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炭疽病国际研究重大成果 1884-2016年

已有 3042 次阅读 2016-8-4 09:04 |个人分类:信息分析|系统分类:科研笔记

炭疽是由炭疽芽孢杆菌(Bacillus authracis)引起的传染性疾病。该病是牛、马、羊等动物传染病,但偶尔也可传染给从事皮革、畜牧工作的人员,该细菌由Robert Koch在1877年首次发现。http://www.a-hospital.com/w/%E7%82%AD%E7%96%BD



Science  19 Sep 1884:
Vol. ns-4, Issue 85, pp. 276-277
DOI: 10.1126/science.ns-4.85.276


炭疽病国际研究重大成果   1884-2016年期刊影响因子20以上,H指数130以上的论文285篇分布如下:

数据来源 http://www.pubmedplus.cn    

01.2016     1 0.351%
02.2015     7 2.456%
03.2011     7 2.456%
04.2009     11 3.860%
05.2008     13 4.561%
06.2006     8 2.807%
07.2005     11 3.860%
08.2004     18 6.316%
09.2003     13 4.561%
10.2002     38 13.333%
11.2015     7 2.456%
12.2014     5 1.754%
13.2013     5 1.754%
14.2012     6 2.105%
15.2011     7 2.456%
16.2010     4 1.404%
17.2007     2 0.702%
18.1998     8 2.807%
19.1997     5 1.754%
20.1996     3 1.053%
21.1994     1 0.351%
22.1993     1 0.351%
23.1992     1 0.351%
24.1991     1 0.351%
25.1988     3 1.053%
26.1986     1 0.351%
27.1984     1 0.351%
28.1983     1 0.351%
29.1982     3 1.053%
30.1980     2 0.702%
31.1974     1 0.351%
32.1971     1 0.351%
33.1969     1 0.351%
34.1967     3 1.053%
35.1964     1 0.351%
36.1963     1 0.351%
37.1962     1 0.351%
38.1961     1 0.351%
39.1959     1 0.351%
40.1958     1 0.351%
41.1957     2 0.702%
42.1956     1 0.351%
43.1955     1 0.351%
44.1954     2 0.702%
45.1953     1 0.351%
46.1952     1 0.351%
47.1951     2 0.702%
48.1933     1 0.351%
49.1884     1 0.351%
01.science     75 26.316%
02.nature     67 23.509%
03.jama     37 12.982%
04.lancet     37 12.982%
05.n engl j med     27 9.474%
06.nat med     15 5.263%
07.nat biotechnol     11 3.860%
08.cell     6 2.105%
09.nat cell biol     2 0.702%
10.nat genet     2 0.702%
01.美国     58 20.351%
02.英国     5 1.754%
03.瑞士     3 1.053%
04.加拿大     2 0.702%
05.德国     2 0.702%
06.法国     2 0.702%
07.中国大陆     1 0.351%
08.伊朗     1 0.351%
09.印度     1 0.351%
10.奥地利     1 0.351%
11.意大利     1 0.351%
12.挪威     1 0.351%
13.日本     1 0.351%
14.格鲁吉亚     1 0.351%
15.澳大利亚     1 0.351%
16.瑞典     1 0.351%
17.西班牙     1 0.351%
18.黎巴嫩     1 0.351%
01.北京市     1 0.351%
01.Enserink M     17 5.965%
02.Leppla SH     13 4.561%
03.Collier RJ     9 3.158%
04.Bhattacharjee Y     7 2.456%
05.Marshall E     7 2.456%
06.Cohen J     5 1.754%
07.Friedlander AM     5 1.754%
08.Check E     4 1.404%
09.Dance A     4 1.404%
10.Fox JL     4 1.404%
11.Guillemin J     4 1.404%
12.Knight J     4 1.404%
13.Liddington RC     4 1.404%
14.Mogridge J     4 1.404%
15.Dove A     3 1.053%
16.Fauci AS     3 1.053%
17.Fraser CM     3 1.053%
18.Mourez M     3 1.053%
19.Bann JG     2 0.702%
20.Brookmeyer R     2 0.702%
21.Bugge TH     2 0.702%
22.Dalton R     2 0.702%
23.GREEN DM     2 0.702%
24.Greenberg DS     2 0.702%
25.Hagmann M     2 0.702%
26.Hanna P     2 0.702%
27.Hanna PC     2 0.702%
28.Henderson DA     2 0.702%
29.Hultgren SJ     2 0.702%
30.Inglesby TV     2 0.702%
31.JAMIESON WM     2 0.702%
32.Jiang L     2 0.702%
33.KEPPIE J     2 0.702%
34.KLEIN F     2 0.702%
35.Kane RS     2 0.702%
36.Karin M     2 0.702%
37.Kaufmann SH     2 0.702%
38.Keim P     2 0.702%
39.Klimpel KR     2 0.702%
40.Krantz BA     2 0.702%
41.LINCOLN RE     2 0.702%
42.Lacy DB     2 0.702%
43.Lalitha MK     2 0.702%
44.Lane HC     2 0.702%
45.Liu S     2 0.702%
46.MAHLANDT BG     2 0.702%
47.Malakoff D     2 0.702%
48.McCarthy M     2 0.702%
49.Meselson M     2 0.702%
50.Moayeri M     2 0.702%
01.哈佛医学院     6 2.105%
02.加州大学     5 1.754%
03.约翰霍普金斯大学     4 1.404%
04.美国国家卫生研究院     4 1.404%
05.美国国家过敏与传染病研究所     4 1.404%
06.美国亚特兰大疾病控制与预防中心     3 1.053%
07.美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校     3 1.053%
08.芝加哥大学     3 1.053%
09.多伦多大学     2 0.702%
10.斯坦福大学     2 0.702%
11.斯坦福大学医学院     2 0.702%
12.杜克大学     2 0.702%
13.杜克大学医学中心     2 0.702%
14.杜克大学医院     2 0.702%
15.美国国家癌症研究所     2 0.702%
16.美国芝加哥大学     2 0.702%
17.美国西北大学     2 0.702%
18.莱斯特大学     2 0.702%
19.inova fairfax hospital     1 0.351%
20.max planck institute for evolutionary anthropology     1 0.351%
21.max planck institute for infection biology     1 0.351%
22.mcardle laboratory for cancer research     1 0.351%
23.national cancer institute-frederick     1 0.351%
24.national cancer institute-frederick cancer research and development center     1 0.351%
25.salk institute     1 0.351%
26.salk institute for biological studies     1 0.351%
27.universita di padova     1 0.351%
28.university of wisconsin - madison     1 0.351%
29.vaccine research center     1 0.351%
30.vollum institute     1 0.351%
31.whitehead生物医学研究所     1 0.351%
32.伦敦大学学院     1 0.351%
33.伦斯勒理工学院     1 0.351%
34.伯明罕阿拉巴马大学     1 0.351%
35.俄亥俄州立大学     1 0.351%
36.加州大学伯克利分校     1 0.351%
37.北亚利桑那大学     1 0.351%
38.北卡罗来纳大学     1 0.351%
39.北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校     1 0.351%
40.哈佛大学     1 0.351%
41.圣托马斯医院     1 0.351%
42.塔夫斯大学     1 0.351%
43.塔夫茨大学医学院     1 0.351%
44.威奇塔州立大学     1 0.351%
45.威斯康星 - 麦迪逊大学     1 0.351%
46.威斯康星大学     1 0.351%
47.安大略癌症研究所     1 0.351%
48.巴黎居里研究所     1 0.351%
49.德克萨斯大学     1 0.351%
50.德黑兰大学     1 0.351%
01.anthrax     203 71.228%
02.bacillus anthracis     125 43.860%
03.bioterrorism     104 36.491%
04.antigens, bacterial     47 16.491%
05.bacterial toxins     47 16.491%
06.spores, bacterial     47 16.491%
07.biological warfare     39 13.684%
08.respiratory tract infections     30 10.526%
09.anthrax vaccines     29 10.175%
10.skin diseases, bacterial     26 9.123%
11.anti-bacterial agents     20 7.018%
12.security measures     15 5.263%
13.bacterial vaccines     14 4.912%
14.national institutes of health (u.s.)     14 4.912%
15.postal service     14 4.912%
16.disease outbreaks     13 4.561%
17.genome, bacterial     13 4.561%
18.mutation     13 4.561%
19.research     13 4.561%
20.molecular sequence data     12 4.211%
21.smallpox     12 4.211%
22.cattle     11 3.860%
23.ciprofloxacin     11 3.860%
24.public health     11 3.860%
25.antibiotic prophylaxis     10 3.509%
26.cell line     10 3.509%
27.centers for disease control and prevention (u.s.)     10 3.509%
28.models, molecular     10 3.509%
29.occupational exposure     10 3.509%
30.protein conformation     10 3.509%
31.vaccines     10 3.509%
32.amino acid sequence     9 3.158%
33.anti-infective agents     9 3.158%
34.diagnosis, differential     9 3.158%
35.macrophages     9 3.158%
36.sequence analysis, dna     9 3.158%
37.vaccination     9 3.158%
38.antibodies, bacterial     8 2.807%
39.crystallography, x-ray     8 2.807%
40.endocytosis     8 2.807%
41.protein structure, tertiary     8 2.807%
42.receptors, peptide     8 2.807%
43.research support as topic     8 2.807%
44.signal transduction     8 2.807%
45.united states food and drug administration     8 2.807%
46.united states government agencies     8 2.807%
47.virulence     8 2.807%
48.binding sites     7 2.456%
49.biotechnology     7 2.456%
50.clinical trials as topic     7 2.456%
01.anthrax toxin     47 16.491%
02.antigens, bacterial     47 16.491%
03.bacterial toxins     47 16.491%
04.anthrax vaccines     29 10.175%
05.anti-bacterial agents     20 7.018%
06.bacterial vaccines     14 4.912%
07.ciprofloxacin     11 3.860%
08.vaccines     10 3.509%
09.anti-infective agents     9 3.158%
10.antibodies, bacterial     8 2.807%
01.炭疽     271 95.088%
02.细菌感染与真菌病     208 72.982%
03.细菌感染     205 71.930%
04.革兰氏阳性菌感染     203 71.228%
05.芽孢杆菌科感染     202 70.877%
06.感染     61 21.404%
07.呼吸道疾病     38 13.333%
08.呼吸道感染     34 11.930%
09.皮肤与结缔组织疾病     32 11.228%
10.皮肤疾病     32 11.228%
11.病毒性疾病     30 10.526%
12.传染性皮肤疾病     29 10.175%
13.细菌性皮肤疾病     27 9.474%
14.rna病毒感染     16 5.614%
15.天花     15 5.263%
16.dna病毒感染     14 4.912%
17.痘病毒科感染     14 4.912%
18.动物疾病     10 3.509%
19.革兰氏阴性菌感染     9 3.158%
20.传染病     8 2.807%
21.创伤和损伤     8 2.807%
22.消化系统疾病     8 2.807%
23.神经系统疾病     8 2.807%
24.职业病     8 2.807%
25.人类流感     7 2.456%
26.肠杆菌科感染     7 2.456%
27.hiv感染     6 2.105%
28.中枢神经系统感染     6 2.105%
29.中枢神经系统疾病     6 2.105%
30.中毒     6 2.105%
31.扭伤与劳损     6 2.105%
32.正粘病毒科感染     6 2.105%
33.胃肠疾病     6 2.105%
34.胸腔积液     6 2.105%
35.脑膜炎     6 2.105%
36.免疫系统疾病     5 1.754%
37.免疫缺陷综合征     5 1.754%
38.性传播疾病     5 1.754%
39.慢病毒感染     5 1.754%
40.病毒性性传播疾病     5 1.754%
41.胸膜疾病     5 1.754%
42.脓毒症     5 1.754%
43.获得性免疫缺陷综合征     5 1.754%
44.逆转录病毒科感染     5 1.754%
45.中枢神经系统细菌感染     4 1.404%
46.动物疾病模型     4 1.404%
47.慢病毒疾病     4 1.404%
48.细菌性脑膜炎     4 1.404%
49.耶尔森菌感染     4 1.404%
50.肺疾病     4 1.404%
01.department of medicine     4 1.404%
02.9712 medical center drive     3 1.053%
03.department of chemistry     3 1.053%
04.department of microbiology and molecular genetics     3 1.053%
05.department of biostatistics     2 0.702%
06.department of emergency medicine     2 0.702%
07.department of genetics     2 0.702%
08.department of microbiology     2 0.702%
09.department of pharmacology     2 0.702%
10.duke university medical center     2 0.702%
11.johns hopkins center for civilian biodefense studies     2 0.702%
12.laboratory of gene regulation and signal transduction     2 0.702%
13.school of medicine     2 0.702%
14.9 cambridge center     1 0.351%
15.and clinical immunology research center (m.e.)     1 0.351%
16.center for public issues in biotechnology     1 0.351%
17.college of engineering     1 0.351%
18.college of life sciences     1 0.351%
19.college of medicine     1 0.351%
20.department of biochemistry     1 0.351%
21.department of biochemistry and biophysics     1 0.351%
22.department of biological sciences     1 0.351%
23.department of chemistry and biochemistry     1 0.351%
24.department of chemistry and institute for nanotechnology     1 0.351%
25.department of clinical microbiology     1 0.351%
26.department of environmental systems science     1 0.351%
27.department of health and human services     1 0.351%
28.department of immunology     1 0.351%
29.department of microbiology and immunobiology     1 0.351%
30.department of microbiology and immunology     1 0.351%
31.department of molecular and cell biology     1 0.351%
32.department of molecular and cellular biology     1 0.351%
33.department of molecular genetics and cell biology     1 0.351%
34.department of organic chemistry     1 0.351%
35.department of pathology     1 0.351%
36.department of physics     1 0.351%
37.division of high-consequence pathogens and pathology (n.m.v.     1 0.351%
38.division of immunology and pathogenesis     1 0.351%
39.division of infection and immunity     1 0.351%
40.division of infectious diseases     1 0.351%
41.division of microbiology     1 0.351%
42.division of molecular and structural biology     1 0.351%
43.division of pulmonary     1 0.351%
44.division of violence prevention     1 0.351%
45.emory vaccine research center     1 0.351%
46.institute of molecular biology and biophysics     1 0.351%
47.institute of molecular biotechnology of the austrian academy of sciences     1 0.351%
48.j.f.k. medical center     1 0.351%
49.laboratory of bacteriql pathogenesis and immunology     1 0.351%
50.laboratory of biomedical science     1 0.351%


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