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已有 6157 次阅读 2013-10-14 08:32 |个人分类:信息检索|系统分类:科研笔记| 数据库, 智能, 科技信息



检索实例:艾滋病与肺癌(aids and lung cancer)


("acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[MeSH Terms] OR ("acquired"[All Fields] AND "immunodeficiency"[All Fields] AND "syndrome"[All Fields]) OR "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[All Fields] OR "aids"[All Fields]) AND ("lung neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "neoplasms"[All Fields]) OR "lung neoplasms"[All Fields] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "cancer"[All Fields]) OR "lung cancer"[All Fields])

Result:   检索结果
Stopword(s) Ignored:  禁用词
Translations:    检索式
aids"acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[MeSH Terms] OR ("acquired"[All Fields] AND "immunodeficiency"[All Fields] AND "syndrome"[All Fields]) OR "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[All Fields] OR "aids"[All Fields]
lung cancer"lung neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "neoplasms"[All Fields]) OR "lung neoplasms"[All Fields] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "cancer"[All Fields]) OR "lung cancer"[All Fields]
Database:  数据库
User query:     检索提问
aids and lung cancer




How PubMed works: automatic term mapping

Untagged terms that are entered in the search box are matched (in this order) against a MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) translation table, a Journals translation table, the Full Author translation table, Author index, the Full Investigator (Collaborator) translation table and an Investigator (Collaborator) index.

When a match is found for a term or phrase in a translation table the mapping process is complete and does not continue on to the next translation table.

1. MeSH translation table


The MeSH Translation Table contains:

  • MeSH terms  MESH主题词
  • The See-Reference mappings (also known as entry terms) for MeSH terms  MESH主题词的参照词(款目词)
  • MeSH Subheadings  MESH副主题词
  • Publication Types   出版类型词汇
  • Pharmacologic action terms  药理作用词汇
  • Terms derived from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) that have equivalent synonyms or lexical variants in English  统一医学语言系统(UMLS)中的词汇
  • Supplementary concept (substance) names and their synonyms.  补充概念(化学物质词汇)及其同义词

If a match is found in this translation table, the term will be searched as MeSH (that includes the MeSH term and any specific terms indented under that term in the MeSH hierarchy), and in all fields.

For example, if you enter child rearing in the search box, PubMed will translate this search to: "child rearing"[MeSH Terms] OR ("child"[All Fields] AND "rearing"[All Fields]) OR "child rearing"[All Fields]

If you enter a MeSH Term that is also a Pharmacologic Action PubMed will search the term as [MeSH Terms], [Pharmacologic Action], and [All Fields].

If you enter an entry term for a MeSH term the translation will also include an all fields search for the MeSH term associated with the entry term. For example, a search for odontalgia will translate to: "toothache"[MeSH Terms] OR "toothache"[All Fields] OR "odontalgia"[All Fields] because Odontalgia is an entry term for the MeSH term toothache.

Substance name mappings do not include a mapping for individual terms in a phrase, e.g., IL-22 will not include IL[All Fields AND 22[All Fields].

MeSH term mappings that include a standalone number or single character do not include a mapping for individual terms in a phrase, e.g., Protein C will not include Protein[All Fields] or C[All Fields].

More information about automatic term mapping:

  • See the results Search details to verify how your terms are translated. If you want to report a translation that does not seem accurate for your search topic, please e-mail the information to the NLM Help Desk.
2. Journals translation table


The Journals translation table contains the:

  • full journal title
  • title abbreviation
  • ISSN number.

These will automatically map to the journal abbreviation that is used to search journals in PubMed and in all fields. For example, a search for endocrine pathology will translate to: "Endocr Pathol"[Journal] OR ("endocrine"[All Fields] AND "pathology"[All Fields]) OR "endocrine pathology"[All Fields]

3. Full Author translation table


The full author translation table includes full author names for articles published from 2002 forward, if available. Enter a full author name in natural or inverted order, e.g., julia s wong or wong julia s.

More information about full author searching:

  • A comma following the last name for searching is optional. For some names, however, it is necessary to distinguish which name is the last name by using the comma following the last name, e.g., james, ryan.
  • Omit periods after initials and put all suffixes at the end, e.g., vollmer charles jr
  • Initials and suffixes are not required, if you include a middle initial or suffix, you will only retrieve citations for articles that were published using the middle initial or suffix.
  • To distinguish author initials that may match a full author name use the [fau] search tag, e.g., peterson do[fau].
4. Full Investigator (Collaborator) translation table


If the term is not found in the above tables, except for Full Author, and is not a single term, the full investigator table is consulted for a match. The full investigator (collaborator) translation table includes full names, if available. Enter a full investigator name in natural or inverted order, e.g., harry janes or janes harry.

5. Author index


If the term is not found in the above tables, except for Full Author or Full Investigator, and is not a single term, PubMed checks the author index for a match. PubMed automatically truncates a search for an author's name to account for varying initials, e.g., o'brien j retrieves o'brien ja, o'brien jb, o'brien jc jr, as well as o'brien j.

When combining multiple authors, to avoid a match with full author names, include initials or use the [au] search tag, e.g., ryan[au] james[au]. Author names comprised of only stopwords, e.g., as a, are not searched as authors if they are part of phrase, chemical burn as a danger, unless the search only includes the author name, e.g., as a.

6. Investigator (Collaborator) index


If the term is not found in the above tables, except for Full Author, Author, or Full Investigator, and is not a single term, PubMed checks the investigator index for a match.

7. If no match is found?


PubMed breaks apart the phrase and repeats the above automatic term mapping process until a match is found. PubMed ignores stopwords in searches.

If there is no match, the individual terms will be combined (ANDed) together and searched in all fields.




BIOSIS Previews®
主题=(("acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[MeSH Terms] OR ("acquired"[All Fields] AND "immunodeficiency"[All Fields] AND "syndrome"[All Fields]) OR "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[All Fields] OR "aids"[All Fields]) AND ("lung neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "neoplasms"[All Fields]) OR "lung neoplasms"[All Fields] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "cancer"[All Fields]) OR "lung cancer"[All Fields]))
时间跨度=所有年份。 数据库=BIOSIS Previews。
创建跟踪或 RSS Feed。(需要登录。)
检索结果: 17



采用PUBMED数据库的检索策略在科学引文数据库(WEB OF SCIENCE)中的检索结果如下:

Web of Science®
主题=(("acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[MeSH Terms] OR ("acquired"[All Fields] AND "immunodeficiency"[All Fields] AND "syndrome"[All Fields]) OR "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[All Fields] OR "aids"[All Fields]) AND ("lung neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "neoplasms"[All Fields]) OR "lung neoplasms"[All Fields] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "cancer"[All Fields]) OR "lung cancer"[All Fields]))
时间跨度=所有年份。 数据库=SCI-EXPANDED。
创建跟踪或 RSS Feed。(需要登录。)
检索结果: 2



采用PUBMED数据库的检索策略在Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present with Daily Update中的检索结果如下:

("acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[MeSH Terms] OR ("acquired"[All Fields] AND "immunodeficiency"[All Fields] AND "syndrome"[All Fields]) OR "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[All Fields] OR "aids"[All Fields]) AND ("lung neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "neoplasms"[All Fields]) OR "lung neoplasms"[All Fields] OR ("lung"[All Fields] AND "cancer"[All Fields]) OR "lung cancer"[All Fields]) {包含相关词汇}
- 检索词:
  • syndromemesh

  • syndromemeshes

  • terms

  • sitting

  • sittings

  • term

  • termini

  • terminus

  • terminuses

  • term resin

  • temporary endodontic restorative material

  • acquiredall

  • acquiredalls

  • fields

  • field

  • fields stain

  • immunodeficiencyall

  • immunodeficiencyalls

  • syndromeall

  • syndromealls

  • aidsall

  • aidsalls

  • lung



  • lungfuls

  • lungs

  • respiratory system lung

  • pulm

  • pulmonary

  • lung structure

  • neoplasmsmesh

  • neoplasmsmeshes

  • lungall

  • lungalls

  • neoplasmsall

  • neoplasmsalls

  • cancerall

  • canceralls

  • acquired immunodeficiency

The term 'syndromemesh' may be misspelled.  Please edit your term and rerun your search.
 12 个文本结果




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