6.349%
04.美国盐湖城     7 5.556%
05.la jolla     6 4.762%
06.马萨诸塞州剑桥市     6 4.762%
07.美国圣迭戈     5 3.968%
08.美国麻省剑桥市     4 3.175%
09.美国贝塞斯达     3 2.381%
10.duarte     2 1.587%
11.kettering.us     2 1.587%
12.new hope     2 1.587%
13.美国法明顿     2 1.587%
14.美国波士顿     2 1.587%
15.美国纽约     2 1.587%
16.美国纽黑文     2 1.587%
17.美国西雅图     2 1.587%
18.alta     1 0.794%
19.chevy chase     1 0.794%
20.fred     1 0.794%
21.hope     1 0.794%
22.hutchinson     1 0.794%
23.kuala     1 0.794%
24.las vegas     1 0.794%
25.oeiras     1 0.794%
26.old bridge     1 0.794%
27.portugal.norte     1 0.794%
28.scottsdale     1 0.794%
29.victoria.au     1 0.794%
30.rochester.ny     1 0.794%
31.加拿大多伦多     1 0.794%
32.威斯康星州麦迪逊市     1 0.794%
33.帕拉托市(斯坦福大学)     1 0.794%
34.日本仙台     1 0.794%
35.日本吹田     1 0.794%
36.日本大阪     1 0.794%
37.澳大利亚墨尔本     1 0.794%
38.澳大利亚帕克维尔     1 0.794%
39.瑞士苏黎世     1 0.794%
40.美国伊利诺伊州香槟市     1 0.794%
41.美国休斯敦     1 0.794%
42.美国伯克利     1 0.794%
43.美国印第安纳波利斯     1 0.794%
44.美国圣路易     1 0.794%
45.美国安德森(安德森癌症中心)     1 0.794%
46.美国尔巴那     1 0.794%
47.美国布法罗     1 0.794%
48.美国旧金山     1 0.794%
49.美国明尼阿波利斯     1 0.794%
50.美国普林斯顿     1 0.794%
01.Baltimore D     126 100.000%
02.Yang L     20 15.873%
03.O'Connell RM     19 15.079%
04.Rao DS     17 13.492%
05.Zhao JL     13 10.317%
06.Boldin MP     11 8.730%
07.Balazs AB     10 7.937%
08.Taganov KD     10 7.937%
09.Chaudhuri AA     9 7.143%
10.Hoffmann A     8 6.349%
11.Ribas A     7 5.556%
12.Wang P     7 5.556%
13.So AY     6 4.762%
14.An DS     5 3.968%
15.Garcia-Flores Y     5 3.968%
16.Kohn DB     5 3.968%
17.Mehta A     5 3.968%
18.Ramakrishnan P     5 3.968%
19.Economou JS     4 3.175%
20.Van Parijs L     4 3.175%
21.Witte ON     4 3.175%
22.Yang H     4 3.175%
23.Bloom JD     3 2.381%
24.Chen IS     3 2.381%
25.Cheng G     3 2.381%
26.Comin-Anduix B     3 2.381%
27.Ea CK     3 2.381%
28.Gibson WS     3 2.381%
29.Hao S     3 2.381%
30.Heath JR     3 2.381%
31.Hong CM     3 2.381%
32.Koya RC     3 2.381%
33.Leung TH     3 2.381%
34.Minisandram A     3 2.381%
35.Pomerantz JL     3 2.381%
36.Qin XF     3 2.381%
37.Schatz DG     3 2.381%
38.Sinha N     3 2.381%
39.Abbas AK     2 1.587%
40.Avramis E     2 1.587%
41.Brown EJ     2 1.587%
42.Chen J     2 1.587%
43.Chmielowski B     2 1.587%
44.Chodon T     2 1.587%
45.Chowdhury K     2 1.587%
46.Cochran AJ     2 1.587%
47.Dai B     2 1.587%
48.Du X     2 1.587%
49.Erikci E     2 1.587%
50.Hardee CL     2 1.587%
01.加州理工学院     72 57.143%
02.加州大学     17 13.492%
03.美国加州大学洛杉矶分校     13 10.317%
04.犹他大学     7 5.556%
05.加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院     6 4.762%
06.霍华德·休斯医学研究所     6 4.762%
07.美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校     5 3.968%
08.南加州大学     3 2.381%
09.麻省理工学院     3 2.381%
10.华盛顿大学     2 1.587%
11.哈佛医学院     2 1.587%
12.康涅狄格大学     2 1.587%
13.康涅狄格大学健康中心     2 1.587%
14.斯坦福大学     2 1.587%
15.斯坦福大学医学院     2 1.587%
16.洛克菲勒大学     2 1.587%
17.纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心     2 1.587%
18.美国国家卫生研究院     2 1.587%
19.美国国家过敏与传染病研究所     2 1.587%
20.美国梅奥诊所     2 1.587%
21.耶鲁大学     2 1.587%
22.耶鲁大学医学院     2 1.587%
23.fred hutchinson癌症研究中心     1 0.794%
24.mayo clinic scottsdale     1 0.794%
25.national institute for medical research     1 0.794%
26.roger williams medical center     1 0.794%
27.roswell park肿瘤研究所     1 0.794%
28.toronto general research institute     1 0.794%
29.universidade de lisboa     1 0.794%
30.university of zurich     1 0.794%
31.vaccine research center     1 0.794%
32.东北大学医学研究生院     1 0.794%
33.伊利诺伊大学     1 0.794%
34.伊利诺斯大学香槟分校     1 0.794%
35.凯斯西储大学     1 0.794%
36.加州大学伯克利分校     1 0.794%
37.加州大学大卫格芬医学院     1 0.794%
38.加州大学洛杉矶分校医学中心     1 0.794%
39.加拿大大学健康网络     1 0.794%
40.华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校     1 0.794%
41.印第安纳州大学     1 0.794%
42.圣路易斯华盛顿大学     1 0.794%
43.大阪大学     1 0.794%
44.威尔康乃尔医学院     1 0.794%
45.威斯康星大学     1 0.794%
46.宾夕法尼亚大学     1 0.794%
47.布鲁斯堡大学     1 0.794%
48.斯克里普斯研究所     1 0.794%
49.日本东北大学     1 0.794%
50.明尼苏达大学     1 0.794%
01.mice, inbred c57bl     29 23.016%
02.nf-kappa b     26 20.635%
03.micrornas     24 19.048%
04.cell line     20 15.873%
05.mice, knockout     20 15.873%
06.genetic vectors     17 13.492%
07.signal transduction     17 13.492%
08.gene expression regulation     16 12.698%
09.cells, cultured     13 10.317%
10.mice, transgenic     13 10.317%
11.hematopoietic stem cells     12 9.524%
12.inflammation     12 9.524%
13.lentivirus     12 9.524%
14.t-lymphocytes     12 9.524%
15.cd4-positive t-lymphocytes     10 7.937%
16.dna-binding proteins     10 7.937%
17.b-lymphocytes     9 7.143%
18.bone marrow cells     9 7.143%
19.cell differentiation     9 7.143%
20.hematopoiesis     9 7.143%
21.hiv-1     9 7.143%
22.aids vaccines     8 6.349%
23.base sequence     8 6.349%
24.lipopolysaccharides     8 6.349%
25.receptors, antigen, t-cell     8 6.349%
26.tumor necrosis factor-alpha     8 6.349%
27.hek293 cells     7 5.556%
28.hiv infections     7 5.556%
29.immunity, innate     7 5.556%
30.models, biological     7 5.556%
31.spleen     7 5.556%
32.transduction, genetic     7 5.556%
33.cd8-positive t-lymphocytes     6 4.762%
34.cell line, tumor     6 4.762%
35.dependovirus     6 4.762%
36.history, 20th century     6 4.762%
37.molecular sequence data     6 4.762%
38.mutation     6 4.762%
39.rna, messenger     6 4.762%
40.antibodies, neutralizing     5 3.968%
41.cytokines     5 3.968%
42.dendritic cells     5 3.968%
43.dna     5 3.968%
44.flow cytometry     5 3.968%
45.gene expression profiling     5 3.968%
46.interferon-gamma     5 3.968%
47.macrophages     5 3.968%
48.melanoma     5 3.968%
49.promoter regions, genetic     5 3.968%
50.protein binding     5 3.968%
01.nf-kappa b     26 20.635%
02.micrornas     24 19.048%
03.dna-binding proteins     10 7.937%
04.aids vaccines     8 6.349%
05.lipopolysaccharides     8 6.349%
06.receptors, antigen, t-cell     8 6.349%
07.tumor necrosis factor-alpha     8 6.349%
08.mirn146 microrna, mouse     7 5.556%
09.rna, messenger     6 4.762%
10.antibodies, neutralizing     5 3.968%
11.cytokines     5 3.968%
12.dna     5 3.968%
13.interferon-gamma     5 3.968%
14.3' untranslated regions     4 3.175%
15.i-kappa b proteins     4 3.175%
16.inflammation mediators     4 3.175%
17.mirn125 microrna, mouse     4 3.175%
18.proto-oncogene proteins     4 3.175%
19.receptors, ccr5     4 3.175%
20.recombinant fusion proteins     4 3.175%
21.tnf receptor-associated factor 6     4 3.175%
22.transcription factors     4 3.175%
23.adaptor proteins, signal transducing     3 2.381%
24.dna, recombinant     3 2.381%
25.epitopes     3 2.381%
26.forkhead transcription factors     3 2.381%
27.green fluorescent proteins     3 2.381%
28.hiv antibodies     3 2.381%
29.immunoglobulin g     3 2.381%
30.interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinases     3 2.381%
31.interleukin-1beta     3 2.381%
32.interleukin-2     3 2.381%
33.luminescent proteins     3 2.381%
34.membrane proteins     3 2.381%
35.nf-kappab inhibitor alpha     3 2.381%
36.protein-serine-threonine kinases     3 2.381%
37.proto-oncogene proteins c-rel     3 2.381%
38.rna, small interfering     3 2.381%
39.transcription factor rela     3 2.381%
40.adaptor proteins, vesicular transport     2 1.587%
41.adjuvants, immunologic     2 1.587%
42.antigens     2 1.587%
43.antigens, cd20     2 1.587%
44.antigens, cd34     2 1.587%
45.antigens, cd40     2 1.587%
46.bach1 protein, mouse     2 1.587%
47.basic-leucine zipper transcription factors     2 1.587%
48.biological markers     2 1.587%
49.cancer vaccines     2 1.587%
50.cd40 ligand     2 1.587%
01.肿瘤     34 26.984%
02.感染     24 19.048%
03.免疫系统疾病     21 16.667%
04.病毒性疾病     21 16.667%
05.rna病毒感染     19 15.079%
06.免疫缺陷综合征     17 13.492%
07.hiv感染     14 11.111%
08.性传播疾病     14 11.111%
09.慢病毒感染     14 11.111%
10.病毒性性传播疾病     14 11.111%
11.逆转录病毒科感染     14 11.111%
12.自身免疫疾病     10 7.937%
13.动物疾病模型     8 6.349%
14.扭伤与劳损     7 5.556%
15.血液病     7 5.556%
16.人类流感     6 4.762%
17.获得性免疫缺陷综合征     6 4.762%
18.血液和淋巴系统疾病     6 4.762%
19.黑色素瘤     6 4.762%
20.呼吸道感染     5 3.968%
21.呼吸道疾病     5 3.968%
22.白血病     5 3.968%
23.慢病毒疾病     4 3.175%
24.正粘病毒科感染     4 3.175%
25.生殖细胞和胚胎性癌     4 3.175%
26.痣与黑色素瘤     4 3.175%
27.神经内分泌瘤     4 3.175%
28.神经外胚瘤     4 3.175%
29.神经组织癌     4 3.175%
30.骨髓增殖性疾病     4 3.175%
31.髓样白血病     4 3.175%
32.dna损伤     3 2.381%
33.动物疾病     3 2.381%
34.实验性癌     3 2.381%
35.神经系统疾病     3 2.381%
36.细菌感染与真菌病     3 2.381%
37.骨髓疾病     3 2.381%
38.中枢神经系统疾病     2 1.587%
39.中枢神经系统自身免疫性脱髓鞘疾病     2 1.587%
40.关节炎     2 1.587%
41.实验性神经系统自身免疫性疾病     2 1.587%
42.实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓膜炎     2 1.587%
43.寄生虫病     2 1.587%
44.消化系统疾病     2 1.587%
45.淋巴系统疾病     2 1.587%
46.癌形成过程     2 1.587%
47.神经系统自身免疫疾病     2 1.587%
48.细胞转化, 肿瘤     2 1.587%
49.脑疾病     2 1.587%
50.脑白质病     2 1.587%
01.division of biology     47 37.302%
02.department of biology     10 7.937%
03.department of pathology     8 6.349%
04.division of biology and biological engineering     7 5.556%
05.division of microbiology and immunology     4 3.175%
06.school of medicine     4 3.175%
07.center for cancer research and department of biology     2 1.587%
08.department of biochemistry     2 1.587%
09.department of chemistry and biochemistry     2 1.587%
10.department of hematology and oncology     2 1.587%
11.department of medicine     2 1.587%
12.department of microbiology     2 1.587%
13.department of molecular cell biology     2 1.587%
14.memorial sloan-kettering cancer center     2 1.587%
15.nanosystems biology cancer center     2 1.587%
16.university of connecticut health center     2 1.587%
17.188 li ka shing center     1 0.794%
18.abramson cancer center     1 0.794%
19.and molecular and medical pharmacology; jonsson comprehensive cancer center; department of ophthalmology     1 0.794%
20.case western reserve university and university hospitals case medical center     1 0.794%
21.center for law and the biosciences     1 0.794%
22.center for systems biology     1 0.794%
23.center for the study of hepatitis c     1 0.794%
24.college of letters and science     1 0.794%
25.connecticut; and center for immunology     1 0.794%
26.department of chemistry     1 0.794%
27.department of cognitive science     1 0.794%
28.department of genetics     1 0.794%
29.department of immunobiology     1 0.794%
30.department of immunobiology and department of molecular biophysics & biochemistry     1 0.794%
31.department of immunology and microbial science     1 0.794%
32.department of internal medicine     1 0.794%
33.department of medical history and bioethics     1 0.794%
34.department of molecular and cell biology     1 0.794%
35.department of molecular and cellular biology     1 0.794%
36.department of molecular biology     1 0.794%
37.department of obstetrics and gynecology     1 0.794%
38.department of pathology and immunology     1 0.794%
39.department of pathology and laboratory medicine     1 0.794%
40.department of pediatrics ucsf school of medicine     1 0.794%
41.department of translational sciences     1 0.794%
42.department of veterinary pathobiology     1 0.794%
43.division of cardiology and pulmonary     1 0.794%
44.division of chemistry and chemical engineering     1 0.794%
45.division of gastroenterology     1 0.794%
46.division of gastroenterology and hepatology     1 0.794%
47.division of hematology-oncology     1 0.794%
48.division of maternal-fetal medicine     1 0.794%
49.division of physics     1 0.794%
50.fred hutchinson cancer research center     1 0.794%


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